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Today was Sunday now, the whole group ended up waking up around one or two in the afternoon, Clay and George both texted the brunettes parents to let them know they stayed over at Nick's house after they received angry messages asking for an explanation as to why they weren't home. They also told them that they'd be staying at Nick's house, again, that night, but didn't tell them why.

The group was only staying over again because tonight they were pulling the prank for everyone to come back to on Monday. So as the day passed by, all the boys drank a lot of water, ate some food, played some video games all the way up to around nine at night. This was when everyone decided to head to the school to help set everything up. When they arrived at the building, it looked like they were the last ones to show up even though everyone was told to arrive at nine thirty.

When the group stepped up on the field everyone turned their attention to them and fell silent. All of the seniors just stared at everyone, but almost all of them were focused on Clay. The blonde was about to turn and just walked away, but he heard slow clapping coming from one person as they managed their way through the crowd. "There he is! There's my favorite white boy!" Someone Shouted when they got to the front and when Clay saw them, he started to laugh, recognizing the boy almost instantly.

The two walked up to eachother as the rest of the seniors cheered for the taller boy who just beat the fuck out of someone no one dared challenging. "Schlatt! What's up! I didn't know you went here!" Clay said when the two finally got close enough. The boy now known as Schlatt laughed a bit, jokingly punching Clay in the arm a few times shook his head.

"I don't actually go here, but when I heard about some tall blonde beating the shit out of some fuck, I remembered how much of a fighter you were in middle school, so I had to come see if it was you, and looky looky, it was you." The shorter boy said before laughing a bit more, then looked behind Clay and saw another familiar face. "Techno! What's up my man! How are you enjoying your new school?" The boy said, looking at the pink haired male who was clearly annoyed.

"I'm doing just fine, it's much better than that hell hole you're at now Schlatt." The male admitted walking up to Clays side, looking down ever so slightly to look at the other.

"Well that's good I guess, I've been hearing rumors that you and Clay are starting fights left and right at this school, nice to see you both going back to your roots." Schlatt said, just to get under their skin, but all he got was two scoffs in return. "Whatever, so where's this famous George I've been told your dating Clay? I wanna meet him." The male said, and Clay pointed behind him to the group of kids and told him George was the smaller brunette.

Schlatt walked down the small hill towards George and chuckled a bit. "Ay, George, what's up? Clay's been treating you right yeah?" The boy asked as he pulled the other into a short, but tight hug, then looked down at him. As he waited for an answer, the rest of the friend group all started to walk up the hill to help with the prank.

"Uhm, yeah he's treating me just fine, but, who are you again?" The brunette asked, but before Schlatt could say any snarky remark, Clay did a little jog down to them and placed his hand on Schlatt shoulder.

"This is Schlatt, he's a one of my friends from middle school, and as you already know, Schlatt, this is my boyfriend George." Clay explained and George nodded with a small smile and took Schlatts hand before shaking it and meeting him properly. Soon enough, the boys went up the hill to help out, Clay and Schlatt catching up a bit before he said goodbye and went to his own school to help out. Yes it was only March and the seniors were pulling their prank, but that was only because they decided on doing one huge prank the night after prom, then a bunch of small ones till the end of the school year.

This year's prank was recreating the haunted house that made history, but everything was going to be more neatly done and even more scary since they were able to get their hands on more things than the kids in the 80s. As the night progressed, the prank got even better, but at around three in the morning, every seniors phone went off with an emergency alert, and when Clay and George read the message, both of them went into a complete panic.

"Today at around two thirty in the morning today, there was a prison riot resulting in a few prisoners escaping. One of the prisoners that was most noticeably missing was a white male that police officers stated is very dangerous. His name is Cyrus Collins and he left behind a note for his son, Clay Collins, that reads, "Don't even try running from me boy, by the time you hear this message I've already found you and you're going to pay for your mothers death so help me!" Clay if you're hearing this message, please for your own safety hide yourself. If anyone sees this prisoner, police ask that you call immediately to report, he's a white male, about 5'11, brown eyes, brown hair and police say he weighs around 195 pounds, last seen he was still wearing his prison jumpsuit. And again, Clay please find safety now."

After everyone heard the announcement, the seniors turned their attention to Clay who was starting to shake, causing him to drop his phone. George, Techno, and the rest of the feral boys, including Sam all ran over to the blonde, Schlatt already on his way back over to the blondes highschool, tried to get the boy to safety, but they didn't make it far. When the small group reached the bottom of the hill, Cyrus was already waiting down there for his son. "Long time no see boy." Cyrus stated, causing Clay to stand still, incapable of doing anything.


Heh, sorry bout this.

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