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After George came out of the bathroom dressed, he made his way right over to the blonde who was laying on the bed, scrolling through Twitter since there was nothing better to do. The blonde didn't even notice George came over until his phone was snatched out of his hands and a very heavy blanket jumped on him with a little giggle. "George!" The boy called out before breaking out in a little fit of laughter, wrapping his arms around the smaller.

The brunette was still touched by Clays words and actions today that it put him in some sort of lovey clingy mood to the point he couldn't leave the boys side for more than ten minutes. This didn't bother the blonde either, he was actually happy with all the hugs he was receiving after the brunette finished with his bath. "Can we watch a movie until my mom calls us down for dinner please?" The brunette asked, nuzzling his face deeper into the tallers chest.

Clay smiled and rubbed small circles on the others back as he nodded. "Yeah we can watch a movie, do you want a Pixar one?" He asked, and almost instantly he felt an eager nod against his chest, causing him to chuckle a little. "Okay, how about Toy Story 4?" The boy asked, yet again feeling the same nod from the brunette.

After a few minutes, Clay signed into the brunettes laptop and went into Disney+ before turning on the movie. The smaller boy didn't move at all during this process besides pull the blanket up, over the both of them. Clay kept his arms wrapped gently around the smaller, like usual, he was being protective, George didn't pay any mind to it however, he just enjoyed being with his favorite person, not like he'd admit that.


As the movie progressed, so did the boys' tiredness until they ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie. Jenna called them a few times for dinner, but of course, neither of them woke up, so she came upstairs, Michael following after her quickly. When the parents walked into the room, they were about to say something, but they stopped, taking in the sight.

The blonde was spooning the other boy, holding him very close, his face nuzzled into his back while the brunette held his hand with the laptop play a movie. Both the cats had made their way onto the bed as well and laid down, snuggling close to the brunette, both of them asleep. Jenna was the first to hold her hands to her chest, smiling and make a small awe noise, Michael only smiled, approving of the two boys.

Instead of just waking them up, Michael lead his wife out of the room, shut the door quietly behind him and the two went down to the dining room, eating in a peaceful silence. The two adults packed up the leftovers and put them in the fridge for when the two teens decided to eat, then went to the living room and watched a show.

For the rest of the night, the two teens didn't leave their room and just slept, which the adults didn't mind, they figured at least one of them would get up and make them both a snack in the middle of the night. Soon enough though, Michael and Jenna had gone to bed, and Clay had woken up, but he didn't want to move.

The blonde stayed awake, noticing that Pixar's WALL•E was about halfway over, and that it was around one in the morning. The boy was a bit hungry at the moment, but he didn't want to risk waking the other male up. At some point though, his stomach growled and he heard the brunette sigh gently and mumble. "Clay, go get something to eat and make you stomach shut up." The boy mumbled tired, causing the blonde to giggle quietly.

Clay sat up slightly and leaned over, kissing the brunettes cheek softly before he spoke. "Alright, do you want me to make you anything while I'm down there?" The male asked, but to his surprise, the smaller shook his head.

"No, but do get enough food for yourself and some more so I can steal some of it." George said, rolling over a little to look at his boyfriend with a lazy smile, a smile Clay could only smile back and nod at.

Soon the taller got up and quietly made his way downstairs and to the kitchen. When he arrived, he looked in the fridge first and noticed the leftover dinner, so he pulled the container out, and got a plate out as well. It was lasagna, so he cut out a piece big enough for him, and George to share before placing the plate in the microwave and starting to heat it back up.

During this process, he accidentally woke Michael up and caused him to come down to the kitchen. "Oh, hey Clay, I didn't actually expect you to wake up." Michael spoke when he saw the boy cleaning up a random mess in the kitchen.

The blonde jumped a little and looked over at the adult before looking a bit sorry. "Ah, I'm sorry if I woke you, I was trying to be quiet." The boy apologized, but Michael just chuckled and shook his head while waving his hand.

"No no, you didn't wake me at all, I just came down for a glass of water, and a little snack." The adult explained, seeing a small nod come from the other male as he went over to the microwave. The two did their own things for a second, Clay making sure his and George's dinner was warm enough, and Michael getting some water and a little handful of chips.

The atmosphere was filled with a comfortable silence for a little but when Clay was about to head up to the room, Michael spoke up again. "Clay." The adult started, hearing a hum from the boy afterwards. "You promise to take care of my son correct? No matter what happens? Even if things take a turn?" The adult finished, this time getting more of the blonde attention.

Clay turned fully around, placing the plate and utensils on the island before looking at Michael, a bit confused. "Yes? Of course I would?" The boy answered, a bit curious, but also worried where this conversation was going. "Is everything okay Mr. Davidson?" The blonde asked cautiously, furrowing his brows a little.

"Oh! Yes! Don't worry yourself Clay! I was just asking." Michael quickly confirmed seeing the other boys expression. "It's just, George tends to fall into a little depression state and close people off, so I wanted to know if that were to happen again, that you'd be there no matter what." Michael continued with a small sigh, taking a little sip of his water.

The blonde stood there a bit shocked, George never mentioned anything remotely close to him having depression, but then again, he can't blame the boy. "I'll be there no matter what Mr. Davidson, no need to worry about that." The taller soon answered, a little forced smile on his face. He earned himself a nod of approval before he was let go, so he grabbed the plate and utensils before heading back up to the room.


Yo, quick question for you all, should I start another story? Or souly just work on this one till its finished?

Either way I have many ideas to write about, so uh, let me know. Have a great rest of your day/night.

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