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Several hours had passed now and it was now three in the afternoon, the brunette still having no signs of the 'missing' blonde. He tried calling, but after a few calls he remembered seeing the other boys phone on the bed side table. The boy was starting to genuinely worry about the blonde, it wasn't like him not to leave a message saying where he was going and when he'd be back. After another hour of just walking around, he was going to go home, but he ended up walking right into a certain blonde. When he looked up and saw his boyfriends face, he was angry and happy at the same time, but mostly angry. "Clay! Where did you go?! Why didn't you leave a message or anything?!" The boy almost shouted, dragging some attention from people around them.

Clay just sighed and grabbed the brunettes hand gently and walked forward, trying to find a place that wasn't full of people. While waking, he was practically dragging the smaller boy with him who was currently acting like a baby who didn't get what they wanted. When the boy finally found somewhere less populated he stopped walking and turned around to face the smaller boy who still looked angry. "Why are you out here? Don't tell me you went out looking for me." The blonde said crossing his arms over before pinching the bridge of his nose, slightly annoyed. The boy just hoped the other wasn't following him around the whole day and that this was the first time he saw him.

"Oh so you're mad at me? For trying to make sure you were safe? That's not how this works Clay, and for your information, I've been looking for you all day." The boy admitted, only gaining a frustrated sigh from the taller boy. "So, now tell me where you've been all day that was so important you couldn't leave me a note or a message." The angry boy asked, and this time, the taller removed his hand from his nose and slid his hands in his pockets, giving a simple shrug. "Clay please, I was worried that something bad happened to you." The boy said, softening his tone by a tremendous amount till it was about a whisper filled with complete worry.

Hearing this sort of tone caught the blondes attention and he looked at the boy, a guilt feeling building up in his chest for being so bratty the past few minutes. "I'm sorry George, I should've left a note, and I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for worrying about me, I won't run off again without telling you where I'm going again." The blonde said, looking at the brunette, but then looked down, saying things in his head that attacked himself, like, 'You screwed up', 'You should be getting punched right now', 'You really do ruin things' and even more, but he was brought out of his thoughts when he felt the smallers arms wrap around him, and his head falling onto his chest.

"It's okay, don't beat yourself up about it either Clay, I know you have your own life, just, leave a note next time." The brunette said, a smile starting to form on his face when he felt the blondes arms wrap tightly around him. The boy even let out a small giggle when he felt the blondes head weight rest on his own in a protective way. "Well, now that I found you, let's get home, my mom's been texting and calling me all day worrying about you, I even got a few texts from my dad." The boy said, looking up at the taller who looked back at him, nodding his head with a smile. The brunette leaned up and gave a quick peck to the blondes cheek before holding his hand and starting to walk back home.


Eventually the boys walled inside, talking to eachother like nothing went on that day besides their usual daily routine. Jenna and Michael on the other hand practically ran over to the two teens and pulled them into a tight hug, causing Clay to accidentally squeeze the brunettes hand. This was only because bits of painful memories of his parents flashed through his mind and the brunette could see something was wrong. So with no second thought, the brunette wiggled him and Clay out of the hug and for once, he was pulling the blonde behind him a little. His parents were confused at first, but then they noticed both of the teens facial expressions and decided not to question it, rather they started to question where the boy was.

"Clay where have you been all day? You had us all worried sick about you?" Jenna asked, crossing her arms as she waited for an answer. Michael was a little upset about what happened today, but he also knew that Clay wasn't their kid and he had his own things to attend to. The blonde just sighed and looked between the two adults, seeing that Jenna was more upset, so he focused on her before answering her question, but the brunette beat him to it.

"I guess Nick had some emergency at his place today and he needed some help with it, he called me first, but I wasn't awake yet, but Clay was so he left." The smaller said, coming up with the cover right on the spot and after he spoke, Jenna looked at at the blonde to see if this was true. The boy noticed and nodded his head, he decided to add a bit more to the story to make it sound more convincing.

"Sorry, I would've left a note or something, but Nick said it was urgent and I couldn't waste time, so I just ran out." He added, gaining sighs from both parents and they left the boys alone with an okay. Once Jenna and Michael were out of sight in the living room, the boys both let out breaths they didn't know they were holding. George took hold of the blondes hand again and dragged him upstairs to their room, a smile on his face as he went. "George, you know you didn't have to make up some story, I could've told them I went to work." The taller said after they walked into the room and the brunette looked back at the other boy.

They smiled at eachother before George started talking. "They know you don't work on the weekends, they also know you only work for a few hours after we're all supposed to be asleep, they caught you one night walking away from our house and asked me about it." The boy answered, walking over to the bed and sitting down to look at his phone. Clay nodded with a small laugh and walked over to the bed as well. Instead of sitting next to the boy though, he placed his hands on either side on the bed of the boy, one of his knees pressed on the bed between the smallers legs, and leaned over, causing the brunette to blush.

"I guess thanks for lying for me Georgie." The blonde said before turning his head slightly and placing his lips on the brunettes gently. The smaller almost instantly kissed back, wrapping his arms around the blondes neck and laying back on the bed, bringing the other with him. As the two teens kissed one another, forgetting there were other people in the house who were called parents, they were interrupted by Michael this time. He was respectful enough to turn around though and give a small cough to let the boys know he was there.

The second the two boys heard the cough, Clay got off the brunette and sat on the opposite side of the bed, wiping around his mouth off, seeing the brunette do the same. "Uhm, dinners done boys." Was all Michael said, but he heard the boys get up and walk out the room. Michael stopped Clay in his path and waited till George was down the stairs before he spoke. "I'm happy you finally did something Clay, just, don't be another Justine okay?" Michael asked, but didn't bother staying for an answer and just headed downstairs, leaving the blonde confused. Justine's been said so many times around him and nobody yet has explained to him what was going on, but he didn't ask Michael, he just followed him downstairs and to the kitchen.

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