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Clay arrived at his house George trailing behind him and he braced himself for what he was about to walk into. He told George to stay outside in a serious tone, so he obeyed and Clay ran inside and right when the door opened, screaming from both his parents could be heard.

"Where the fuck did this rat come from!?" The blonde heard his father yell, so Clay shot a glance over and saw his father holding up his cat, Patches, by her extra skin on her neck and shaking her slightly to present to his mother. He could've sworn he felt his heart drop when he saw the sight, but without a second thought, Clay was raising his own voice.

"Put her down! Now!" Clay shouted through the house, staring his father down with the deadliest glare he could pull together. The blonde had his fist clenched while he stood and when his father looked over, pissed off more than ever, he dropped the cat and stared at his son.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! Walking into MY house and giving ME orders! You know how much trouble you're in boy!?" Clay's father yelled as he approached his son, but the blonde didn't budge at all, he was prepared for a punch, but instead of just being a punching bag, he'd be an opponent.

Thus, so began the battle, father vs son, and the both of them were way too pissed off to care about anything beside beating the other. The blonde had forgotten about the boy who was on his front lawn, he also forgot that their constant shouting and shoving into walls was very noticeable from outside the door.

George could hear everything from outside, all the cussing, all the hitting, all the shoving and all the glass breaking. He wanted to call someone obviously, but Clay had told him if he did that, then things wouldn't look too great for himself and his parents.

So, after hearing a few more noises, the brunette had enough and he ran inside, unclear of what'd he see, but what he did see surprised him even more than seeing Clay all beaten up earlier. When the brunette opened the door, he was met with the blonde on top of his father, punching the shit out of him as he yelled, but it was replaced with his father pushing him down then punching the blonde, of course, more yelling.

When Clay caught sight of George, his eyes widened, but all he did was point to Patches and yelled at him to leave. Clay's father was way too worked up to even notice George grabbing Patches, and his mother was already off in her own world full of drugs.

After getting Patches and getting to the door, the brunette stopped and looked back at the other boy, but almost instantly regretted looking. The sight he saw was terrifying, Clay's father was still on top of him, just shouting now, but George could now see some of the damage that had been down and it looked awful. One of Clays eyes were red, blood coming out from many wounds on his face, including his nose and mouth, of course bruises were there, but all the boy did was tell the other to leave.

This time though, Clay's father noticed George and got up, walking quickly towards him, but before he could even say a word to him, Clay pushed him away, then pushed George out before slamming the door. After being shoved, the brunette ran all the way home, holding Patches close to him as tears threaten to spill over.

When he got home, both his parents looked over and quickly ran over to him. "George, sweetie, what's going on? What happened?" His mother asked, pulling the brunette into a hug as his father took the new cat from him and rubbed his back.

"It's Clay! The boy I always talk about mom! The quiet one! H-He's practically dying right now! Him and his father are fighting till the death!" George practically yelled into his mother's shoulder as he clung to her, sobbing now.

George's father was already off calling the cops, he knew exactly who and where Clay was, they knew this day was going to come, the day George and Clay would meet up once more and the brunette would find out about the other males parents.

After a few minutes, the older brunette walked back over to his wife and looked at her. "The cops will be there any second, I'm going down there to ride with  Clay to the hospital, knowing his father, he'll need an x-ray, and just a check up." He spoke like he knew this was going to happen, but before George could question it, his father had set Patches down and was out the door.

George tried to follow after his father, but his mother wouldn't let him go, she knew that she had to explain herself and her husband to George so he'd understand, but she wanted to wait for their guest to come back.


Time had passed by, George was sat in his room, snuggling with both the cats and curled up in Clay's hoodie he left here earlier. Him and the other boy may have only been friends for a few days, but the brunette couldn't help but worry every second about the blonde, he couldn't help but silently feel hot tears stream down his face as he held Patches very close.

Clay on the other hand was sat in a hospital chair, getting test done after test, the brunettes father sat next to him to make sure he didn't leave. The blonde could only think about the other boy though, wondering if he was doing okay, hoping he wasn't worrying himself to the point he wouldn't do anything.

Soon enough, Clay was let go with nothing broken, but he had some stitches and pain killers, yet he just threw them away since this isn't his first time dealing with this type of pain. The brunettes father tried to speak with Clay, but he wasn't listening, he wasn't even following him to his car.

The boy was making his way to the other boys house by foot, by running there basically even though every step was a little painful. After about fifteen minutes of sprinting, Clay had knocked, but opened the door anyways and saw the brunettes mother who only pointed upstairs.

The blonde rushed upstairs before walking into George's room and when he was met with how the boy look, he felt a pain in his chest. "George...?" was all the boy could say before he walked over and pulled the brunette up and into a tight hug.

George was surprised, but took no time to hug Clay back, clenching onto the back of his sweatshirt. After a minute of hugging, Clay pulled back a little and looked at the boy, "He didn't hurt you did he? He wasn't able to lay a finger on you right?" The blonde asked, scanning the boys face for any mark, even if it was small.

The brunette huffed out a small chuckle and smiled, "No he didn't, thanks to your heroic ass, why didn't you just run out with me instead of staying there? You really scared me Clay." George said, leaning back into the blonde and resting his head on the boys chest.

The blonde kept his arms around the smaller, and rested his head on top of the others. Clay let out a small sigh and just held George, trying to figure out an answer to the question.

"Well, I knew if I ran with you, then he'd most likely follow us and then tackle one of us, and I couldn't risk that being you, he's not your problem." The boy said after a few minutes and all he got was a small head nod before they were interrupted but the brunettes parents in the doorway.

The teens quickly let go of eachother and faced the doorway to see the brunettes parents already making their way in, sad looks on both their faces.

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