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When the boys arrived at the cabin, Clay was the first to get out and just admire the smallish cabin. Since Nick's parents owned some sort of company, they bought a cabin that was in the woods, only a little bit always from a huge lake. "Nice huh? My parents said that they put a California King sized bed in both the bedrooms, plus they upgraded the bathrooms to have sperate baths and showers." Nick stated, going to his best friends side.

Okay, maybe the cabin was a lot bigger than small, but it looked small from the outside. "Man, I didn't realize how rich you actually were, why do you hang with a free loader like me?" The boy asked, only half joking, but that didn't stop the ravenette from smacking the back of his head.

"Oh shut up Clay, you're not a free loader, and I hang out with you because your fun to be around asshole." Nick stated, then let out a little huff and looked off to the side. "Plus, you don't use me for money, I noticed you don't even care that my parents are rich...you've never even asked for a penny." The boy admitted, and almost instantly he was pulled into a headlock and his hair was being ruffled by the taller.

"Don't get all sappy on me now Nick, we just got here." The blonde said through a little chuckle and let his friend go. Nick on the other hand looked at the boy before letting out a small sigh and hugging him.

"I mean it Clay, seriously, you're a good friend, don't talk down on yourself, or let who your parents were decide who you are, got it?." The boy started, surprised to feel his friend hug him back. "Otherwise I'll lecture you until the day your dead." The boy finished off with a joke, which resulted in the both of them laughing.

As they talked and laughed, the two didn't realize the three, now awake, boys standing side by side behind the two hugging. "Ahem, so are you two going to make out now? Or can we head inside?" The beenie boy announced, startling the two that were hugging. They only laughed though staring at the three.

"Oh don't lie, you three would like to see that." Clay joked before the two started making kissy noises, causing George to roll his eyes with a smile, and the other two to shake their heads, also smiling.

Soon enough George had claimed his boyfriend back a dragged him to the car so they could start bringing things into the cabin, despite it being around eight now. "How did you sleep?" The blonde asked, walking into the cabin with the smaller.

"It was as best as a car nap could be." The boy stated, then looked up. "How was your sappy quality time with Nick?" The boy quizzed, raising an eyebrow. "Should I be expecting him to be sleeping with us now?" The boy joked, causing the other to wheeze and shake his head.

"Oh my god George, no, and for your information, it was a nice quality time." The taller said after his little fit of laughter. The brunette only nodded, chuckling a little as they walked into their room.

"Holy shit!" The two heard Alex from down the hall, they were confused at first, but then started laughing after hearing him again. "This bed's fucking giant!" He yelled again.


The cabin was soon filled with all the boys chatter, they were finished unpacking and settled in for their week long stay. "Well, it's late, and I think I can talk for both me and Clay here, but I'm ready for bed, we didn't get the luxury of sleeping in the car." Nick said as he stood from the couch, doing a little stretch.

"Mm, I'm not actually that tired anymore, that nap in the car did me a lot of justice." George stated, nuzzling back in the couch.

"I agree with George, the couch's pretty comfy and I'm not that tired." Karl said next, and Alex gave a hum of agreement while putting an arm across Karl's shoulders with a smile.

"Ugh, assholes." Nick mumbled under his breath before turning towards the blonde and extending his arm out. "Shall we, good sir?" The ravenette asked with a raised eyebrow. The boy was just asking if the other wanted to go to bed, but he had to make a whole thing out of it.

Clay held back a little chuckle and took the smaller boys hand. "We shall." He said, making his voice sound as fancy as he could as he stood up. The other three still on the couch either laughed or groaned watching the two males make their way towards the stairs that lead up to the room, and of course they held each other's hands to be even extra.

"That's a bit gay don't you think?" Alex called after the two while they walked up the stairs hand in hand.

Nick turned and flipped him off as Clay looked back at the beenie kid. "You're a bit gay, don't you think Alex?" The blonde said, causing everyone to laugh, besides Alex as he tried to think of a comeback. When he did think of one though, the boys had already disappeared.

"God, they're so weird when they're together." Karl pointed out after they heard only one of the bedroom doors close, signaling them that the two most likely decided to sleep in the same room to be even more extra.

"Yeah, but I mean at least their friends right? And not like mortal enemies." George said, a little smile on his face since he was glad there was no fight about one being popular and the other not even close, or a fight about one being rich and the other not having such a great life, he was just happy that everyone could be friends.

"True, true, but that also means your fucking boyfriend just took my bed." Alex complained, getting the other two to laugh.

The three talked for a little while, just making plans for the week and talked about what they'd make for the other two for breakfast tomorrow, considering that they drove and let the three of them sleep. Soon enough though, the boys said their good night's and went to their rooms, of course though, when Alex and Karl went to their room, they saw that the two had indeed gone to the same bedroom and went to sleep.

The two boys immediately started giggling and called George back to their room at a whisper, in which he came out and over to them. George giggled and pulled out his phone to take pictures of the two boys who were currently passed out spooning, of course the taller being the bigger spoon. "They're definitely weird, that's for sure." The brunette whispered, seeing the other two nod their heads and Alex quietly shut the door.

"That is very true, but you know what that means?" Karl quizzed, looking over at the confused brunette. "You're stuck with us for the night George." The taller brunette stated, seeing the other roll his eyes with a little smile and walk to his room, motioning for the other two to follow him.

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