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After a little bit, Clay walked out of the bathroom, a small blush on his face as he did so, but he didn't say a word and just let the rest of the boys get ready. When the two walked downstairs, the duo tried to walk out as fast as they could, but they were quickly stopped when Jenna ran in front of the door and looked at the boys, admiring both of their outfits. She first looked at her son, smiling brightly seeing him wear white high top converse, a black skirt with a light blue hoodie tucked in it. She noticed that his nails were painted as well as he was wearing eyeliner, thanks to Karl's steady hands.

Then she turned her attention to the tall blonde standing next to the brunettes side. He was wearing black boots with black cargo pants and a cropped lime green hoodie with a fishnet shirt beneath it. He also wore his signature chains, rings and earrings, his nails were still painted and when Jenna followed the chain, she saw the smiley face tattoo, but decided to let it slide. "You both look so adorable! When did you guys decide to dress like this?" She asked, really excited the two were coming out of their comfort zones.

"Well, when you and dad went out yesterday, we all drove to the mall, but since me and Clay arrived first, we decided to buy eachother outfits we'd have to wear no matter what." George said, rubbing the back of his neck a bit nervous, but he was just glad his father was nowhere to be seen. Jenna just smiled and hugged her son tight.

"Well you look adorable George, you should let Clay pick more of your outfits." She whispered to the boy before letting out a small giggle. Then she turned to the taller boy and gave him a hug as well. "I convinced Michael to let you continue driving the car, just take care of it and my little George, and, I expect you to tell us more about this mystery sister of yours." Jenna whispered before pulling away and putting the keys in the blondes hand with a smile. She walked passed the duo and said her hellos to the trio behind them before disappearing to the kitchen.

All the boys let out breaths they didn't know they were holding and walked out of the house with their bags. Small conversations were shared before the group split up into two cars. Clay and Nick started up their cars before starting to drive, Nick in front of Clay for the time being. "I guess my parents are finally comfortable letting one of us drive." The brunette started, looking out his window before looking over at his boyfriend. "And I'm glad it's you, I'm terrible at driving, and you seem like a safe enough driver." The brunette finished, adding a small joke at the end which got him a small chuckle from the blonde.

"I'm not actually the best at driving, I'm still getting used to it since, well, as you know I didn't have a car." The boy said, a small sigh escaping him afterwords. The brunette heard a hint of sadness in his tone so he reached over and held the blondes free hand and smiled at him. Clay looked over for a second and smiled back before returning his eyes to the road. "I'm surprised you actually wore that today Georgie, I figured you'd give me a lecture on how it's inappropriate and only wear it at home." The taller said, changing the subject as they got closer to the school.

"pft, you'd like to see me wear this around the house wouldn't you Clay?" The brunette asked, meaning it as a rhetorical question, not expecting an answer as he looked back out the window. The blond however blushed ever so slightly before stopping at a red light and turning to look at the brunette. He reached over and hooked his finger under smaller boys chin, gently turning his head so they could be eye to eye. Clay had a smirk on his face, causing the other to start blushing.

The blonde leaned over, placing a quick, but loving kiss on the smallers lips before looking back at him. "If you're offering to wear your skirt more often Georgie, I'll happily accept." The boy said, lowering his voice, but before the other boy could say anything, Clay turned back to the road and started driving, seeing the light turn green. For the rest of the car ride to school, George was silent, his face bright red from what the blonde said, and how deep his voice was. Clay took notice of this at some point, and took it as an opportunity to place his free hand on the inner side of the smallers thigh, prepared to move away if he was told to, but he never was.

The duo soon arrived at the school and the blonde parked the car, removing his hand from the brunette in the process and grabbed his backpack. He swore he heard some sort of whine come from the brunette when he moved his hand away, but he wasn't going to question it, instead, he handed the smaller his bag. The two both took in deep breaths before getting out of the car, people immediately turning to look their way considering they parked up at the very front so people saw the car Clay was driving. Everyone started pulling out their phones to take pictures and videos and the blonde just owned it, he acted confident, taking full advantage of his height in the process to look confident too.

He noticed George look a bit uncomfortable, so he walked over, a gentle smile on his face when his eyes met the brunettes mismatched ones. He slung his arm across his shoulders and started walking into the school, pretending as if there was no one there. "Just pay no attention to them okay Georgie, but if you start to get too uncomfortable tell me okay, we can leave at any time." The taller said, leaning down and kissing the top of the other's head, receiving a small giggle from the other as they walked inside.

"Jeez Clay, when did you become all confident and a better comforter, you used to be so bad at both of them." The boy joke, looking up to see an obviously joking hurt face on his boyfriends face before he earned an overly dramatic 'rude'. "What? It's true and you know it." The boy said, nuzzling his face into the tallers side. The blonde held him closer as they met up with their group of friends, everyone besides Nick, Karl and Alex looking surprised to see the two teens in this type of clothing.

They all stared, just surprised with the clothing choice, but finally one of them spoke up. "Well don't you two look all cleaned up, does Clay have something planned for the both of you or something George?" Zak asked, a teasing tone in his voice and everybody knew what the boy was hinting at, even his boyfriend, the most innocent out of them all. Darryl yelled a language at the boy as a very flustered brunette grabbed the tallers sleeve and speed walked to their first period, not saying a word, and the blonde didn't even want to question it since he knew the answer already.

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