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After a long walk, Clay finally sat down under a big weeping willow, George sitting down next to him before the blonde decided to speak. "y'know, I had a whole speech and everything planned out, but it's all gone from my head." The boy admitted looking down at the smaller who just got even more confused. The blonde smiled, reaching over and holding the other boys' hand, squeezing it gently before standing up even though he just sat down. The other boy followed his friends lead and stood in front of him, more confused than ever at the moment. The green eyed male took hold of both the smaller hands and smiled gently. "George Davidson, would you go to prom with me not only as my date, but as my boyfriend?" He asked, trying not to get his hopes up too much.

After the question went through his head, George swore his heart stopped for a few seconds as the widest smile took over his face. The boy practically threw himself onto Clay with a jump hug, he couldn't help it, he's liked the blonde for a long time now, and hearing this made his whole year. "Of course Clay! Of course I'll go!" He almost yelled out of excitement as he felt the blonde hug him back tight, a small chuckle escaping both of them. After a few minutes of just hugging George gave the other boy a quick peck on the lips before grabbing his hand gently and sitting on the ground, then laying on his back to look at the stars, of course Clay following him in the process.

The two boys just laid on the ground for awhile star gazing, George sometimes pointing out shooting stars when they passed by. Soon enough though, it was getting cold and late, plus curfew was right around the corner so the duo decided to go home. Currently the blonde was walking inside his and George's home, carrying the sleeping boy on his back. He was just in time to beat curfew and he saw Michael in the corner of his eye and gave a small smile to him before heading up to the bedroom. When the blonde walked into their room he took his and George's shoes off, then laid the brunette down on the bed, covering him up with the blankets.

Clay took his hoodie off so he was left in his tank top and sweatpants and went over to both their cats food dishes before giving them each a small scoop of food. After hearing the food clanking in the dish, both cats jumped off the bed and hurried over, both rubbing up against the blonde as a thank you before eating. He gave them each a few pets before standing up and going back over to the bed and laying down. The boy was above the blankets since he got warm easily, but he wasn't tired, so he just stayed awake on his phone, that only lasted about forty minutes before it died. He ended up texting Nick about the good news, and let's just say Nick was really excited and happy for his friends for finally figuring everything out.

When the boys phone died, he sighed and put it on the charger, he was going to lay back down, but instead, he got up and walked over to the window sill and sat down on the little ledge. The boy opened the window and just looked out, soon Patches came over and jumped on his lap and laid there. She received pets from the blonde as they sat there, Clay seemingly looking at nothing as Patches fell asleep. At one point though, a pillow was thrown at the boy, getting his attention and Patches's attention. "Clay~ close the window~ I'm cold." The blonde heard a familiar voice whine at him with a tired voice. The boy smiled with a quiet chuckle and set his cat down on the floor, closed the window and went over to the bed.

The blonde laid down, under the blankets this time and right when he did so, George snuggled right up to him like he was magnet. The blonde held his smile as he wrapped his arms around the smaller boy to hold him closer. George just smiled in return as the two boys snuggled together, not saying a single word since the silence was comfortable. After about ten minutes, the brunette had fallen back asleep leaving the taller still awake thinking about everything. When the sun was barley up yet, the taller decided to just stay awake instead of falling asleep now. The boy carefully removed the sleeping male from his arms and got up, going over to the closet before getting dressed.

Once he was dressed and his teeth were brushed, he gave the cats both a few pets, kissed George's forehead, then walked out of the room before leaving the house quietly. The boy didn't leave a note on the fridge, or even a text message to tell the brunette where he was going, as a matter a fact, he didn't even take his phone with him. At around eight or nine, the brunette woke up with a small stretch and yawn. He was a bit confused not feeling the taller by his side, but he figured that he was just downstairs, talking to either his parents or simply making breakfast.

Soon enough, George walked out of his room to be met with the smell of French toast, of course he though Clay was in the kitchen, so he smiled walking downstairs and to the kitchen. When he walked in however, he was met with his mother instead of the blonde. "Good morning sweets, is Clay still sleeping?" His mother asked, looking over at her son with a gentle smile, but noticed the confused look on his face. "What's wrong George? Is everything okay?" She asked again, this time turning the burner off and heading over to the boy.

"You haven't seen Clay? Like, at all today?" He answered with another question and gained a head shake no from his mother. "Oh, maybe he went out for a morning walk, he's not in bed..." The boy almost mumbled, looking down as he thought about places the boy could be. His mother only answered with an okay before returning to her cooking, but the brunette went over to the front door, slid his shoes on and said a quick goodbye. He didn't wait to hear his mother's words before he shut the door, leaving the porch and started walking around. He wanted to find the boy, but he also wanted to give him space, so if he so happened to bump into him by accident, he could just say he went out for a walk.


"Hey, Hey, you said I have until Friday, it's only Sunday, so get out of here before anyone sees you."

"I said Friday, but plans have changed, and he wants it now, so for the sake of both of us, just hand it over."

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