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As the school day went on, Clay was sat in the principles office, reading a book since he was done with all his school work, but he got distracted by a very angry Justin glaring at him. This was all Justin did for the first half of the day, he just sat and glared at the blonde boy. When lunch came, the principal was picking favorites and let Clay go have lunch in the lunch hall with all his friends, but made Justin stay back since he was the main problem.

When the blonde walked into the lunch hall, he went over to his table and sat down next to George with a little smile on his face. Everyone was surprised to see the blonde, but they all began talking again, more excitement behind their words. As they all talked, Clay stole a few fries from his boyfriends meal and the brunette didn't mind it, he was just glad to see him eating. "So, Clay, how's suspension going? Is the principal letting you in on all the teacher drama?" Nick asked before eating the fry in his hand.

The blonde smiled and laughed a little bit as he shook his head. "No, but he's been on the phone all day with some people, it sounds like there is some drama going on though." The blonde admitted, earning some 'oh's' from the group, urging him to continue. "Well, from what I can tell, Ms. Bell's been sleeping with Mr. Ofread and Mrs. O'Connor." The boy said at a whisper, but the group broke out in a huge fit of laughter and chatter about the topic, even George and Techno talked about the topic.

Soon enough though, lunch came to an end and Clay gave the brunette a goodbye kiss and started walking back to the office. "Awe, no kissy for me Clay, how rude." Nick playfully whined, not too far behind the blonde who chuckled. Clay turned around and playfully gave the raventte a quick kiss on his head before ruffling his hair.

"There you go weirdo." The blonde said as he turned around and walked into the office, hearing Nick talking to him.

"Thank you Clay~" The boy teased, before turning around to face the rest of his group, seeing his angry boyfriends and an angry George. "Shit..." He mumbled before turning around and booking his way to his class, laughing a little hearing his boyfriends chase after him, yelling at him.


After school was over, the two boys in the office were let go and Clay thanked the principal for letting him eat lunch with his friends and complimented his appearance. He was just trying to stay on the principals good side, and so far, it was working, but when he walked out of the office and school, Justin just threw threats at him continuously. At some point though, Justin threw out a threat about George, catching the blondes attention. "I'll make sure George drops you and comes back to me, his rightful owne-" Justin tried to say, but Clay had picked the boy up by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall, away from school cameras.

The blonde had the boy off the ground and pushed hard against the wall as he death glared him. "Stop referring to George as yours, or as a thing you can just buy, because he's not, he'll never be yours again, and I'll make sure of that, even if he does leave me, you'll be a decision he never thinks of." The boy snapped at the other, a small growl behind his words, and when Justin didn't say anything back, the blonde dropped him to the ground, glared at him, then walked off to the parking lot.

When the blonde got to his car, he saw the brunette hop of the hood and run over to him with a smile. "Clay! I missed you so much today! I don't think I can stand another day of school without you." The boy said, jumping into the blondes arms, feeling the taller quickly wrap his arms around him and spin him around for a moment before setting him down. The brunette chuckled a bit and looked up at the taller before planting a few kisses on his cheek.

"It's just one more day Georgie, you'll survive I promise, then we can hug and cuddle all weekend." The blonde said, attacking the smaller with cheek kisses, getting the boy to laugh a little before hugging him a bit tighter, a gentle smile on his face.

"That sounds nice." The brunette almost whispered, gaining a small kiss on his head from the blonde before they broke apart. The two made their way to the car and got in before starting to drive home. It was silent the whole way there, but it was a comfortable silence, and when they got home, the boys walked inside and were met with the two adults greeting them.

"Hey boys, how was school? And, how was suspension?" Michael asked, glancing between the two teens who just smiled at the brunettes parents.

"Well, school was very boring without Clay, but at lunch, the principal let him come out and eat lunch with us." George started, earning smiles and chuckles from his parents before he continued. "But by the end of lunch, Nick practically begged Clay for a small head kiss before he went back into the office, and for some reason he gave him one." The brunette finished, playfully punching the blonde on his arm, hearing small giggles come from his mom.

"I also learned about some teacher drama happening at our school, so that was pretty cool I guess, I also got all my school work and half my book read today." The blonde added, getting the attention of both adults at the mention of drama, so he proceeded to tell them what he heard. Surprisingly, both adults acted like they were teenagers and enjoyed hearing about what all was happening.

For the rest of the night, the boys ended up staying out of their room to hang out with the adults to talk or watch some movie or a few episodes of a show. The two teens were glad that the tension that used to be in the air because of punishments and what not, was melted away, and they could finally become closer again. By the time the two adults headed in for bed, the two teens went to their own bed and watched a few animated movies before falling asleep in each other's arms.

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