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Today, today was Saturday, the day everyone's been dreading for days, and that was the brunettes grandfather's funeral, the time where they'd have to face the fact he was actually gone and it wasn't some sick and messed up prank he was pulling. Everyone in the Davidson's house were all currently climbing into Michael's car to go to the ceremony. Out of them all though, George was struggling the most with the whole situation since his grandfather was the person he was closest too, the person who supported him most, the person he came out to first. Of course, Michael was having a hard time too since he just lost his father, but they weren't too close, so it wasn't affecting him as much as his son.

Jenna and Clay both became pillars of support for the two males who were clearly way more upset then them. Since Michael was driving, Jenna just rubbed his back and said little comfort things, but since the two boys were in the back, George ended up sitting in the middle seat so he could be closer to the blonde who was holding him in a side hug. The brunette could only curl up in a ball and lean into the tallers side without beginning to sob, and he knew it too, when they woke up this morning, George tried to tell the blonde good morning, but he couldn't even speak since he was already upset about today. Clay of course wasn't too upset since he only met the guy twice before he passed away, but there was still that little part of him that was sad even if he didn't want to admit it.


The ceremony was over now, and people were leaving one by one, or just hanging around a bit to talk and share their favorite memories of the man who laid motionless in a wooden box. Jenna and Michael were talking to Michael's siblings about the will and everything as the two teenagers snuck outside since the brunette needed some fresh air after everything. "Thank you, I know I'm not easy to handle when I'm upset, so thanks for staying with me." The smaller said, facing the ground as the two walked around in the grass by the trees. Clay shook his head and grabbed the smallers hand gently to give it a reassuring squeeze.

"You don't have to thank me George, it's just what I do. I know this isn't easy for you, so I want to be here for you as much as I can and help you." The blonde started, and stopped walking in front of the brunette causing him to stop as well and look up confused. Clay smiled at him and cupped his face for a second before patting his cheeks gently. "Now that I've said that, do you need anything? Or want anything?" The boy asked as he watched the brunettes cheeks light up from the gentle smacks and from embarrassment.

After a second, the brunette started to giggle a little and lean against the blonde who only smile and wrapped an arm around him. "You're such an idiot Clay, you don't need to get anything for me, I'm not dying." The boy giggled out earning small chuckles from the blonde who was holding him still. "But, thank you for the offer, it's much appreciated." He finished and looked up at the taller before reaching up and pecked at his cheek. After doing so, he grabbed the boys hand again and started to walk back to the building, a soft smile on his face as they walked. Clay on the other hand was shocked by the other boys act, but he didn't mind it, not one bit, so he walked beside the brunette, his goofy smile on his face.


When the duo met up with the brunettes parents they smiled at them and Jenna looked at their hands, then at George who just smiled a bit wider at her. Clay, nor Michael seemed to notice since they were both in their own little worlds taking to one another. They were pulled out of their world though when George let go of Clay's hand and Jenna let go of her husbands to then walk off together. They were confused, but didn't think much of it besides that they just wanted to talk. "So? What's going on between you two hm? You seem happier than you usually are." The brunettes mother asked her son, gaining a small blush from him.

"Well, if you must know, me and Clay, uhm, well we kissed, a couple times now." George confessed and not even a second later his mom was hugging him tight. He hugged her back, a smile proud on his face.

"Oh I'm so happy for you sweetheart! Are you two together now?" She asked after they pulled away, but instead of getting an answer, all the brunette gave her was a sigh. "Hon, have you guys not talked about these kisses yet?" She asked, looking at her son who just shook his head no. "George you guys have to talk, you should know this isn't normal friend behavior." She added, in an almost stern voice which surprised the brunette. The teenage boy nodded and Jenna just gave her son a kiss on the forehead before walking back to the taller males, Michael welcoming his wife in a hug while Clay just smiled at the brunette. The smaller smiled back at the other, and reached for his hand before holding it.


Back at home, the boys were up in their room, Clay working on some missing work as George watched a movie. "Hey Clay, can we talk real quick? Then you can finish your work?" The brunette asked, pausing his movie and looking up to see the blonde turning around in his chair. He nodded with a smile and the boy let out a shaky sigh before continuing. "I want to talk about us, and, well, where we stand? On the whole, friendship relationship scale." The boy hesitantly said, gaining a nervous face from the blonde, who stood up from his chair and put on a smile.

Then the taller proceeded to walk over and pull the brunette up from the bed. "Put your shoes on, I wanna take you somewhere." The boy said, having a completely different mood now that the smaller couldn't figure out. In the end though, the brunette put his shoes on and followed the blonde downstairs and to the front door. He watched as Clay and his father nodded towards eachother before they walked outside. The boys walked away from the house and Clay started to lead the smaller towards a park he's never been to. 

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