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Once both boys had calmed down enough, they walked out of the room, making small conversation and when George caught sight of his mother, he gave her a sad-ish smile and she let out a sigh, mouthing 'sorry' to him before looking back at her book. The brunette looked back towards the taller who was in the kitchen already, looking at his phone rather quickly. "Whatcha looking for?" He asked, hoping up on the counter that was beside the blonde. Looking over his shoulder towards his phone, he noticed Clay was looking at all sorts of different pastas, he also noticed his phone battery going down a percentage almost every second.

Clay looked up, a little smile on his face before he turned his phone off. "I was looking up how to cook a gourmet meal with boxed pasta, as a thank you to you and your parents, but everything all looked really mediocre." The boy said, then chuckled a bit, turning around to fully face the brunette. "Plus, even if I found a good recipe, my phones trash so I'd get about a few minutes before it died." He added, still a goofy little smile on his face that the brunette could only smile back at.

"You know, you don't have to thank us, I know my parents are more than happy to keep you here, and I know for a fact I'm way more than happy to have my best friend living with me." George announced out loud, forgetting to keep some of those things in his head. Least to say he was embarrassed, but the blonde almost instantly wiped that embarrassment away with one simple hug. He was holding the brunette close to him again, not knowing how to express his feelings better than a hug, so he tried to make this one feel more meaningful than the others.

The boy didn't let go, but he looked up at the other, resting his head on his chest. "I'm happy to be living with you too George, but I do want you to know how grateful I am for your family, but mostly how grateful I am towards you, you've done a whole lot more than you think you have, and I know I won't be able to repay you for that, just know I'll do my best okay?" The blonde said looking at the boy still, but the brunette had to look away from the other. He appreciated what the blonde said to him, but it was difficult for him to take in and accept any sort of compliment, and this one was on a whole new level.

The blonde understood what was going through the others head since they talked about it in one of their many conversations, so he just pulled the brunette down a little and pressed their foreheads together. The taller cupped the smaller face and just said a simple thank you, gaining a nod from the other boy before they separated. They shared a smile before Clay turned back around and started to pull things out of the cupboard, knowing what to make now. He was going to make a dish that he's only made once or twice before, but for some reason, it felt a little more special than the last few times.

As the young chief prepared the meal, the brunette hopped off the counter and went up behind the blonde before wrapping his arms behind him, and resting his head on his back. He just wanting some attention and some sort of touch love even if the other boy didn't know what it meant. Clay smiled feeling the other boy hugging him. "You really like your hugs huh?" The blonde asked, placing his hand on top of one of the smallers. He felt the brunette nod against his back and slowly start to loosen his grip to let go and Clay could tell the brunette thought he over stepped his boundaries. So, to let him know he didn't, the blonde gave a reassuring hand squeeze and spoke. "Yeah, I guess I could say I like my hugs too."

After hearing that, the brunette almost instantly hugged back again, and the taller went back to cooking. Neither boys were paying enough attention to notice the brunettes mother taking a picture of the duo as they shared small comments about random topics. Soon, the blonde had moved the smaller boy in front of him, so now he was bear hugging him as he coached the brunette through the process of cooking. They shared their giggles, and cleaned up messes, but by the time George's father arrived home, the two boys were setting the table.

"Welcome home sweetie, how was work?" Jenna asked her husband as he walked through the door, giving him a hug a small peck on the cheek. Michael smiled at his wife and set his bags down before letting out a small tired huff.

"Work was work, but I made it through, oh, and I have to go into the office this weekend, Randall has some files he wants me to look over that could help us win our case." The male said, having some annoyance, but eagerness behind his words. If you couldn't tell, George's father is a lawyer and he he's currently working on a case that's been dragging on for what's felt like decades. He didn't want to get into it though, so he changed the subject. "Did you cook dinner already? It smells heavenly in here." He asked and saw his wife shake her head.

"No actually, the boys cooked dinner for us, Clay said he wanted to make dinner a few days a week from now on until he moves out, he also said he'll be helping a lot around the house, like groceries, chores, maybe even bills as a thank you." She explained, but she sounded a bit worried and not enthusiastic about the idea. She was worried the boy would overwork himself and continue to blame things on himself. She only knew he was blaming things on himself since she witnessed some of the things Rose had said to him.

Michael pulled his wife into another side hug, pecking at her forehead before he spoke. "If we notice him getting too worked up, or notice him starting to stress, we can have a sit down and explain even more to him okay?" He confirmed before walking into the kitchen and smiling seeing the two boys messing around as they cleaned up the mess they made. "So what did you make here Clay? It looks and smells delightful!" Michael exclaimed, startling the boys who were in their own world.

"Oh, uhm, I made perfect chicken fettuccine alfredo, I hope that's okay? I forgot to ask what you all like and just started making something." The boys said, mentality face palming himself for being so stupid to not ask a question. He was relieved to hear a small chuckle though, and a firm hand on his shoulder.

"No need to worry, we love pasta in this family, and adding chicken on top of it makes it even better." Michael explained, a smile on his face as he looked slightly up at the blonde. "With that said, let's dig in!" He said happily and sat down, next to his wife and Clay and George sat down next to eachother as well. While they all ate, they shared small conversations about work, school and just everything they could get too. It was great dinner to say the least, it was a great night for everyone that day.

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