Pre K

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Enji's POV

I'm so exhausted since the divorce I've took custody of the kids. Plus I have work piling up. I take Shoto to his class. He picked some flowers for his teacher. There were some weeds in there but I didn't say anything. He was so proud and happy with his choices. He's such an odd child but it's sweet of him to do something nice for them.

I haven't met them yet Natsuo's teacher retired so there's been a replacement. Hopefully they won't be a prob...lem. I see a teacher go into a classroom. Who is that? She was beautiful. Shoto pulls on my hand. I just let him take me where he wants.

It is bring a parent to school day and he wanted me to come. He takes me to his class and he's early. The teacher from earlier comes in. He lets go of my hand and runs off to her. "Miss (l/n)!" He says excitedly. He hugs her tight. She pats his head. "Good morning Shoto how are you?" She asks.

Her voice is so soothing. "I'm okay I got you these flowers for you." He says excitedly. "They're beautiful thank you very much Shoto." She says with a smile. It's so perfect. She gets a vase and puts the flowers in them. I guess I should say something. What do I even say to her?

I go up to her and she smiles. "You must be Shoto's father." She says. "Yes I'm Enji Todoroki." I say.

Your POV

"I'm Ms. (Y/n). Shoto is a very sweet gentleman." I say as he holds my leg. Miss....that's a good sign. "That's good to hear. I'm glad he's taking a liking to you. He talks about you all the time." He says. He's a very handsome man. Shoto looks back and forth between us.

"My mommy and daddy are divorced." He says. "Oh." I say. "I'm sorry about that he tends to give unneeded information." He says and rubs his forehead. "It's okay kids just like to have their voice heard. How about you be my big helper and get the crayons to the table." I say. He nods and runs off to get the crayons. "He talks about you a lot I'm glad that he has someone like you to look up to." I say. "Thanks I'm glad you think so. Shoto really is something. He does well in class and he keeps to himself most of the time. He's adorable. He pretends to be you at recess sometimes." I say.

"Interesting." He says. "You're doing a great job raising him." I say with a soft smile. He blushes and a bit of smoke comes from the top of his head. "You're smoking." I say pointing to the top of my head. "Oh sorry." He says putting it out. All of the women come to class I assume they asked their children if they'd like to stay. Endeavor brings Shoto to school and the moms eat that up.

A father who attends to their child. They basically drool over him. If women had boners like men they would shoot straight up when they see him. He sighs. "Good luck." I whisper. "Thanks." He says. I go to my desk and they crowd him.

They brought casseroles and food for him the works. Shoto seems bothered by it. That is interesting. "Enji." I say. He looks at me. "Could I speak with you?" I ask. I get some papers and get away from the women.

"How are you doing?" I ask. "Overwhelmed these women are insanely obsessed with the idea of giving me food." He says. I hide my face and try not to laugh. "What?" He asks. "Okay this is your first time actually meeting the moms isn't it?" I ask. "Yes and I'm starting to feel a bit uneasy around them. It's worse than hero work." He says. "Would you like some help?" I ask.

"Yes please. This is a bit too much." He says. "Okay. Just go by my desk." I say. The bell rings I tell the class how it works.

Time skip

Enji speaks for a moment and I listen to him. He glances at me ever so often. "Any questions." He asks the class. He answered a few. Kaminari raises his hand. Oh boy this will be interesting. "Yes." He asks.

"Do you like Miss. (L/n)." He asks. There he goes asking questions that aren't about the subject. Really though Kaminari of all the questions you choose that. My face feels warm. I look at him. "That has nothing to do with this." He says his cheeks a light pink.

"Miss. (Y/n) do you like Endeavor?" Kirishima asks. "Why are you so curious about this? This has nothing to do with school." I say. Not Kirishima too. "Yes I do like Ms.(Y/n)." He says. The class ooo's.

"Ms.(Y/n) Ms.(Y/n) do you like him back?!" Mina asks excitedly. "I-I do." I say. The moms look disappointed and pout. Please let this be over soon.

Time skip

School is finally over. Enji comes to my desk. "So um." He says. "Yes?" I ask. "Since we like each other and all. Would you like to have lunch or dinner with me?" He asks.

"I'd like that very much." I say with a soft smile. "Daddy are you gonna marry Ms. (Y/n)?" Shoto asks. "How about we go get some icecream?" He asks. "Okay!" He says excitedly. That wasn't a no.

(I'm literally crying happy tears on the inside. So you're a Pre k teacher and Fuyumi likes you so much and looks up to you. She decides to be a pre k teacher just like you.)

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