Exorcist and Kitsune P1 🍋

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Enji's POV

I come to the church to pray for another successful job. "Enji it's been awhile." Shiro says. "Yeah the job I needed to get done was near by so I thought I'd drop in." I say. "Speaking of jobs could you take care of something for me. My son Rin and Yukio are sick so I can't handle it." He says. "Sure." I say. "There's a Kitsune causing mischief in a near by town. I was supposed to take care of it myself but I can't leave them." He says. "It's no problem you've helped me out so much. I'd always be happy to return the favor. It must be a tough one if they need you to do it." I say.

"The thing is it's a female Kitsune. She has a very well you know form. I'm kind of weak to these kind of things. Several men have tried but failed miserably. She lures them in from an abandoned temple. She sings and mind controls them. She then embarrasses them or does cruel things to them. You're always so put together no matter what. I know if anyone can handle it it's you." He says. "Okay I'll get it done just give me the map and I'll be on my way." I say.

Time skip

I get to the little town. It's almost night. Most men look ashamed for their actions. She must be powerful. Also good looking if Shiro can't handle it. I ask a man for directions. He points it out.

I go toward it. I breathe in and out. I hear a song sung by a woman. I go towards it. There she was on the roof.

 There she was on the roof

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She is very attractive. She looks at me as if she needs me. "Are you gonna come down or what?" I say. "You're an eager one. A bit aggressive too." She says licking her lips.

Your POV

He's quite handsome this one. I come down. I let my body do the talking. "Let me guess another exorcist?" I say. "Yeah so?" He says. "They've all failed so terribly. So easy to control." I say. "Well I'm not like the others." He says.

"That's what they all say. I wonder if you really are." I say. I grab his shoulders and jumps. He holds me by my thighs so I don't fall. I wrap my legs around him. I press my chest against me. "Don't you want to have fun with me? It'll be so enjoyable." I say. This is where they fail.

A simple yes and they're mine. He gets extremely hard. He carries me into the temple. "Is that how it works a simple agreement? You then take the lead and do as you please? That's not gonna happen with me. Not at all." He says. "Huh?" I say. "I'll assume I'm right. All it takes is a nod then they're all yours. With me it won't work." He says. He puts me on the floor and gets on top of me.

"Wait what?" I say blushing. He undoes his pants and lifts my dress up. "N-Now hold on that's not how this works!" I say nervously. "It's how it'll go down tonight. You've always been in control. Always being dominant. You'll be a good little bottom tonight. I'll take you with me if you're good. I'll do several things to you. Things you've never even dreamed of." He says biting his lip. "Who do you think you Ahh~" I moan as he puts himself in me. He starts to thrust I grip his shirt. "Please faster!" I moan.

He goes faster. "It feels so good I love it so much. I love being able to take it. To not do the work. To be controlled and to have my body taken." I say.  He hits hard making me scream. "I want you to take me I want to be your lover!" I shout. He rips my clothes off. He kisses me. He move down to my neck then down to my chest.

He sucks on my nipples. I grip his hair as he takes my body aggressively. I scream and cum. "Fuck yeah!" He says and cums inside me. He's filling me up. It's pouring and pumping inside me non stop. It feels so good when it twitches.

He puts it in all the way. I pant and hold him close. "It's so big and filling me so much." I say. "It's not the full thing and that wasn't that much." He says. "Wait what?!" I look down. It was only half way in. He shoves it more making me scream.

"T-that has to be all of it right?" I ask. "No but this is." He says. He shoves it in all the way in I feel his hips. I scream and claw into his shirt. "You look like you're going to lose it." He says. "You're not human it's impossible. How is it this big and stiff. It feels like it's in my stomach." I say. "You're being over dramatic." He says.

I put his hand on my lower stomach. "Thrust." I say. He thrust hard and it pokes his hand. "Oh." He says. "Exactly. You're going to destroy me aren't you." I say. "It won't kill you. Now be still." He says holding my hips. "You aren't done!" I say shocked.

"Of course not I'm just getting started." He says. He flips us over so I'm on top. It's still so deep. "Now take it all like the good bottom you are." He says. He pulls me up and down. I grip his hands screaming. He smirks and goes faster. "Cum inside me just like this!" I shout and moan loudly.

I cum hard. He goes faster and cums. He has such a perverted look on his face. He lets go and I plop down on it. "What was that for." I say. "Just so you'll get use to me. My name is Enji Todoroki." He says. "(F/n) (L/n)." I say.

"Well (F/n) I'd like you to come with me." He says. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah. I like you a lot and it must be lonely here by yourself. You can live with me we can be happy together. Get married and have a family. Do you want that?" He asks. "I'd like that very much." I say with a smile. We kiss passionately. He puts me under him. "Now scream my name for me." He says. I swallow hard.


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