Big bad softie (happy ending)

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Your POV

It's the next day. I really believe in us. In our future. One day I want to be his wife. If I have to purpose I will. I want us to do everything together. "What's going on in that head of yours?" He asks. "Just stuff about us. Our future and all." I say.

"You focus too much on the future." He says. "There's no shame in it. It's something to look forward to. It's better than looking in the past where mistakes and most bad stuff have happened. The future is a mystery and we can make it how ever we want. Like becoming heroes. We're working hard to become heroes and that will be in the future. Lots of amazing stuff will happen the present is just us in the process of doing and becoming something amazing. Especially for you you're so amazing." I say.

"You think so?" He says and looks away. "Ofcourse I do. It's one of the things I love about you." I say. "Whatever." He says. "Hey Enji." I say. "What?" He asks. "Let's start an agency together." I say. "That's too far ahead." He says.

"Is not we have 4 years to think about it. You're super intuitive and great at navigating. I'm good with analyzing and communicating. So together we'd make a perfect agency. Plus you obviously will be the number one hero so it'll be easy." I say. "You think too highly of me." He says. "No I don't you're the very best. So all the other pros should just step aside." I say. "How about we take baby steps. Focus on training and studying to actually get through the exams." He says. "Oh yeah we should do that. See you're already thinking like a pro." I say. He sighs and I giggle.

Time skip to the first day of UA

I just skip next to him. "What are you so happy about?" He asks. We step on to school grounds. "Now I get to say it." I say. "Say what?" He asks.

"I told you so!" I say and jump on him giving him a big kiss. I cling to him. "You don't have to do that to say it!" He says red. "True but it was worth it." I say. "You got first in the physical exams. I think it's a sign." I say. "Whatever." He says. "We even got in class 1-A. So that must be the best. 1 is first place and A is the first letter of the alphabet so we must be the top picks." I say.

"You don't say." He says. I hold his arm. "I'm proud of you." I say. He just looks away and stays quiet for a bit. "I'm proud of you too." He says. I just smile as we walk to class.

Time skip to graduation

We did it. We made it through hero school. I kiss him as we take a photo. We went to eat at our favorite restaurant then walk around the park. I look at the buildings.

I gasp. "This one!" I say. "Huh?" He says. "This is it our agency." I say. "It's so small though." He says. "We'll it's not like we can afford a huge building at the moment. This is perfect for now. We can relocate later. So what do you think?" I ask. He just looks at me.

"Okay fine I'll call and see if they have an opening." He says. I hug him tight. The realtor is near by and will be here in a few seconds. "Don't get too excited okay. There's no telling what it looks like on the inside or how much it costs." He says. "Okay but I'm still excited. Since its still early we can continue to look around at other places if this doesn't work." I say.

"You can be a ball of uncontrollable energy sometimes you know." He says. "You know you like it." I say. "Maybe I do...your enthusiasm is entertaining at times." He says. The realtor shows up and lifts the metal door. He unlocks the door.

"Nobody really has an eye for this place you can keep or sell whatever is inside if you want to buy it. There are all kinds of small stores but no agencies around so you picked a good spot. If that is what you're looking for. I saw you both at the games first and second. My kids loved watching you. They rooted for you the whole time." He says.

"Give them our thanks we're glad to have anyone rooting for us." Enji says. It's dusty but spacious. A few tables and chairs which are good for now. I do my best to walk around calmly. Checking everything while trying not to get too excited.

"There's an upstairs too." The man says. We go upstairs. It's basically a little apartment! They talk prices. "Could you give us a moment to discuss?" Enji asks. "Of course." The man says. Enji takes me into the other room.

"Three two one." He says. "Oh my God babe this is so perfect. We can stay up stairs so we can have are own place and have the agency downstairs. We only need to do a bit of remodeling to make it perfect. Plus we have the stuff that was left here that we can use." I say quickly like I'm being rushed. He kisses me passionately. I kiss him back and it calms me down. He lets go.

"Hey." He says. "Hi." I say smitten. "We'll get it but you have to calm down for me okay." He says holding my cheeks. "Okay." I say. "Now let's go talk to him." He says. He takes my hand and we go see him.

"We'll take it when can we move in?" He asks. "As soon as you sign a few papers and pay for it." He says. Enji gives the man a check and signs the papers. The man leaves and I finally take it in.


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