Villain Enji

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Your POV

"I can't stand him no matter how hard I try I just can't catch him." I say. "Please we all know this is basically just a batman and joker relationship. He pops up you go after him and he "gets away". You let him go and I know it. You're one of the best heroes I know. You're second place in the hero world right next to all might." Keigo says. "Well I guess this is the reason I'm number two I can't catch him. I've gone after him over and over. Still no chance in catching him." I say. "Maybe you should just talk to him." He says. "Talk to him? He's a criminal there's no reasoning with criminals. They're in the wrong and that's final." I say. "Just think about it. Maybe it'll work better than what you've been doing." He says. "I guess I could try." I say.

Two month later

I talk to him every time I try and catch him. He always has some new escape plan. Maybe I'll just let some else handle him. I'm tired of chasing him. I'm done with all the flirtatious remarks and playfulness.

It's like he's purposely trying to make me feel small and weak. I just want to relax. I'll tell Toshinori about this whole thing tomorrow. I'll probably call in sick as w-. Pain spreads through my torso. I look down there's a sword through my stomach. "Rest now false hero." The masculine voice says.

The sword is pulled out and I fall to the floor. I'm paralyzed. I'm bleeding out a lot. I'm turned on my back. I spot the man. Stain the hero killer. I'll kill him if I don't die. I do my best to move.

"I'll let you bleed out right here number two." He says then vanishes. Shit. I really was hoping to go out flashier. Guess this is it. I wonder how long this will take. A few minutes a few hours. Guess I can only wait to see if I'll be rescued.

I hear foot steps. "Who did this to you?" I know that voice. I try to look to the voice. It's him the man I despise the most. Although he's in second place right now. I can't say anything. He seems upset.

Why isn't he laughing or something like that. I guess he'll torture me now. I look at him. He picks me up and runs. Put me down you giant Pyro how dare you touch me! I'm starting to black out. Guess I'll die in the arms of my enemy.

Time skip

I wake up in a dark room on an uncomfortable table. I spot him. He isn't facing me I have the ability to move. I look down at myself. He's bandaged me. What's his game? He takes his helmet off.

I've never seen his face. He's probably ugly as s-. He turns around. Holy shit. His quirk isn't the only thing that's hot. It's should be a crime hiding his face. No no no he's a bad guy.

You will not lust over a villain that is so wrong. Especially being a highly ranked hero. "You're awake." He says. His voice matches so perfectly. I go to sit up but wince. "Don't bother. We can play cat and mouse later. Just rest up." He says.

"Why are you doing this?" I say. "So you can finally talk. Now tell me who did this to you." He says. "It doesn't matter." I say. He looks away. "It does matter." He says.

"No it doesn't I can take care of myself." I say and attempt to get up. "Stop moving damn it." He says. "Why so you can torture me?" I say. "So I can take care of you okay!" He says. "You're kidding right. This is some kind of sick joke isn't it." I say.

"Look just let me do this okay." He says. "Why are you doing this? We're enemies. You should be happy that I'm injured. That I'll be gone." I say. "Well I'm not." He says. "Like you said. We're enemies. You're mine and...I like to keep my things nice and safe." He says. He's so confusing.

He gets close to my face. He strokes my cheek. "Only I get to play with you. No one get to hurt you. Now tell me who did this to you." He says. "Stain." I say. "Good girl." He says. "This still makes no since. Why did you fix my wounds?" I ask. He leans down closer.

"Because you're mine. I want to take care of you. No matter how you view me. No matter what our relationship is. I've grown fond of you. Recently I've been thinking of you a lot. In different scenario and times. How it would be if we were together. Getting married. Making a family and having children." He says.

Marriage, children?! H-He wants to do things like that. "I know that would never happen but it felt nice thinking about it. I'm sorry that you're in pain. I'll make everything better enemy or not." He says. He kisses me and I kiss him back. He kisses me more passionately and I do the same.

He lets me go. "I'll be back soon okay." He says. I hold his shirt. "Please stay." I say. He looks at me then kisses my forehead.

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