Big bad softie (sad ending)

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Enji's POV

(Y/n) said she has some sort of surprise for me. She had to get it from some store down town and refused that I went with her. I should follow her but she knows what she's doing and can handle herself. I turn on my TV. The news is it's an emergency alert and they're filming in down town.

No please no. I quickly grab my phone and run out the door. She doesn't answer. I call it over and over.

Time skip

I get there and it's a mess. I call out for her. There's an ambulance and police cars. I run to them and ask if they've seen her giving them as much information as I can. There's a policeman with papers.

He tells me that they're still working on saving people but there are some dead. He points me in the direction. There are bodies covered in sheets. A man asks if I know any of the names on the sheets that are labeled deceased he has. I look through them hoping she wasn't on the list.

There it was my heart shatters. "Number 10." I say. "She was a hero in disguise. She saved several people before she passed. She's the only one out of all of these people who tried to help." He says. "What was the cause of death?" I ask. "She was crushed by pieces of building rubble. They managed to get her out but she had already lost too much blood. By the time they got her here she was dead." He says.

He walks me to the body with number 10 by it. There's a bag beside it it's her purse. "I wanted to be sure that the person she knew got at least something that belonged to her." He says and hands me the bag. I just hold it tight. "Take as much time as you need. We'll let her family know about what happened so they can plan a funeral." He says.

He walks off. I never take my eyes off the blanket. I don't know if I can handle anything anymore. I lift a bit just from the side. I see her hand it's covered in blood. Her bracelet is on. She was never with out it. I don't want to see her face.

I just put it down. I look at her bag. There was a present in it. I'm guessing this is what she went to get. I open it and It's a charm made just for me. It has all the pictures we took at a photo booth.

To my dearest amazing handsome Enji,

Today marks the first day we met two years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday. You acted angry but there was something so kind about you. Under that cranky exterior of yours is a sweetheart that's caring. I love you so very much I don't know how I couldn't. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Especially you. You have some effect on me. It makes me happy. I know we'll be happy that's for sure. We'll have a future as bright as your flames and nothing can stop us. As heroes or a couple. Just to remind
you I got you this.

With all the love in the world,
(Y/n) xoxo

I look at the photos and cry. I should have insisted on going with you. I could have protected you. I could have tried to do something at least. How will I go on with out you? You were really the only thing that kept me going. So why live on if I can't have you. All I every think about is you. I just remember all of the times we had.

"Trust me you'll be a great hero Enji. There's no doubt about it. Plus you'll always have me with you. I made you that bracelet with lots and lots of love just to let you know. So don't worry cause my love will give you all the strength you'll need and more." She says.

You always were very persistent and positive. For your sake I'll become a hero and create that future.


(In this story I was thinking about Aizawa and Shirakumo. Instead of the goggles they have the bracelets. The same day that it happened was the day of All Might's debut. This is the reason why he hates All Might. He knows All might is destructive. So he thinks he only added too the accident. The reason why he trains the kids so hard is because he doesn't want the same thing to happen to them. He's never stopped talking about you after all those years. He also still carries the charm and wears the bracelet you made for him. He made sure that his outfit colors went with the bracelet.)

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