Only mine

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Your POV

I walk to lunch with me and Enji's lunch. I've been getting a lot of attention with my new fashion update. Enji seems to hate it though. It really shouldn't matter to him though it's not like he's wearing it. He's been on edge lately.

I wonder what's going on with him? I get to Enji and give him his food. He takes it. No Hey or thank you. The nerve of him. I'll ask him after school so there won't be a huge scene.

Time skip

I leave the school and look for Enji but I can't find him. He's huge so you can't miss him. Some guys come up to me and talk to me. They attempt to flirt with me but it's going terribly. I'm not giving them the time of day and it doesn't seem to bother them.

I'm snatched up. "Hey!" I say. "Shut up I'm taking you to my house we need to talk." Enji says and puts me over his shoulder.

Time skip

He was quiet the whole time. He gave me one of his shirt to wear and he put on some gray sweatpants and a tank top. We get into his room and he picks me up. He puts me in his lap and holds me close. I just lay against his chest.

His heart beat is calm. He's relaxed so it's probably nothing serious. "You wanna tell me what's going on?" I ask. "Not right now I wanna sleep." He says. He moves the covers back and gets us underneath them.

He brought me here to talk not to nap!....It is kind of comfy and warm in his arms. Why not just a little one. He holds me and I snuggle into him. We fall asleep easily.

Time skip

I wake up and he's still sleeping. He looks so relaxed and peaceful not a scowl to be found. I love it when he looks relaxed and peaceful. In public he looks so mad and done with everything. When we're alone though he looks so calm and gives soft smiles.

I love this side of him. When he's just himself. When he's himself I could cuddle him all day with no complaints. I get mixed signals when he's angry looking though. So I distance myself from him.

His face looks worried all of a sudden "Please don't leave me." He says in his sleep. He must be having a bad dream. He's tearing up. Oh no.

I hold his cheek and kiss him. I wrap my arms around him. He wakes up. He holds me tight. "Enji please tell me what's wrong." I say. He just looks at me. "Are you gonna leave me?" He asks looking away.

"Why would I leave you Enji?" I ask a bit worried. "Because you've got this new look. You're getting all this new attention. I just worried that since all these new things were happening that you were planning to leave me. So I got jealous and a bit angry especially since those guys were talking to you. So are you going to leave me?" He ask.

"Enji I would never leave you. I love you so very much. I don't care about anyone else but you. You are the one person that means the most to me. You're my everything. So you don't ever need to worry about me leaving you." I say wiping the small tears away. He just nods and holds me. "I'm glad because I love you too more than anything." He says. "That's nice to hear?" I say. "What do you mean I tell you I love you all the time." He says.

"Well when we're in public I can't really tell. It is nice hearing you say it. In public though you look so mad. I'm not sure if I should talk to you or leave you be. That I did something wrong and didn't know what it was." I say. "I will let you know when I'm not in the mood or when something is up. You can also for sure now that I will be giving you more affection in public if that's what you want. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He says.

"You can give me all the affection you want. I will always accept it." I say. "Okay then prepare for a life full of openness and affection." He says. We kiss passionately. I love him more than anything and no one or thing will stop me from loving him.

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