Android P4

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This will probably be the last part. Torture was basically almost finished anyway so it can go in the next story.

Time skip

Your POV

It took them eight months to figure out he was deviant. That department is doomed. They'll probably have the posters up in about two months. I'm surprised they didn't let it slide. We got all the cases done so it's easy flow.

Oh well. What sucks is we have to do criminal things since we're wanted. We'll have to rob a convenient store soon since I need food and drinks. I still have my car so there's no need to steal one. Enji took out his led and changed his hair black so he looks human.

We got him some clothes from a scene once just in case we did get caught. So it shouldn't be obvious that he's an android. I changed the color of my hair as well. It's getting really dark so it's time. "Enji." I say. "Yes." He says. "It's time to go are you sure you want to do this?" I ask.

"Yes you need this stuff to survive. I'll be fine I need to be sure you're safe." He say. I just nod. We go into the convenient store just before it closes. "We're closed." The worker says. Enji punches him knocking the worker out cold.

Then he turns most of the lights off so it looks like they really are closed. I take everything of everything I need. Medical, sanitary you name it. He opens the cash register and takes all the money. It's like this isn't his first rodeo.

"Come on we need to get to the back there should be food stocked in the back." He says. I nod. He packs boxes full of food and supplies that I couldn't even imagine picking up. We get to the car that I made sure to hide from sight. He ties some to the roof and puts some in the back seat and trunk.

"All good?" I ask. "Yes I found a safe and a atm and got more money." He says. "Okay." I say trying to not be shocked.

Time skip

We got loads of gasoline so we don't have to stop at a gas stations. The owner was a bit suspicious but I gave him a big tip. We also got an rv to have more space and a place to sleep. That way we won't have to get a hotel or sleep uncomfortably. We were able to hitch the car to the back so we have a vehicle to ride with out issues.

Time skip

"Enji?" I say. "Yes." He says. "What do you think about settling down?" I ask. "What do you mean? We're wanted criminals." He says. "I mean out of state we can go far from here get our own house. We can have a garden so we have vegetables and fruit near us. Have a family with out having to worry about getting caught or getting arrested. I just don't want the baby to go through that." I say holding my stomach.

I was shocked at the thought of me even getting pregnant. It should be impossible. How could something like this even happen? I don't regret it though. "That'd be nice plus we could be official and get married." He says. "I'd like that very much." I say with a smile.

(If its possible for a man to get an android pregnant in the game then it can happen the other way too.)

Time skip

Everything went as planned we moved where the weather is perfect and were able to get jobs. I had our baby boy Touya, he's five now. He looks just like his father. I thought things would go wrong with the pregnancy and his health but he came out healthy and human. He lives a perfect normal life.

He even goes to school and does regular kid stuff. We're on our second baby now. She's not as trouble some as Touya was in the womb. We were so lucky through out this whole process. I hope this lasts forever.

Enji comes home from work. He kisses me. "Hello my love how's your day been." He asks. "Great and yours?" I ask. "The usual." He says. "How about we go have some adult time while we have the house to ourselves." I say. "That sounds great." He says and kisses me.

Time skip

🍋Lemony part🍋

I moan as I ride and grind on him. He grips my ass. "You're really excited today." He says. "Just remembering the past and how you did such mmm~ lewd things to me. How ah~ you made me yours. What we did to make a baby." I say. I plop on him over and over.

"We could re create that memory just with out getting you pregnant." He says. "Please do it." I say kissing his neck.

Time skip

The alarm goes off. "Shit. We need to get ready to pick up Touya. Do you think you can walk?" He asks. "I'll try." I say shakily as our mixture plops out of me.

Time skip

I hold Fuyumi and rock in the rocking chair outside as Touya runs around chasing birds. I have to be careful with that one. He likes to start fires. Despite his chaotic nature he is a good boy. I get up and Enji comes outside.

"Hey." He says. "Hi." I say. He gives me a kiss then kisses Fuyumi's forehead. He rubs her cheek with the back of his index finger. She yawns and rubs her cheek against his finger.

Enji is stunned by her cuteness. He looks at me. "What?" I ask. "I want another one." He says. "I just popped her out and you want another one!" I say.

"Why not? Look at her she's so cute plus you don't mind the process." He whines. I blush and look the other way. "Please my love." He says and caresses my cheek. "BURN BIRDIES BURN!" Touya shouts. I quickly look over to Touya.

He's set fire to the ground and some how managed to set several birds on fire too. "TOUYA NO!" I say. I put Fuyumi in her play pin. "Where do you keep getting fire from?!" Enji says running to him. He just giggles running away from Enji.

I put the fire out and sigh in relief. He wants another kid when we have that pyromaniac. For him to be a high tech android he doesn't see an issue with having more. He caught him and put him under his arm. Touya just giggles. "So tomorrow." Enji says. Lord help me.

Time skip

He holds me after our baby making session. "I'll admit I don't mind the processes at all. Especially what comes after." I say. "So you enjoy the after part?" He asks. "Yes I like being held giving you to myself. We're always busy with work and the kids so having these small moments mean a lot to me." I say snuggling in to him. "I'll remember that." He says.


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