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Y/n was in her school . She is a very bright student and is appreciated by every teacher .  It was the end of the school she was walking to her locker where her brother must be waiting for her when she got stopped 

"Y/n-ah , could you please bring me a roll of cello tape from the art store room." she turned around towards the teacher and the teacher handed her the keys to the room . Y/n being obedient nodded and headed to the store room which was the opposite way . It was windy today because it rained yesterday night . Her long beautiful hairs flowing across her face again and again she used her hands and tugged it behind her ears . Finally reaching the room she put in the key and twisted it , leaving the key in the door knob she entered inside and searched for the tape . Shuffling through boxes she finally found a box with tape written on it . Opening it she found many tapes of different colors and designs but she went for transparent tape . Grabbing a roll of it she closed the box again , suddenly a thud was heard . Diverting her gaze to the side she saw the door got closed because of the wind . Her eyes widened because she had left the key outside only . Rushing towards the door she tried to open the door but it didn't help . Checking her pocket for her phone so that she could call for help she found nothing . Using her fists she started banging the door but gave up soon . Tears filled her eyes and ready to fall anytime soon .

On the other hand Jungkook was getting impatient waiting for his little sister who was supposed to meet him at her locker . He dialed her phone number only to find her phone ringing inside the locker . Sighing he kept his phone back inside the pocket of his pants and started to search for you . He checked some hallways and called you from outside the girls washroom . Passing through your class he looked inside to see if you are there but found no one except for the teacher "miss by any chance do you know where is Jeon Y/n?" he asked the teacher ." Oh I asked her to bring me a tape roll from the art room but she didn't return" the teacher replied Jungkook quickly nodded before racing to the art room . As he reached there he saw the keys of the room hanging in the key hole . "Y/nie you in there ?" he called out for you " oppa?" came a reply from inside . Jungkook heaved a sign and opened the door to see you there . He held your wrist and pulled you out . " you okay?" he asked . " I locked myself up!" was your reply , Jungkook chuckled and ruffled your hair . " lets go to the teacher and give her the tape hm?" Jungkook asked the younger one and she nodded  in response . Locking the door and taking the key out they held each other hand and headed to the teacher's room first .



Hey guys !thank you so much for reading the book , I will try to post more often

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