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*Jungkook: 27*

Jung-mi entered the house and took out her jacket, hanging it on the hook. She took off her shoes and wore slippers. She didn't bother switching on the lights but definitely regretted it after she felt some sharp object pricked in her feet. She hissed and took the support of the wall. She supported her body and lifted up her feet and touched it only to feel some warm liquid covering her fingers. Through gritted teeth, she tried to reach for the switchboard and finally felt some plastic sheet so bending a bit more forward she reached the switchboard and switched the lights on. 

The lights brightened up the room and all she saw was a mess. The living room was messy like there was a catfight here. But actually, it was her parents. The vase was smashed on the floor and it was broken into hundred pieces the water and flower from the vase were also spilled. The pillows were not in their places. 

It annoyed Jung-mi, she had cleaned the room in the morning only. No one except her bothers doing the house chores anymore. Her mother doesn't cook delicious meals like she used to, in fact, she doesn't even enter the kitchen now. The house is always untidy. It's Jung-mi's job that she's doing for herself to clean the house and take care of herself. 

Furthermore, Jung-mi bears the sole responsibility of employment in the household, having entered the workforce at the young age of 15. Juggling various jobs, she strives to earn enough to sustain herself, cover her education expenses, and meet basic needs. Despite her dedication, she faces the challenging task of providing for the entire family.

Residing with her stepfather, Lee Hyungsik, and mother, Eun-jin, the home environment is far from ideal. Lee Hyungsik spends his days lounging on the living room couch, engrossed in poker games with friends or out gambling as his primary source of income.

Eun-jin, Jung-mi's mother, poses an additional challenge with her abusive tendencies, alcoholism, and involvement in illegal activities. She, too, has her own unconventional means of earning a living, contributing to the overall turmoil in the household. At 20 years old, Jung-mi recently graduated from school and is currently preparing for college entrance exams to pursue her dreams. Despite applying for scholarships, her hectic work schedule makes it challenging to secure financial support.

Amidst the chaos, Jung-mi let out a sigh as she surveyed the mess around her. She carefully retrieved a broom from the utility room and diligently cleaned the space. Once finished, she retreated to her room, locking the door behind her and collapsing onto her bed. The weight of her responsibilities and aspirations weighed heavily on her shoulders.

Her gaze lingered on the photograph on the desk, capturing a moment frozen in time—a picture of the family she once adored. In the image, a five-year-old Jung-mi stood beside her father, Jeon Jaemin, his arms wrapped around Eunjin. The genuine smiles on their faces painted a picture of happiness. In front of them, twelve-year-old Jungkook held the hand of his little sister, clad in a yellow floral frock, her beaming smile reflecting the innocence of childhood.

As Jung-mi's fingers traced the frame, a tear escaped her eye. Swiftly wiping it away, she composed herself, sitting up straight. Memories flooded back to when she was ten, witnessing her parents' divorce. Jaemin left, leaving Jungkook and Jung-mi in the care of struggling Eun-jin. Desperate for stability, Eun-jin married Hyungsik, hoping for a better life for her children. However, the initial happiness was short-lived as Hyungsik's true nature emerged. He turned abusive, subjecting both Eun-jin and the children to regular beatings.

The breaking point came when Jungkook, at the age of thirteen, ran away from the tumultuous household. The once hopeful atmosphere had become chaotic, with Eun-jin succumbing to violence. The family plunged into poverty as no one worked, and Hyungsik's brutality continued unabated. Jungkook made a courageous decision to pursue his dreams, vowing to return someday to rescue his sister from the dire circumstances they were trapped in.

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