The Blood Moon Night|15|2/2

722 34 6

1 week later

Y/n's POV.

It's been about a week since I've been living with this mafia Vampire. All I'll say is that he's


The boy's got a whole tattoo arm! So many piercings and on top of that he is a Mafia King. Not forgetting to include that he's also a f*cking Vampire. I'm not really scared of him though. He doesn't really Beats me or treats me badly. He's been nice till now and from nice I mean he hasn't really done anything bad to Me. I get a lot of scoldings from him but he does not really tortures me. I've been going to a new school ftom last week and believe me it's so huge! Not forgetting to mention I made a bunch if new friends because in my old school no one really like to talk to me because of my Mom. Because now I don't have to go to many part time jobs I can pay attention to studies and take care of myself as well.

I haven't even thought of my mom's death as much because it will only bring back a bunch of sad and scary memories. So I'm not thinking about the past. I'm thinking about the future and the present.

I know I shouldn't say this but I'm kind of glad my mom died. If I would've loved with her for any longer I'm sure I would have killed myself. Now that she's dead and I'm Living with Jungkook my life's got way better and easy. I don't have to nagging around with the owners of the shops or cafes where I worked earlier for salary. Or fighting with my mom about just any random thing. The scars I had on my body have started to heal.

The only thing that troubles me are the drugs. The drugs that my mom had forcefully feeded me long back. But just as I was thinking about it o felt something weird. A weird sensation in my throat.

"y/n, I have to g-" Jungkook who was standing in front of me started speaking but his talk was cut off by the run I made. I ran to the first room that I saw and entered the bathroom. Near the sink I held my face and started coughing badly. From behind I heard Jungkook following me. When he saw me coughing he started rubbing my back. But the next thing shocked me and Jungkook.

I started coughing out thick crimson liquid. Jungkook held my hair from behind and started patting my back. Once I was done I washed my mouth and face before getting out of the room with Jungkook's support. He pulled me to the bed in the room but just as I was about to sit I blanked out in his arms.





I stirred my eyes open and looked around the room. I blinked a few more times trying to adjust to the lighting, once I was done I heard someone speak. "oh! You're awake, thank. God! " a nurse said and helped me get up. "what happened? " I asked in a mere whisper and suddenly started coughing because of my dry throat. "wa-ter" I said and the nurse quickly handed me a glass of water. I gulped it down my throat and gave her the glass back.

"Uhm.... You were sleeping for about 10 hours, now you're awake I'll call you brother in" she said and went outside. I just sighed and looked around the room, there was a huge window in the room. I kept staring outside the window. It displayed the view of the city. Suddenly the door barged open revealing Jungkook. "y/n?!" he panicked and entered the room, coming towards me.

"relax" I said when I saw his state. "are you alright? " he asked me and I just nodded. "I was scared " he sighed

"why? " I asked frowning. "cause you fainted and coughed out blood" he said like it was very obvious. "yeah.. " I looked down at my lap.

"mom gave you drugs? " he said. My head shot up and my eyes met his piercing gaze. "h-how Do you know?! " I asked him shocked. "I'm a vampire, can't believe you even had those drugs, were you that weak to just have them?! " he said madly "wh-what do you mean?! You're calling me weak?! When it was you who ran away from the house because of the torture! You left me alone! All this is because of you Jungkook! " I yelled madly at him and started coughing hard as well. He just shook his head and went outside the room not even helping me. The nurse entered the room and gave me water.

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