I wanted a life with you in it|15| 2/3

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Jung-mi walked towards the door that leads inside her house, she rang the bell and waited for a couple of minutes and rang it again, but after receiving no response she sighed and pulled out the security card that was in her hand bag and the moment she was about to swap it on the door lock the door swinged open, revealing her grandma. "Sorry I was inside my room..so i couldn't hear it" the old lady replied smiling a bit, showing off her gums after all she barely had any tooth left. Grandma was in her 80s,  in fact she was around 87 years old, her body was bend towards the front making her look short, so short that she was half the size of Jung-mi who was around 5'5. Aging isn't an easy task, being old itself is a disease and because Jung-mi has lived with her grandma for so long she is used to it. All those little mistakes, errors and stuff caused by grandma, it's normal for her. "It's okay" jung-mi sighed and entered the house.

She flopped on the couch and rested her head on top of the back rest and faced the ceiling. "Get freshen up and we will eat then!" Grandma told and was about to go inside but Jung-mi called her out "why haven't you eaten yet? It's literally so late... You need to have your medicines as well so please have your lunch" she instructed "i wanted to have it with you " replied grandma. Jung-mi closed her eyes and calmed herself down "alright, I'll be back.... By the way where is Rima?" Jung-mi asked as she got up from the couch, Rima was the house help, she has been staying with them for years now "she will come" was the short reply she got.

Jung-mi went inside her room and threw her bag on the floor, not caring about anything and entered the washroom. She stood by the sink above which a huge oval mirror hung. She leaned on the sink with the help of her hands and stared at her reflection in the mirror. 

She had realized and accepted the fact that she isn't the same Jung-mi anymore. almost everyone had. She was going through something no one could imagine. she is not the same bubbly, jolly, intellectual girl, Whom everyone Loved. she isn't the same innocent girl who would go around asking stupid ass questions from her parents or brother. Little Jung-mi was the strongest and bravest girl anyone would have ever seen. she was fucking confident about everything she would do or say whether it is actually right or wrong. she believed in herself. Jung-mi could not afford to see anyone whom she loved, sad. she would do everything possible to lift up that person's mood. But here she is now. 

When she needs someone by her side, everyone is gone. Her brother does not gives two fucks about her, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon are not ready to listen to Jung-mi's problem and they decided to help her by giving her medical treatments, claiming that Jung-mi has lost her fucking mind. All her old friends have forgotten about her. 

The entire universe is against her right now. 

She is fucking sick of existing everyday. The same old shit. She cannot take it anymore. It is not normal anymore, her pain is not buried deep inside her anymore, as she wished it was. But it's visible now. Through she fragile figure, dark circles, actions, interactions and everything. How funny things can go the polar opposite in a small period of time. 

As Jung-mi stared at her figure in the mirror she couldn't help but want to die. Right in front of her was kept a pink colored organizers which held her toothbrush, sanitary napkins, tampons and her shaving kit. she pulled the kit out and opened it. there laid a box of blades. Without even thinking twice, with shaky hands she pulled out a blade and held it against her wrist. 

"If I die...It'll be fi-fine, right?" a mere whispered left her lips. 

Ring Ring (ignored)

"my sufferings will come to an e-end..." 

Ring ring, the door bell rang once again and yet once again it was ignored by Jung-mi as she continued staring at her wrist and talking to herself.

"No more Jung-mi, No more b-burden..." 

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