Shooting Stars | 19 | 3/4

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3 months later . 

Y/n entered the supermarket and walked towards the aisle taking all the stuff she needed for her house . It was usually Grandma's job to get the groceries but now-a-days halmeoni is getting very weak and is un well . y/n is busy with her new work but also has to take care of her grandma. She is her whole life now . After Jungkook said all that Y/n got more cold than before . 

His words pierced through her . She hates that day . Her own brother disowned her , abondoned her . Or you could say " replaced her " . Y/n was badly effected by that day and always tried not to think about all that anymore but it didn't leave her . 

Those memories were nightmares . She hated them . One thing she asked for was for everything to go right that day . Instead it all went to waste . At first she wished she would have never entered that building . 

Her legs made their ways to the next aisle where the essentials were kept . She picked up some different soaps , a dish washer , detergent  and moisturising cream. Further their were more makeup products but y/n didn't buy those as usual . she wasn't a fan of makeup . It was always ignored by her . 

Then she went to the counter and started billing all the items she had purchased . " 23,706.80 won , please " The cashier asked as y/n handed her the money and left from the shop with the bags after thanking her 

The night was peaceful . It was somewhere around 9 o'clock at night . Y/n had already cooked dinner for halmeoni and she asleep when y/n left . She walked around in the neighbor hood but then moved towards the main road where their were a bunch of shops . as her gaze went to the soju and Chicken tent they twinkled . automatically her legs made their way under it . 

She was welcomed by the strong smell of chicken in the tent . But to her notice it was a whole restraunt inside . But she preferred to sit outside where some seats were kept under the moonlight . y/n ordered Soju and fried chicken . Even though Fried Chicken was expensive for her she wanted to eat it along with some Soju also suprisingly the shop was selling it at a cheaper price which made it even easier for her to buy it. 

She sat down on the bench and waited for her order to come . Once it was prepared and given to her she started to gorge on it while looking around . Now it was time for some drink which she really waited for . 

Of course it felt very lonely to have Chicken and Soju alone . Usually at least 2 people together have fun or maybe take their sorrow out . But Y/n was alone taking her sorrow out . Slowly and slowly she got drunk and laid back on the chair looking up at the sky . " Mom , Op- NOoO nO ThAt MoROn iS not My oppA , J-Jungk- Ju..Jungkook! Yes . Jungcock ! abondend me ! He HAteS mEE , ThAT LITTLE PIECE OF SH*T!!  she yelled the last sentence taking everyone's who was walking around attention . They looked at her but passed away when they saw the Soju drink . 

" YoU knoW He IS bAd!" She said as her vision started getting blurry . " can I sit here ? " A man wearing all black who's face wasn't visible asked pointing at the seat in front of Y/n  " SuREE! " Y/n chimed cutely . 

She actually was happy to have someone here with her no matter what even if he was a stranger.

" So what are you sad about ? " The man asked pouring out Soju for himself in a glass . Y/n blinked a few times before replying . " whY SHoulD I TeLL You ?!" She asked . " because it might help you , I mean after all I'm just a stranger , we can talk to each other .. " He offered . " yes.. Ok SO .... My older BroThEr , ThaT SCumBag DiSONWEd me ! " She gasped dramatically to herself then continued . 

" He SAid THaT His DAD MarrIed AnotHer WOman WHO has a DaugHTER WHO IS HIS SISTERRRR NOW!! SO I don'T meaN anyThiNG tO HiM NOw , I Am SaD " She said sadly and laid her head down on the table . The man took a sip of the drink and then spoke . 

Brother | J.JK| one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now