Test Results

1.9K 54 2

y/n- 13

j.k. - 20

y/n is very good at studies . She worked very hard for the upcoming exams and tomorrow is her result day , she is very nervous the exam was lengthy and tough but she managed to do it . 

" Jungkook , I am nervous ! " Y/n whined . 

" Y/n~ , Not again ! " Jungkook whined as well because y/n talked about this for the 20th time in the evening . 

" what type of brother are you ! huh ? you should comfort me and instead you are whining ?!" y/n complained . 

" y/n , seriously ! I am comforting you since the evening ! but now I think I should CONFRONT YOU !" jungkook shouted . 

" confront me about what ?! " y/n attacked back . 

" you are such a small person and you are bullying me ! " Jungkook said . 

" Bullying you? " Y/n said and then held his brown locks and pulled them . " this is bullying " she said back .

" aahhh! Y/n ! You brat !" Jungkook shouted but y/n didn't listen and held his locks then Jungkook held her hands and pulled them away from his locks and pushed the younger down on the couch and hovered above her . " enjoying down there ? " jungkook asked with a grin . 

" aah ! Jungkook ! You are very heavy , get off me you muscle bunny ! " y/n shouted from down there and Jungkook chuckled then after a few more tries of y/n she gave up and slept under him as Jungkook heard some small snores he understood that you are asleep . He quietly got away and looked at you small sleeping figure . He easily lifted you up and carried you to your room , laying you down and covering your body with a blanket he kissed your forehead . " Good night princess " he softly said and smiled before closing the lights and door . Then he also left . 

It's normal for students to worry about their exam results but this time y/n was very scared , It was like she doesn't believes herself so that made Jungkook worried and she was very stressed and really needed a sleep so he made an attempt to make her sleep that way . he was never worried about your results because he doesn't minds what the results come as it is said 'hard work pays off' he believed it and believed you. he knew you would do the best so he wasn't much worried even if you get marks not up to your expectations he doesn't wants you to give up . Just work maybe more hard bit not over work your self . 

Next day 

Y/n got ready but she was still nervous . 

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Their outfits

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Their outfits . 

Y/n wore her dress and Jungkook wore casuals . They were inside the car and y/n was just quite . 

" um.. Y/n-ah you are mad at me ? " Jungkook asked and Y/n shook her head indicating a No " Then why are you so quite ?" He asked again and again earned a shook . Sighing her continued driving . " Why is your tie so short ?" Jungkook asked in order to make her mode light up ? " It's like that only .." She answered " do you perhaps want to go shopping today with me " he asked again . " let's see " she answered . 

as they reached school y/n and Jungkook got out of the car and walked inside the building . Y/n was getting flirty looks and same for jungkook . y/n doesn't minds them because it's usual and so is for Jungkook . They reached in the teacher's cabin . 

" good morning sir " The teacher said . 

" good morning miss" replied Jungkook . 

" good morning Y/n " the teacher said .

" morning miss " Y/n replied with a small smile . 

The teacher understood that she was nervous . She had known y/n since long and could guess her emotions . 

" don't worry you did well " she assured her earning a heads up from Y/n . Then they sat on the chair and the teacher handed Jungkook the report card as Jungkook went through it he had an expressionless expression making y/n tense up . 

Then Jungkook signed on it and y/n took the report card away but as she was about to open it the teacher spoke 

" Mr. Jeon Y/n is doing very well In class , She will be awarded in the award ceremony the next month , I will forward you the details " she said and Jungkook nodded and got up . he had a unreadable expression so Y/n was a bit scared about the results in spite her teachers assurance . 

The Jungkook and y/n thanked the teacher and left the room . As they left y/n took out the report card and read the results . 

Total percentage  : 98.7%

This brought a huge smile on y/n's face and when she looked up to see why Jungkook had an expressionless face she saw him smiling as well . 

" oppa ! " y/n chimed and Jumped on Jungkook. Jungkook quickly held her and put his hands around her thighs to provide the pervert looks from boys around and also because she was wearing a skirt. He kissed her cheeks making other girls around jealous . Y/n was like a koala in Jungkook's embrace . 

" I am so happy with my result but you scared me oppa! " Y/n spoke .

" hehe , I was joking and I am also very happy with the result now let's go home, change and eat then we will go out to have some fun ! alright ? " Jungkook said and y/n nodded happily then she got up and walked out together . 

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