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Her scream and the harsh sound of the whip hitting her bare skin echoed in the hallway. the woman didn't flash any mercy towards her daughter instead she hit her even harder. the girl cried and cried feeling helpless. " I told you to bring me the money today!! You have three moher f*cking jobs! But you couldn't give me the salary! you worthless child!!" Eujin, Kwan Eujin an acholic, drug-addicted lady also a mother yelled at her daughter winging the whip on her daughter's body. 

"you b*tch!" Y/n, Eujin's daughter yelled. " F*ck off! it's the last night you are staying in this house! you know why?" Y/n's mom said like a psycho, She stopped hitting her and bent down to her level. "I'm selling you tomorrow to a f*cking mafia" She completed. 

Y/n's eyes widened. "w-what?!" She said out of fear. "yes! I'm so happy finally I'm getting free from you! the mafia is giving me 15 million for you, finally, you and your body came in help! " She said and got up leaving the poor girl on the floor. 

Y/n laid there all shocked and beaten up. she didn't have the strength to even get up. her skin was all pale. Like she was half depressed. Her body was pull of bruises and cuts. She self harms herself plus the abuse she has to tolerate from her mother. Y/n is dead inside already. whatever she has faced in life was not less now that she is getting sold. 

Her parents got divorced when Y/n was 3. she had an older brother from whom she got separated. she lived with her mom ever since the divorce happened. Since then her life took a sharp turn towards hell. her mom became depressed causing her to drink and sleep with other men to fulfill her desires. In all that she totally forgot that Y/n was her daughter. 

The girl lived a horrible life till now. never being cared by anyone, no one even became her friend because everyone knew about her mom's action which caused them to keep themselves away from y/n means she was always alone.

She always wanted to meet her older brother, she knew he would be the one to keep her safe. Y/n is a quite child. But don't judge her by that, because of all he torture she is not really scared of anything. 

But getting sold some what scared her. It was really unexpected. 



The next morning Y/n woke up on her bed. She had some way or the other dragged herself there. 

She got dressed into this and packed her things

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She got dressed into this and packed her things. Not forgetting to keep the blade with her. "come downstairs!" Her mom yelled from downstairs. "I'm coming!!!" Y/n yelled even louder and angrily. She was already ragging. 

She hates her family. 

Everyone. Her mom is just the worst, Her father never wished of contacting her to check upon her and same goes for her brother. Her brother was someone she loved the most but he never came to save her. 

She went downstairs where her mom was waiting for her. " come, let's go" Eujin said emotionlessly. Y/n nodded and followed her. They sat in the car and Eujin drove to the Mafia's home. "who is the mafia?" Y/n said breaking the silence. A smirk appeared on Eujin's lips 

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