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Y/n got down from the bed and started walking towards the window in the room. She was feeling bad and weird. She was a mute, pale girl what happened in front of Jungkook. She spoke up for herself unexpectedly. Not just poke up but also fought and now she is regretting it?

Does Jungkook care for her? Is he sorry? Why is just a sorry affecting her so much?! It was driving her crazy. She touched the window with her hand as her sleeve fell slightly down, showing off the treated wounds. She squinted her eyes but understood that it's Jungkook work. He was the one holding her when she started crying. she slept in his arms as well. 

A deep sigh escaped her lips as she leaned on the window and closed her eyes. Just then a door knock was heard. she didn't reply even though she had heard it. "I'm coming in" Jungkook said from the other side. 

he entered the room and saw her state. He pressed his lips into a thin line and stood beside her. he also stared outside the window for a few minutes but it started getting suffocating for both of them as time passed. 



Both of them spoke together. "you first" Y/n said looking down.

"what are the grudges you hold against me" he said straight away. Y/n starred at him in disbelief "grudges? " she said staring at him with wide eyes. "yeah.. I know you have some-many! grudges against me, many things you are mad at me with?" he said shrugging. 

"grudges!" She laughed leaning with the support of her hands on the table around. "haha" she laughed. "you find this funny? I'm trying to ask you about your grudges and you are laughing, this all is a joke for you, right-"

"Is this a joke to you!?" Y/n interrupted Jungkook. "You think I'm holding GRUDGES against you!? tell me why you brought me here?!" She said madly looking at him

"yes because that's what I can see, you are mad at me and that's what keeps you away from me and why I brought you here was because I wanted you to grow up into a young lady and not just any sort of brat" he said.

"wow!? such an amazing person you are! Listen here!!" Y/n said and held his collar. "I.HATE.YOU." She said giving him deadly glares. Jungkook just sighed at her childish behavior "are you a kid?" he said. Y/n didn't understand what to say 

"wha-" she said and loosened her grip on his collar. 

"Y/n, see I don't want you to hate me, I want to maintain our relationship, please. I'm sorry for not coming to you soon..." he said but his next action shocked Y/n.

The boy bent down and got on his knees bowing down to Y/. "h-hey!" she said and stepped back. "don't!" she scolded him with teary eyes. 

"Please forgive me Y/nie, Please forgive Kookie oppa"

Y/n cried and bent down hugging him tightly. "oppa!" she cried hugging him like her life depends on him. he hugged her back and closed his eyes. 

"my baby..." he whispered almost in tears. 

 " I love you" his words reached her ears and more tears brimmed down her eyes. "I love you too oppa, don't leave me again, pleasee" she begged him like a broken soul. 

Jungkook couldn't see her state. It hurts him every time. 

In the world Y/n learned that be strong alone. 


3 months later

"y/n-ah!" Jin called y/n from upstairs. "come and eat now!" he said and left to set the dinning table. "I'm coming!" she skipped downstairs and entered the dinning room. "hello!" with a bright smile she sat on a chair. 

"where's Kook?" she asked looking around. "I'm here!" he said from behind and hugged Y/n. "oppa!" She cheered and kissed his cheek. "how was your day?" he asked and took a seat. "amazing! today I scored first in class and finally the pressure is gone for now" she said relaxed talking about her exams. 

"that's amazing!!" He ruffled her hair. "Y/n-ah, pass me the glass of water" Taehyung said from the other side as she handed him the glass. "thank you" he said and drank the water. 

"show me your hand" yoongi said as Y/n rolled her eyes. "it's alright now oppa, see" she lifted up her sleeves and showed Yoongi her healed cuts. "good, but don't forget to apply the ointments other wise it will leave scar behind, ok?" he assured her. "ok!" Y/n smiled back. 

"uhm.. Jungkookie today I saw Y/n with a boy at school" Jimin snickered. Y/n's eyes widened as she looked up at Jimin then Jungkook. "what!?" Jungkook said and shot y/n a glare. 

"no oppa! He was just a classmate, don't worry.. you focus on eating. Don't believe this midget" Y/n glared at Jimin who glared back. "You little-!" Jimin attacked back. 

"hey! stop annoying my little sunshine!" Hoseok interrupted. "hyung!" Jimin said defeated. "Jimin-ah, don't act like a kid" Namjoon chuckled. Jimin puckered his lips and pouted folding his arms over his chest. 

"sorry Jiminie!" Y/n apologized and kissed his cheek. Jimin smiled cheekily "I'm sorry too!" he said and kissed her. "hey! I want a kiss too!" Jungkook and taehyung spoke. Y/n rolled her eyes 

"come on oppa!" She laughed.

these three months were amazing for Y/n. She grew closer to the members and her brother. Her school life got better and she made many friends. her weak body again turned into her cute and healthy one just like before because of the care from the boys.

She found her safe place. her brother's embrace. staying around these boys.



I know this is short! sorry!

But anyways I'm done with this request, phew.

Hopefully you enjoyed!

thank you for reading

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