bedtime stories| 6

816 32 31

Jungkook: 15


Y/n climbed up on Jungkook's bed and hugged him with his small arms. "Oppa~" She said in a cute baby voice. "oppa!" She again said "Hm" Jungkook replied in a sleepy voice "I can't sleep" Y/n complained. Jungkook opened one of his eyes and looked at her. She was staring at him with wide-open and doe. She sure wasn't sleepy while Jungkook just wanted to sleep. He sighed and turned around engulfing her in his warm embrace. 

"sleep" he said in a raspy voice and again tried to sleep. Y/n tried to sleep as well. Maybe she could sleep in his arms. But after another hour of not being able to sleep. She got out of the sleepy Jungkook's arms and shooked his body. "Kookie" she said with a pout. Tears forming in her big doe eyes. "K-Kookie" she cried. Jungkook's eyes opened widely hearing her little cries. 

"hey! why are you crying?" He said. " I-I can't sleep" She cried again while rubbing her tearing eyes with her little fists. Which Jungkook always found cute. Her pout grew bigger and bigger every minute. "oppa is here, come" Jungkook pulled her on his chest and hugged her. "stop crying love, Kookie is here with you" He patted her back. She sobbed his his chest as Jungkook then turned around again hugged her and stroking her hair. 

"Ok, I will tell you a bedtime story now" He proposed, Y/n looked up still rubbing her eyes. "what?" She asked. Jungkook removed her fists from her eyes and kissed the little fists. 

"a cute story" he started. "once upon a time there was a little princess, she was very beautiful and a strong girl. her favorite color was pink and her name was...." 

" Y/n!" Y/n smiled brightly and Jungkook nodded smiling back. "y/nie!" He continued. "One day she was going to a beautiful park where she found a small injured bird, The bird was lying there with one of her legs bleeding " 

" the bird was hurt? " Y/n interrupted him and Jungkook nodded. " the bird was hurt, So Y/n the princess took the bird with her to the castle. The bird was in Y/n's palm. When they reached the castle Y/n called her father "father! father!" she shouted like this. her dad came running to see his daughter" 

He motioned caressed her hair. " When the father came he saw the little bird in her hand and called the vet" 

"who's a vet?" Y/n questioned "a doctor that treats animals" He answered "ohw,, thank you" Y/n thanked him. "The doctor treated the bird and after a few days the bird become well! But One day something surprising happened. The bird started singing and whenever she sang many beautiful pearls fell down her beak!" Y/n gasped in surprise

"wow! really?!" She spoke "yes, really!" Jungkook replied and kissed the tip of her nose. "the bird was now ready to fly and Y/n loved animals but she also loved this bird so she didn't wanted her to go but her father insisted Y/n to let the bird get her freedom so one day he called Super Koo! " He said acting like a superman "super koo?" Y/n said a bit sleepily now. 

"yes, he told y/n that everyone should live happily and you did a very great job by saving the bird! but now let her have her own freedom. Y/n understood him and let the bird fly who happily flew away in the air after bidding her goodbye. " He finished and glanced down at Y/n who was now fall asleep soundly 

A small comforting smile appeared on his lips and he kissed her and while hugging her he slept beside her. 




The next day Y/n woke up and rubbed her eyes. Looking around she didn't find Jungkook and as it was the morning she needed a elder near her. " kookie" she said and got down the bed slowly but her hand slipped "ahh!" her little scream was stopped when she didn't got hurt. Curious she looked up and saw Jungkook holding her. 

" Kookie!" She exclaimed and hugged him snuggling in the crook of his neck. "had a good sleep?" Jungkook said and sat down on the bed. "yes! and I al-so had a dream in which you told me a story about-uhm.. Su-pek" she tried to remember the name "super koo?" Jungkook completed "super koo! yes! Koo was super! he was good and y/nie too" she said happily 

"I know you are a good girl " he chuckled listening to her dream. She thinks it was a dream when in reality Jungkook had to get up to make Y/n sleep, but not like he minded that after all for him it's always his little sister first. 

"Now let's get ready, ok?" He said and Y/n nodded. 

"less gooo" Y/n clapped her hands together in joy. 


Small chapter, right?

I can't really think of any one shot lol

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