The Blood Moon Night| 15| 1/2

855 32 29

* Jungkook:23 *

* requested by : @trastfrated

"so now you remember that you have a sister and she is still alive! " y/n yelled loudly throwing her hands in the air aggressively. "stop creating a scene" Jungkook hissed at her. "I'm creating a scene?! you are the one who appeared out of blue! that too at my mom's funeral! What do you expect me to do?! Kiss you ass?" Y/n madly said.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and pulled her by her wrist to the corner. "leave me! F*cking let go!!" She screamed trying to get off his grip. Jungkook slammed her on the wall and glared at her. He blocked her between his arms and spoke. "shut that little mouth of yours and F*cking respect me" He said with a hint of anger. 

"huh? F*ck you and your-" she was interrupted by Jungkook "Shut up, you look ugly as f*ck when mad" He rolled his eyes and spoke up again. "listen now I'm your guardian, after all our mom and dad both are dead, ok? so now obey me. Let's go" He said and pulled her with him without listening to her reply. 

Y/n sighed deeply knowing that she has no chance winning over this big ass man. She still can't believe that her older brother who ran away from the house at a young age leaving her alone to suffer with those abusive parents. She was just 4 at that time. She got to know that her Father was a Vampire followed by Jungkook being the only Vampire who is alive now. Mr. Jeon was arrested for abusing his wife. Actually Mrs. Jeon had fired a case against Mr. Jeon for abusing her. he was arrested after that but he killed himself in the jail itself. 

Mrs. Jeon died a few days back 'cause of hard drugs that she took. She even forced Y/n to take some. But She denied. As though mrs. jeon forced her to have drugs sometimes. 

Y/n was sick of that life. She was planning on running away but before she could take any action her mom only passed away. Even though Y/n hated her parents she was sad when they died. Now her brother decided to come back saying that he is taking over her because both the parents are dead. She agrees with him but doubts that he will ever take care of her. 

What if he hates her? 

But she knows it's hard to survive on her own after the death of her mother and maybe Jungkook will treat her right? So it's better to go after him even though she doesn't trusts him.

Y/n has never lived a Vampire. Her dad didn't give a damn to her and barely was home. Whenever he used to come back he always used to beat either her mom or her. She sure was abused a  lot in the childhood even forced to have drugs. Her mom was ready to sell her. She almost got pregnant at the young age. 

Y/n is not even half a Vampire. She got her genes from her mother. The girl envies Jungkook so much. Seeing his condition now makes her even more mad and feel jealous. First he didn't had to go through the torture that she went though in childhood. Second He is very rich now. She could clearly she it. the way he was dressed, the luxurious car and everything. 

Of course Vampires can read minds but Jungkook respects privacy and wasn't as interested in knowing whatever that goes in her mind. He wanted to know the truth from her mouth. he wanted her to come to him and tell him everything. It's not like he had a easy life. the boy did suffer a lot. But now it's worth it. he is a mafia. Not just any mafia the most strongest Vampire mafia who is known in the whole under world. For his looks, power and coldness. 

Y/n was thinking about everything that Jungkook could do to her. Suddenly the car came to a hault. They had reached the home or well Mansion. She was sure now that he is very rich. The house had a modern infrastructure and inside it was in the theme of black, brown and touch of golden. 

She was in love with the house already. Jungkook entered the house followed by Y/n. She looked around the house like a lost puppy and suddenly bumped into Jungkook. He had stopped walking suddenly which caused Y/n to bump into his back. "ouch" she groaned in a little whisper. "miss hong take her to her new room " Jungkook instructed a worker. The lady quickly bowed down and nodded. She came over to Y/n and bowed down. "please follow me" said the lady and leaded Y/n to her new room. 

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