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Note: Jungkook as Jung-mi's stepbrother. But dont worry, it is even more interesting! stay tuned!


Jung-mi unleashed her frustrations to her best friend, Seo-yeon, as they sat on a bench near the school courtyard. "Gosh, he's really annoying, and he has a girlfriend. That little chick is always looking down at me as if I'm some homeless girl these Richie Rich guys adopted!" she rambled, the irritation evident in her voice.

Her mother had remarried just three months ago after divorcing her father a year back, and ever since then, Jung-mi found herself living with the Jeons, a family that reeked of wealth.

"They literally reek wealth," she added, rolling her eyes. But despite the luxurious surroundings, all Jung-mi craved was a nice, loving family. However, fate had different plans for her. Here she stood, attending one of the biggest schools in Korea, her life flipped upside down after her mother fell in love with the owner of the company.

Seo-yeon listened attentively, offering comfort, "Maybe your stepbrother doesn't realize how he's making you feel. Have you tried talking to him?"

Jung-mi scoffed, "Talk to him? He's too busy flaunting his family's wealth and parading around with his perfect girlfriend. I'm practically invisible to him."

"Well, don't let them get to you. You're strong, and you deserve happiness just like anyone else," Seo-yeon reassured her. "Maybe things will get better with time."

But Jung-mi, with a hint of bitterness, replied, "I doubt it. Sometimes, I feel like I'm just a charity case in this luxurious life. It's like they adopted me to show off their generosity; I mean, Mr. Jeon is still somewhat sensible, but his son!" Jung-mi sighed in frustration. Seo-yeon placed a comforting hand on Jung-mi's shoulder, "You're not a charity case, and you're not invisible. You have value, and you deserve love and respect. Maybe things will change."

As the bell rang, signaling the end of their break, Jung-mi wiped away a stray tear. "Thanks, Seo-yeon. I appreciate you listening. Let's head to class before we're late." The two friends walked towards the building, leaving behind the bench and Jung-mi's frustrations. Little did Jung-mi know, her journey in this new family and school was just beginning, and who knows what surprises the universe had in store for her.

"What're you even doing here?" she asked, annoyed, crossing her arms over her chest. "You're back. I was waiting for what felt like eternity," he replied, removing his sunglasses. Jung-mi just rolled her eyes at him. "What do you want, Jungkook?" she asked, frustrated by the unwanted attention.

"Come with me, we gotta talk," Jungkook said, grabbing hold of her wrist and dragging her out of the class, ignoring her protests. "Hey! Let go of me, you monkey!" she tried to pull away, failing miserably. Jung-mi stepped on his foot, making him groan and release her hand. She assumed a defensive position. "What the-" he hissed, glaring at Jung-mi. "What do you want to talk about? Tell me right now!" she commanded.

Jungkook stood up straight, glaring at her. "What is your problem, huh?! I'm trying to be nice, but you won't step back from your bratty behavior!" he scolded Jung-mi, who simply rolled her eyes. "Oh, cut it out, Jeon! Tell me, what do you want?" she spoke, her fists balled in front of her, ready to defend herself if needed.

Jungkook sighed frustratedly and spoke up, "It's about your mom, interested now?" He said it seriously, earning a serious yet worried look from Jung-mi. She lowered her hands and walked closer to him. "What happened to her?" she asked in a firm voice. Jung-mi couldn't afford to lose her mom; she was the only person in her life whom she truly loved.

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