Jealousy| 15|

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*Jungkook: 24*

*a requested chapter*bida

"I know you can't resist me" Sara, Jungkook's girlfriend touched his lips. "you know me well" Jungkook spoke and smashed his lips with Sara's. They devoured each other's taste as Jungkook bit Sara's lips making her smile, he entered his tongue inside her mouth and explored it all. 

"Oppa!" Their beautiful, sweet time was disturbed by Jung-mi's voice. Jungkook let out an annoyed groan whereas Sara chuckled. "this girl" Jungkook rolled his eyes and called out for her. 

"what?" His voice filled with annoyance. "where are you even?" Jung-mi's voice was heard from afar. "here, In my room" He said, The next minute Jung-mi marched into his room with a file in her hand. "here sign this" She handed him the file and a pen. "what is this?" He asked. "my report card" She smiled at him. Jungkook took the report card away and signed it quickly without looking at the marks. He handed her the report card back. "go" He said. Jung-mi's smile fell she looked at him and spoke. "you didn't even see the marks" She said with a pout again handing him the report card. 

"I'll see later on, go please" He said keeping the report card away on a table then turning towards Sara. "oppa.. I worked hard, very hard..." she said looking at the card. "We'll see it later on" Jungkook again said.  Jung-mi sighed and left the room. She went outside the room "close the door" Jungkook ordered, she looked behind and harshly closed the door behind.

"Jeon Jung-mi!" Jungkook scolded from inside. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag then stomped outside the house. 

She walked down the street and sighed remembering how Jungkook has been ignoring her the last few months. Ever since he started dating Sara, he hasn't found even a single proper minute for his sister. She hates how Sara is steeling all the attention from him. All the moments and memories she had with Jungkook over the past 13 years is now being repeated by Jungkok and Sara in just 2-3 months? Sara stays with them now, Jungkook cooks along with her, the same back hugs Jung-mi used to give Jungkook now Sara give him those. The cute kisses and giggles of Jungkook. The times when they watch Horror movies, scaring the sh*t out of Jung-mi. Now It's Sara. 

It may make you think that Jung-mi is very young to think all that but she's heard them having s*x in Jungkook's room. None of the rooms in the house is soundproof. She can hear the moans and screams out of pleasure escaping Sara's mouth and those sinful words like daddy, f*ck, faster.... Everything. It doesn't allows her to sleep alone now. She feels disgusted. So disgusted that she even thought of moving in with her parents. 

She's very jealous of Sara, it's clearly visible. Sara notices it too and tries to convince Jungkook to give her some time as well but Jungkook says she'll be alright. Sara wanted to build a nice relationship with Jung-mi but it wasn't possible with Jungkook's clingy and horny side and Jung-mi's possessive one. 

All Jung-mi wants is Jungkook, she didn't wanted to hate her but this change in Jungkook's behavior made Jung-mi feel jealous of Sara. She was very happy at first but then she saw how Jungkook stopped paying attention to her made her mad, sad, envious. But she is still trying to be a good sister and friend of Sara. She's trying her best not to burst out. If she would've wanted she could've just left the house long back and shifted with her parents in another block. 

Right now that's what she is doing, instead of going to the park she'll go to her parents home. It's not very far from here, all she needs to do is catch a bus and stop at the 3rd station from here. using her ID she sat inside the bus and put on her earphones, she played a song and looked outside the window. On the next station a pregnant lady got on the bus, she was wearing a mask that was hiding her face. Jung-mi looked around the bus and saw no empty space for her, she got up and motioned the lady to sit at her place. She lady smiled warmly and thanked her before holding the pole for support and sitting down. Jung-mi held the pole and listened to some songs until she reached her stop. 

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