Bully| 14 | 2/2

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Here I am sitting and staring at the window of my room with teary eyes . all I could think of was My brother and my bully's sick idea of getting me into trouble . I never wanted to dissapoint my brother in any way because I have always been scared of him to death . 

and knowing the fact that people with underground business have short temper and my brother being one of them scares me even more . Urgh! why was all this supposed to happen . I could have just lived decently with my brother even though I know he wouldn't have interacted with me . But his presence was also good . 

Thinking of the condition I am in now made tears fall down my eyes . I quickly wiped them and stood up sniffling my knows as there was a knock at my door . 

I just glanced at the clock for a second and realized it was my lunch time . Opening the door their was food kept at my doorsteps . I got the tray and entered my room .

After washing my hands clean I started to eat the food. Jungkook was pretty good at cooking but I couldn't really care less about food as I was just staring outside the room . My stomach started tingling so I left my half eaten food after wiping my mouth and flopped on my bed . 



As Time passed the tingling sensation in my stomach turned into a bad stomach ache . I clutched onto my stomach and curled up into a ball . The pain was at a bad level . 

I thought for a second and then my eyes went to the food which reminded me that maybe it had Ell in it . I somehow stumbled to the tray of food and looked at it . At the very end there I saw cooked and sessoned Ell . 

The very food that I'm ALERGIC TO! 

My eyes went wide as I started to search for my medicines . This alergy causes my stomach to ache alot . Some times I even have to run to hospitals if the medications aren't taken at time .

The medicines were no where to be found almost making me cry but then it hit me it's kept in the kitchen drawers . All my medicines . 

Without thinking twice I ran outside my room with still my hand over my stomach . as I reached the living room there was Jungkook using his phone looking mad but I didn't gave  a damn and just ran to the kitchen . 

Of course Jungkook saw me and followed me behind . " Y/n! " He shouted but that didn't stop me . I am literally crying internally and soon tears might flow down my eyes as well . My body temperature is also getting high . 

I grabbed the pills and grabbed one glass . With shaky hands I started pouring out water but someone yanked it away . There Jungkook was glaring at me . " didn't I tell you to stay in your room ?! " He yelled " I-" I tried to speak but words wouldn't come out . 

" you really have the guts to disobey me !! " he growled and pulled me out of the kitchen and to the room and pushed me down on the floor . " Ouch ! " I hissed in pain and rubbed my butt . 

" You need to learn " And with that Jungkook took out his belt and was ready to hit me with it but I spoke up " STOP!! " I shouted and covered my body with my hands . " I-I was here to take the m-medicines ! " I again yelled then continued . " you really are the worst !! I don't know why all of this is important ! All you f*cking care about is your work ! Am I just a piece of shi*t to you?!" Rage took over me as I cried . My pain is getting worse

Jungkook lowered his belt and stared at me emotionlessly . " I never bullied that girl ! what makes you believe her and not me ?! It is her! Who bullies me ! Just because I'm better than her" Jungkook's eyes softened for a little second but it again turned cold . 

" what's the medications for " He asked " You f*cking sc*mbag ! I am alergic to Ell ! My body it feels weak and I feel worse ! I-its hurting but.. why would you know , all you know about me is that I'm your sister for name ! Nothing else about me how can you be such a bad brother I hate you!!! " I growled and stared at him with teary eyes before my eyes started to shut off . the other moment it all turned black . 

Author's POV 

The moment Y/n fainted Jungkook's heart also dropped just like her body did but before it could touch the floor . he held her tightly in his embrace . Not wasting anytime he took her to her room and laid her down on the bed . Then Jungkook called then doctor who arrived on time and checked his little baby sister . 

" She is alright , it's just the Allergy , don't worry much . I have given her glucose and some medications she will be well soon . " the doctor patted Jungkook shoulder as Jungkook thanked him and escorted him out . 

The boy then went to see his sister laying down on the bed with her eyes closed . he went and sat beside her holding her little hands . he chuckled lightly as he compared his big hands with her little and cute ones . It's like she knew that Jungkook was their and in return she held his hand back 

 It's like she knew that Jungkook was their and in return she held his hand back 

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Her little hands clutched onto Jungkooks. A suppressed tear left Jungkooks eyes realising how badly he has ever behaved with y/n . It made him feel guilty. The 14 year old was such a sweet little angel while he was being a devil. "I'm sorry.... For everything.... " he muttered and bit his lips another tear left his eyes which fell on y/ns arm making her make the slightest moment. Jungkook came to action and held her cheeks "y/n..." he whispered to her

" oppa.. " y/n's small sweet voice spoke as she tried to open her eyes. " yes y/n I'm here wake up " he spoke and got up looking at her little face. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Jungkook .

Her body moved upwards trying to get up as Jungkook helped her. "w-water " she said and Jungkook handed her a glass of water. She slurped it inside and gave him the glass. " how are you feeling?? " he asked her stroking her hair downwards "better " she answered.

After a few minutes of dead silence Jungkook spoke all of a sudden " y/n I'm really sorry! " he aburtly  spoke " h-huh ?"

" I'm sorry I know I've been the worst brother and I hate it. I promise to take care if your from now on.. I am sorry for not trusting you but you know I am like that in reality " he spoke looking at y/n

" it's alright " she spoke in a baby voice looking down But was taken off when Jungkook pulled her into his warm embrace " I love you baby.. " he whispered to her and pecked her forehead.

" I love you too" y/n smiled and hugged him back.



Man I'm cringing over the things I write lol

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Comments and votes encourage me to write. But this book barely has any votes which makes me sad


Bye and also make sure to read my other 2 books ^^

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