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The dark clouds covered the sky as it started to rain heavily. Y/n buried her face in the pillow and covered her body with the blanket. She was sweating badly. her body was shivering and she was sobbing badly. Her eyes were closed though

She was having a nightmare. 

"eomma!" the 8-year-old boy called out of his mother while struggling in his dad's grip. His mother stared at him with teary eyes as she carried the one-year-old in her arms. "I love you Jungkookie" She whispered sadly and turned around facing her back to Jungkook his dear son. 

"y/n!!" Jungkook cried loudly and stared at his mother and sister's disappearing figure. 

The little girl wasn't able to understand what was actually happening she just saw her older brother crying which made her sad too. Tears pooled in her eyes as she started crying loudly. The high pitch cry was heard by many people around in the hallway. They gave sympathetic looks while passing. 

Her mother comforted her and finally she got quite but still kept sobbing in her chest. 

"aah! "  Y/n said and got up with a gasp. She held her chest and breathed in heavily. Her eyes went to the wall clock that read 9 in the morning. With a sigh she got up from the bed, after getting ready she headed outside the room. 

"morning eomma!" she greeted her mother who was cooking breakfast. "morning Y/n" She greeted back and continued cooking. Her hair was tied in a messy bun and a apron wrapped around her body. "finally it's a sunday" Y/n said happily. her mother looked down at the chopping board and sighed deeply. 

"you have to go somewhere today, remember?" She reminded Y/n. Then it hit her. Today is her dad's wedding. Means her biological dad's second marriage. her blood started boiling. 

"I already told you I'm not going!" Y/n said madly. "but you have to baby, he invited you" Eunha said looking at y/n. "but I'm busy!!" Y/n said. "you are not.." Eunha looked down and continued cutting the strawberries. After that she served it in a bowl with other fruits to Y/n. 

she got herself her coffee and toast and sat beside y/n. after taking a sip of the coffee she spoke. "Y/n, you should be happy that your father is finally getting married " she said and looked at y/n. Y/n ignored her and chewed on her fruits salad. 

"he is finally happy and maybe so is your brother, they will be complete now, join them on this time... It's a-a happy moment!" Eunha tried to convince y/n. But Y/n wouldn't budge. "hey! stop ignoring me!" she immediately scolded y/n.

"why mom?! why!? They were my family! after leaving you in pain he is getting married?!" Y/n bursted. 

"don't say like that! they are your family!!" Eunha scolded y/n. "are they?" Y/n smiled bitterly. 

"then where were they when we needed them? when we were suffering from financial crises!? I was just one years old when they left me? Now they are remembering that they have a daughter as well? What if I go there and get humiliated!? They don't even remember how I look, I don't remember them?! Mom why do you want me to go there??!" Y/n screamed standing up with tears in her eyes. 

"Because I want you to meet your family, they still are with you. Your brother.. You know how much he loved you!? He really, really loved you... I want you to meet him, please y/n for me" Eunha practically begged. 

Y/n took a deep sigh and hugged her mother. She will go but just for her mother. because she loved her mother. She still remembered how her mother used to work her ass off to earn money for them. Now they have a huge company and are very rich. But the struggle her mother has been though hurts her. 

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