Homework |14

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Y/n pulled her hair in frustation. She was trying to complete her maths homework but wasn't able to do that . She found the questions very hard to solve . Jungkook was in the home studio doing his work . So she didn't wanted to disturb him and thought to handle it on her own but it didn't work out . She walked out of her room to the studio and knocked on the door . " Kookie?" she said from outside ."y/n not now , I am busy " he spoke from the other end . " ok" y/n spoke sadly and went away . It was already night and she was just going to eat and then sleep . Tomorrow she had to submit it to the teacher . She tried for the last time but didn't succedded again.

Later she had her dinner and went to sleep . She was scared because the teacher might scold her . She didn't even asked any of her friends because then it would be cheating and if she would ask Jungkook it would be HELP .

The next morning she wore a oversized black t shirt and blue jeans . She tucked a little part of the t shirt inside the jeans , tied her hair in a pony and wore white combats . That morning she didn't see Jungkook . Y/n thought maybe in the morning he could help her but she didn't see him . Sadly she went to the school .

Time Skip

" Jeon Y/N  your homework please " the teacher asked y/n nervously went and handed the teacher her notebook and got ready to listen to her scolding. But suprisingly no one scolded her the teacher returned the notebook and when she opened it she saw the question was done .

She gasped . She wasn't the person who did the homework ?! Then who??! She took her phone out and saw a message from Jungkook

Kookie oppa : y/nie I did your homework last night but today when you return I will explain you the question , sorry I couldn't help yesterday but its alright , bye luv yaa.

Y/n was shocked but happy at the same point .

Y/n: thank you sooo much oppa <333




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