Bad people| 5

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Jungkook: 15 years

"bye, momma! " Little Y/n chirped as she held the hand of her class teacher and bid her goodbyes with Mrs. Jeon. 

" bye, Y/niee" Mrs. Jeon waved at her and left. Y/n loved going to school. she was a very cheerful and smart girl. It was one of her favorite times of the day. She skipped to her classroom and greeted her classmates. 

" Hello, Jina" Y/n greeted her friend. Seo Jina. " hello Y/n !" Jina greeted back and they hugged each other. 

" Everyone, Today we will study about Safety Rules, Ok? " The teacher spoke and the kids took out their Environmental Studies book. 

" Ok, so now listen to me carefully, If someone says  " kid come here I will give you a chocolate " and you don't know the man then you will say " NO thank you", you all are smart children, right?" The teacher spoke. 

" yes ma'am! " All the kids replied together. 

" yes, so don't go anywhere with a stranger, alright ? "; " yes ma'am !! "  again the kids said.


The moment Y/n saw her mother she ran towards her and hugged her . " momma! " she smiled and jumped into Mrs. Jeon's embrace. 

" Had fun today ? " Mrs. Jeon asked y/n and bumped her with hers. " velly GoOD! Miss Ella taught us SaFetY RulES " She said smiling as Mrs. Jeon chuckled . " That's good, Now let's pick up your brother from his school, ok ? " Mrs. Jeon said and tied Y/n to the kids seat in her car and started the car . 

" Koo! " Y/n smiled and clapped her little hands. Mrs. Jeon drove to Jungkook's school. Y/n was playing with her little toy in the car and blabbling in her baby voice.

" We're here " Mrs. Jeon unbuckled her and Y/n seat belt before carring Y/n in her arms. 

Jungkook was talking with his friends while waiting for her mom to come and pick her up. " yes, my mom and Y/nie will be here , I guess " Jungkook said. " You sister is so cute " His friend cooed and Jungkook chuckled . " I know she is the cutest" he said . 

Y/n's mom carried y/n in her arms and reached the school gate where Jungkook was waiting with his friends. " y/nie ! Mom ! " he smiled and ran towards the two. 

" Koo ! " Y/n bend towards Jungkook and kissed his lips as Jungkook now took Y/n in his arms from his mom's . He bumped his nose with hers and rubbed it. " I missed you" Jungkook said . 

" Dude you were only away for 6 hours " Jungkook's friend commented. "SO !?" Jungkook said and both of them chuckled. " taetae! " Y/n chirped and extended her hands towards Taehyung , Jungkook's friend who fondly smiled and hugged her. 

" How is Y/nie ? " He asked and Y/n gave him a thumbs up and her bunny smile. Taehyung returned his Boxy smile. 

" Let's go now kids " mrs. Jeon said and Taehyung handed Y/n to Mrs. Jeon as they parted ways.

Jungkook sat on his seat and buckled up Y/n.




" Koo! Ice cweam , pleaz" Y/n pleaded. " no , Y/nie , Mom will scold us! You caught fever last time remember ? " Jungkook declined and Y/n got sad.

" Bad Kookie ! " She cried and ran from there and went towards the sand play area where kids were building sand castles. Jungkook sighed and sat in front of her on a bench staring at Y/n building  a sand castle. He looked around and suddenly his gaze fell on a girl who was in the park sitting near the fountain. 

Brother | J.JK| one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now