Drunk| 14

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*Jungkook: 24*

* requested by: @someoneimbida  

Y/n paced back and forth in the house waiting for her brother who hasn't come home yet. It's past midnight now. Usually, he comes by 7 o'clock. Then they would eat their dinner together. Even though it's always quiet but Y/n is used to the quiet company of Jungkook and she likes that as well. 

Today she had her dinner alone and since then she's been waiting for him. He isn't even picking up calls. Y/n also called his manager and she said that Jungkook left long back. It's been now about 3 hours since she's called Ms. Yang- Jungkook's manager. 

As Jungkook is a CEO on the second thought he might be attending some meetings but most of the time he informs Y/n if he will be late. Or maybe his phone is dead but nothing convinced Y/n. At last she got up and spoke to herself.

"he isn't a baby Y/n! he'll take care of himself!! I should sleep! I'll get dark circles! " She scolded herself and headed to her room but stopped hearing the main door open. Her head shot behind her and saw a stumbling Jungkook entering the house. His coat was hanging on his right arm. The first few buttons of his white shirt were open. His hair was messy. 

Y/n ran towards him and helped him stand up. "oppa, what's this? where were you!? I was so worried!" She scolded him totally forgetting about the consequences of she would face for raising her voice at him. 

Jungkook looked at her face and she faced him as well. His face had lipstick marks like someone kissed him. Her cheeks and nose was red. She got scared remembering that she scolded him. 

Jungkook stared at her with a straight face and leaned towards her quickly pecking her soft lips and smiled adorably. 

Y/n stood there stunned! She doesn't remembers the last time when he kissed her. It's been so long. Jungkook is usually a cold brother. He doesn't talks much and doesn't even shows much affection. But he loves her a lot. More than himself actually.

"Y/nie~" Jungkook cooed and hugged her. Once Y/n came back to her senses she quickly stared at him before pushing him away. 

"you smell bad!" she said. "you s-smell like-like , uhm..alcohol! alcohol! .... you are drunk! oh sh*t!" she cursed but quickly covered her mouth when she realized that.

Jungkook fell down on his butt and pouted sadly. "you pushed m *hiccup * me!" He cried. 

"you should g-go and change" Y/n said. "pick me up!" He said extending his arms for her to pick him up with a cute smile on his face. First Y/n frowned but when she saw his cute expression she pouted as well. 

He looked extremely cute. "awh~ " she cooed at him and pinched his cheek. "I can't carry you oppa but help you in walking? " she said and held his hand. Jungkook nodded and stood up with her support. She dragged him to the nearest room because she couldn't walk upstairs to his room with him hanging on her. 

"sit, I'll get you some cloths from your room" Y/n spoke and started going out of the room but was pulled by Jungkook.

"why are you going away?" He whined. She let out a sigh and cupped his face. "you need to change, I'll be right back, Ok?" She said and smiled at the last. Jungkook smiled and kissed her nose. "ok!!" He said and let her go. Y/n went out of the room and to Jungkook's room.

She shuffled though the cloths in his closet and got out a white Tee with check pajamas. After that she went back downstairs and entered the room. "I'm back" She said but when she found the room empty she gasped. 

"oppa? Where are you?" She said and started looking around the room and washroom. But when she went inside she got scared to death.

"booo!!!" Jungkook yelled scaring her. 
She placed her hand on the chest and let out a sigh. 

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