unbothered| 12| 1/2

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Jung-mi wore a white crop top and light blue jeans. She paired them with white snickers and combed her short shoulder-length hair. The see-thru bangs covered her forehead partially and also the bandage at the top left corner of her forehead. Oh, how glad she was to have those bangs. 

She stared at her reflection in the mirror. A pale, skinny girl who looked like she hadn't eaten for months and had sleepless nights stood dressed as perfect as she could so that no one would doubt her condition. She looked at her face on the cheek there was a cut at the corner which she tried to hide with a lot of difficulties but couldn't. It was still clearly visible. The bandage was not really visible. Only if anyone would take a very close look at her face could see it. The hair on her forehead had covered the skin-colored thing. 

She really wanted to apply makeup to cover the little cuts, marks, and bags under her eyes. But she didn't have much energy left. She had dressed up and that was more than enough. But the hard task was left now. She had to go to the district court where her parents would be fighting for the custody of their children after the divorce case. 

This is what She has been doing for the past couple of months. going to the court to see her parents fight and then returning back again to see them fight, beating each other and also Jung-mi to a point that she regretted being a part of this horrible family. Before all this started she used to be very proud of her family and definitely loved it. They have money, fame, respect everything. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon own their own companies. Mrs. Jeon own a clothing brand whereas Mr. Jeon is the CEO of Jeon enterprises. Her brother is one of the most famous Idols in the world. Last but not the least Her grandparents still own a share in the Jeon enterprises. They were the ones who built the company that was later on handed to their eldest son. 

They were such a happy family until 6 months back when her parents started fighting. Because her parents are workaholic they weren't able to give each other much time and attention so that's how the fight started. Jungkook, Jung-mi's brother was known by the fact that there's a lot happening in the family and he didn't seem to care which bothered Jung-mi a lot. She knows he's a busy person but a little bit of attention won't be much hard to give. 

How long will it take to write a hi and ask how are you? But guess he's very busy. Jung-mi isn't very happy with this behavior of Jungkook. Maybe he could just pay a bit more attention to his family. Maybe he could have tried to solve the problem between his parents so that Jung-mi wouldn't have to get beaten up. So that the siblings wouldn't have separated. But even after knowing the fact that Jung-mi and Jungkook will get away from each other and will be set apart. He just didn't do anything.

 It was like he just didn't give two sh*t about his family anymore. He didn't cared for his sister anymore. 

Today The siblings would meet at the court. After all its about them. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon have already left for the court whereas Jung-mi called her driver who dropped her at the Court. "thank you " She thanked him and stared at the huge building. The place where  families are broken for good. Some people return with happiness and victory whereas the other one returns with the opposite feelings. the Court is for anyone and everyone who wants to live peacefully, who wants justice. But in the end of the day its for the citizens own good. 

Jung-mi sighed and entered the court. She walked towards the courtroom and outside she was met by her grandma who was busy talking to her son and their lawyer about something. The didn't notice Jung-mi as she looked away and found her cousins and aunt standing in the corner talking to the lawyer's junior. 

Lawyer Yang Hyun-bin: The lawyer from Mr. Jeon's side. He is from one of the biggest law firms in Korea. They have high expectations from him. He is expert in winning cases at the District court. He has won numerous cases and this one is gonna be easy for him after all he has a lot of evidences against Mrs. Jeon. Hyun-bin is also Mr. Jeon's childhood friend who is always ready to fight for him. 

Lawyer Oh Yana: Mrs. Jeon's lawyer, she has worked on numerous custody cases in Korea as well as a few cases in U.S.A-her hometown. She's an expert at turning table and flipping the case. This lady is very nice and is a single mother herself, she knows how it feels to lose a child's custody. One parent can keep one child but of course a mother's heart doesn't accepts that, she would want both her children with her. But here the case is different. Mrs. Jeon is ready to let go off her younger child, Jung-mi. She's fighting the case for Jungkook and only him. This is what Yana doesn't likes about the case. 

Jung-mi was about to walk inside the room until she saw a bunch of built up men wearing all black entering the hallway. She frowned but then understood its her older brother. He was walking between those men with his hands in his pockets and was totally chilled out whereas Jung-mi's hands were profusely sweating. She rubbed her palms and stared at him. He looked in her eyes and then walked past her, in fact his body guards pushed her aside. 

She stumbled backwards and groaned but someone was quick enough to hold her. Jung-mi quickly turned around and saw Joshua, her best friend and also her neighbor. He was the same age as Jung-mi and they've known each other for over 10 years now. Their family's also know each other really well. 

"you good?" He asked and turned around to face her. She nodded slightly and looked inside the courtroom. Jungkook's bodyguards were now standing at the back of the room whereas Jungkook was talking to Mrs. Jeon and Yana. 

"He ignored me" she said sadly. "Its alright, you know he must be scared of media and stuff..." Joshua tried to comfort her and hugged her. 


"c'mon lets go inside. 



I am extremely sorry for being the WORST author in this world! 

I'm in 9th currently and everything is just so messed up. I don't feel like writing now anymore but I'll try my best, for you guys.

It's just that the updates will be very slow.

Please stay with me, the summer break is coming soon and then maybe I'll be able to write more often

I love you all and thank you so much for the support and also sorry

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