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Note: Jung-mi and Jungkook have another sibling named Jung-hoon, who's younger than Jungkook but older than Jung-mi. He's 20


Jung-mi sat silently in the office, her gaze fixed on her lap. Beside her, Stacey wept dramatically.

"This is not acceptable, Jung-mi. You are a good student, and getting involved in fights is not something I expect from you," sighed Miss Cho, Jung-mi's teacher. She took a seat and continued, "I've called your parents; they're on their way."

"Ma'am! This girl should get punished after what she did!" cried Stacey loudly.

Miss Cho looked at Stacey with a stern expression. "Stacey, I understand that you're upset, but let's try to handle this situation calmly. Jung-mi, can you please explain what happened?"

Jung-mi hesitated for a moment, then quietly began to recount the events that led to the altercation. "Stacey has been spreading rumors about me, and today she crossed the line. I couldn't take it anymore, and we ended up arguing."

Stacey interrupted, "She's lying! She started it, and she hit me first!"

Miss Cho raised her hand to calm Stacey down. "I appreciate your perspective, Stacey. I will hear from both sides before making any decisions. It's important to understand the full story. Now, Jung-mi, I expect better from you. Physical altercations are not the solution. We'll discuss appropriate ways to handle conflicts after I've spoken with your parents."

Just then, a man in his early twenties entered the room, catching Miss Cho's attention. A warm smile spread across her face at the sight of her former student.He was dressed in a stylish ensemble, donning a crisp white t-shirt paired with sleek black jeans, and a black leather jacket that exuded an edgy flair. Completing the look were chunky combat boots, giving him an overall handsome and youthful appearance. His hair, although intentionally messy, seemed meticulously set to achieve that effortlessly cool vibe.

Adding to his distinctive style, he sported around five piercings in each ear, creating an intricate and bold statement. A silver chain dangled around his neck, providing a subtle yet striking accent to his ensemble. This young man presented a blend of confidence and fashion-forward individuality, making a memorable impression with his well-curated and attention-grabbing look.

"Hello, Miss Cho," greeted Jeon Jung-hoon, Jung-mi's older brother. "Oh my, hello, Jung-hoon! You've grown so much," she exclaimed.

"Thank you, Miss Cho. But I'm confused. What did Jung-mi do? What exactly happened?" he inquired, his curiosity evident. He glanced at Jung-mi, who stood there, unable to summon the courage to meet her older brother's gaze. He had likely sacrificed his college plans to be here, only to hear complaints about his sister. She felt a surge of guilt, but at the same time, she was seething with anger at Stacey for causing this commotion that led to the current situation.

Before Miss Cho could utter a word, a couple barged into the room, presumably Stacey's parents. The moment Stacey spotted her parents, she burst into tears. The lady, presumably Mrs. Ah, hastily pushed Miss Cho aside and rushed to embrace Stacey.

"OMO! Stacey! MY BABY! ARE YOU OKAY?!" she screamed loudly, inspecting Stacey for any injuries. Stacey's disheveled hair covered her face, and her mascara had smudged, giving her a distressed appearance.

"WHO DID THIS?!" raged Mrs. Ah. Stacey pointed accusingly at Jung-mi, exclaiming, "SHE! THIS BITCH DID THIS TO ME!"

Enraged, Mrs. Ah stomped towards Jung-mi, raising her hand to slap her. However, Jung-mi squirmed under her shadow, but someone was quick enough to intervene. Jung-hoon stood there, glaring at Mrs. Ah, firmly holding her hand.

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