First Period

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Y/n walked to her closet still in her undergarments but a towel wrapped around her body  and grabbed a pair of white ripped shorts and black tinted crop top . She matched it with black boats before changing into them . Clutching on her phone and bag she stepped down the stairs and went to the dinning room where she saw her brother sitting on a chair . " Good Morning Kookie " she spoke with a small smile " Good morning y/n" he replied back coldly . Y/n went to Jungkook and placed a kiss on his cheeks and sat on the seat in front of him . 

Jungkook is very cold and strict with y/n . But inside he loved her the most . Y/n loved him a lot and knows that he loves her back . she never hesitates to kiss him , hug him or share anything with him . 

After the breakfast they headed to the school and parted their ways ...

Time skip 

It was the 3rd period and y/n felt her stomach ache . She clutched it and bended her body down. she raised her hand in between the class . " ma'am I need to go to the medical room " she spoke and the teacher allowed her she got up from her seat and went to the medical room but no one was in there . A small sad pout appeared on her face . Sighing she went to her locker and took her phone out and messaged Jungkook


Kookie oppa🍪💜

                                                                                                                    Me:   Kookie, My tummy hurts bad ! 

Kookie oppa🍪💜: eat something or go to the washroom.

                                                                                                                                                            Me: oh ok ! 

I kept my phone in my side pocket and made my way to the cafeteria it was totally empty because we still had time for the lunch . She ordered a packet or chips and cracker bar . Then she sat on a seat and ate it until she felt cold in her pants . Curious she ran to the washroom and entered a cubicle . She lowered her pants and saw blood on her panties . She whisper screamed. Y/n didn't understand what it is and soon tears started falling down her eyes . She was scared . Affraid she might DIE . her shorts were also stained She quickly took her phone out and called Jungkook forgetting the fact that he must be attending his classes . she tired once but he didn't answer so she tried again and over again until he finally picked up 

On the call 

Jungkook: Y/n ! I am in my class righ-

y/n: Kookie ! 

she cried making Jungkook worried he was doing his class and his phone was constantly ringing and he kept denying it but when he heard y/n cry it made him worried . He quickly went out of the class inspite the teacher scolding him 

Jungkook: y/n what happened why are you crying ?? 

he asked worried 

Y/n: kookie I am going to die! T-there is blood ! s-save me I don't want to d-die t such a young age 

she cried out . 

Jungkook: die ?! why what happened where are you ??

he asked getting Hella worried and scared . 

Y/n: in the girls washroom on t-the 2nd floor .

Jungkook: ok I am coming don't cry hm..

He said trying to assure her but instead he was more worried . 

He declined the call and ran to the girl washroom and entered until he realized it was GIRLS washroom there he saw a girl from his class who was also the president along with Jungkook standing near the mirror and washing her hands.

Jungkook: oh sorry 

he said and covered his eyes . 

She turned around and spoke 

Girl : jungkook? what are you doing here ??

Jungkook: I-I was searching for my little sister y/n can you check where she is jisoo-ssi ?

The girl nodded and went and checked every cubicle until she saw one locked 

Jisoo : y/n you in there ? 

Y/n: u-huh ? wh-?

She understood and went towards Jungkook

Jisoo : she is in cubicle 5 don't worry no one else is in the washroom and I can stand outside if you want ?

Jungkook: thank you so much Jisoo-ssi 

Su ah : your welcome and my name is Jiwoo not jisoo 

she smiled and went out leaving jungkook embarrassed but then Jungkook quickly ran to the 5th cubicle . 

Jungkook: y/n?

Y/n: kookie!?

a ray of hope popped up in Y/n's body hearing her brother's voice . 

Jungkook: y/n ? you Ok??

Y/n: Oppa I will die

she cried 

Jungkook: no no open the door !

he said and y/n pulled up her pants and opened the door and hugged him and started crying .He hugged her back and carressed her back 

Jungkook: tell me what happened . 

He asked and Y/n turned around showing her stained shorts .

Jungkook heaved a sigh . Y/n made him worried for a stupid reason . She got her first period . SO that was not a big deal but for y/n it was .

Jungkook: y/nie you got your first period 

Y/n gasped . She did know what they are , she learned about them in her science class . She didn't realized that because of the tension and fear .

Y/n: I-I didn't know

she said looking down

Jungkook: it's ok wait I will come back in some time

he said and went to the near by store of the school and got some tampons , pads , underwear and an extra pair of shorts .He returned and gave them to y/n . Then instructed her how to use them she was a bit uncomfortable but Jungkook comforted her .

He was always ready for this day . he knew it would happen but Now he is happy that his sister is growing up .



this chapter was kind of boring right ? I am sorry ! 

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