Shooting Stars |19 | 2/4

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Y/n fixed her over coat and hair

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Y/n fixed her over coat and hair . She went to the kitchen where her grandma was cooking . 

Her Grandma looked at Y/n and brightly smiled . " awh , you look so pretty " She complimented as Y/n smiled and thanked her . " Come and eat , you have to do great today ! " Grandma said .

The 2 started eating together . Y/n was very scared and nervous . But had confidence . She really didn't wanted to face Mr. Jeon after all she hated him but She did wanted to see Jungkook . 

he must have grown into a handsome man . She was very confident with his and her own visuals. Even though Y/n wasn't very rich she looked damn expensive. 

Her figure was so elegant .Her height was something that many girls envied . All the features on her face were noticeable and beautiful . Her smooth silky hair and milky skin made her look gorgeous . She could outcross any model . 

She is a walking goddess .

She resembled Jungkook so much . 

Like brotherlike sister . 

Y/n finally stepped out of the house and headed to the Office . Her heart was fluttering and pounding like hell ! All she prayed was for everything to go well today . 

after she stepped out of the bus her eyes roamed around and she took out her phone , then switched to google maps . The building was 4 minutes away . So she started walking with her phone kept in the handbag she was carrying . Soon she reached the building . At first she was hesitant but then took a deep breath and stepped in after showing her job interview pass . 

People quickly eyed her the moment she entered the Biggest company of Korea . Owned by her blood dad whom she HATED .

 Little did she knew that this day was going to make so many changes . All she hoped was whatever happens it should be for good not bad . 

Some girls stared at her in awe whereas some were looking at her in jealousy because of her beauty . She looked like she was a CEO . Just a perfect ideal type for boys . Boys almost passed away seeing her . 

As she was about to go to the reception to ask for help some people surrounded her . They were all dressed very well . One girl handed her a bouquet . " Hello Miss Shin ! Welcome to the Jeon Empire , It's good to have such a big CEO here at our compan-" The lady  started but y/n cut her off . 

" I'm here for a job interview " Y/n said and the bouquet left her hand as she left and went towards the receptionist " Kang Y/n " Y/n handed the receptionist the soft copy of the confirmation which she got out today . 

While Y/n was busy listening to the instructions of the receptionist . The other staff were standing there shocked and embarrassed . They were supposed to welcome a CEO of a famous company but they misunderstood Y/n as her . There was Y/n unbothered about the situation . 

Brother | J.JK| one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now