Desk Mate .

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Y/N was sitting in her room on her seat alone . today the teacher would introduce a new student who just transferred from America . Everyone was excited to have a foreigner in the class . Soon the teacher entered the class with a blonde haired boy 

" Good Morning class , This is Oliver Crat  your new classmate " The teacher introduced the boy . He had blue colored eyes and his coffee brown complemented his blonde hair , he was wearing a black colored t shirt with Blue ripped jeans and a denim jacket on top of the t shirt . The students of the class got up and greeted Oliver . " Hello I am Oliver Crat , nice to meet you " Oliver introduced himself . " You can sit with Y/n for now , Y/n raise your hand " the teacher ordered and I raised my hand. The boy made his way beside me and sat . " hey Jeon y/n here " I introduced my myself as I extended my hand for a handshake . he accepted it and squeezed my hand . " ouch! take it easy " I said and he smirked and left my hand . I frowned . he is weird . The rest of the class he kept on staring at me instead of the black board . " could you please stop staring at me? " I asked . " you are very beautiful how can someone stop staring at you " he replied . " T-thank you but it makes me feel uncomfortable " I said honestly because It's very uncomfortable as my every single move is being noticed . " oh noo , it shouldn't make you feel uneasy " he said as he put his arm around my shoulder . " don't" I told him but instead he wrapped it more tightly and pulled me towards him . I tried struggling out of his grip and . Thankfully the class ended and I quickly got up leaving the boy . Not caring about anything I ran to the next class . But again Oliver sat beside me . This time he was again staring at me despite of m telling him not to . 

That's how the rest of the day went except Now its the Lunch break and I am going  to tell my brother about . 

" Kookie!" I called out for my brother who was sitting on a table with his friends . " hey Y/nie" Jungkook said and pecked my forehead but I backed off as I was in a rush . Our class teacher was on a half day and from tomorrow she would be absent till the next week and only she could change my desk mate . but if she goes absent without changing my seat mate then it would be Horrible I can't Sit With Oliver any more and right now I wanted to tell this to Jungkook so that he could inform my teacher and then she could change my partner . " what happened ? " Jungkook asked as I backed away from the kiss. " Jungkook , Today my seat mate got changed a new American boy is my partner now , But he makes me feel uneasy like he kept on staring at me the whole day then he wrapped his hands around my shoulder and flirted with me ! Our class teacher will be on leave so please tell her to change my seat mate !" I told Jungkook . " Ohw ! Ok! I will go and meet her you sit and eat here ." he said . I hesitantly nodded and he left . 

I was impatiently sitting on the chair waiting for Jungkook. Swinging my legs proved I was nervous for some reason . " calm down Y/n-ah " Jimin , Jungkook's friend said . " Y-es" I shuttered ." Y/n"  I looked to the side and saw Jungkook with a smile , Running towards him I asked him "what happened ?" I asked getting more impatient now . " down " he said and showed me a thumbs up . I chimed in happiness and hugged him tightly " thank you kook!" he hugged me back " welcome " 



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