Cooking |15

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*Requested by : @Trastfrated * 

Y/n's POV

" You sit here , OK ?!" I shouted at my brother who has been not listening to me from past 2 hours . " Y/n But I'm ok , See ." He tried to get up so that he could show me that he isn't injured anymore but I pushed him back and laid him on the mattress , covering his body with a blanket .

" You sleep and I will manage, don't come out of the room , Bye , Love you " I quickly spoke and ran away from the room leaving the poor boy . As I came out and locked the door behind a soft sigh left my mouth . 

Yesterday Jungkook oppa injured his legs while practicing for his dance in the studio . The doctor said it's a fracture. We both have been arguing about who will cook . Today it is a lockdown which means no one can go out or no one can come in , as in a food delivery . So I can't go out and get anything nor I can order anything . means One of us had to cook .

But as Jungkook is injured I some way or the other convinced him that I will cook and he should rest . Even though I have never cooked I can try at least , right ? 

Jungkook cooks for both of us or sometimes whenever his hand mates used to come , Jin the older member used to cook and believe me he cooks delicious food . 

Our parents don't stay with us so Kookie appointed some maids who cook and take care of the household . But 'cause of this lockdown even they can come at home . 

I went in the living room with my laptop and sat on the couch. Opening it , I opened YouTube and typed "  Korean Food recipe " . The doctor prescribed Gguk to eat salad along with the meal so that it helps in his recovery . Clicking on the enter button The OS searched results and presented them in front of me . The first one said .

" easy and tasty Japchae" , the second said

" yum Jangeo-gui by Cook with JiYeon " 

I made a disgusted face after reading Jangeo-gui , I really hate it  . I don't even touch the dish so it's a BIG NO from my side then the third showed 

" Healthy and tasty Kimchi and Rice " I slightly smiled and clicked on the video . 

Jungkook and I love Kimchi and rice and I think I can make it . I saw the whole video carefully and noted the important points that the chef had mentioned . But still I found trouble understanding the recipe so that means I needed help . 

As I was done watching the video I took out my phone and called my Mother . 

" eommaa!"  I chimed happily with a hint of helpful tone . 

" My daughter , relax what happened . how is your brother ? " She asked 

" he is alright , But can you please guide me on how to make Kimchi ? " I asked 

" why are you going to cook ? " she laughed at my sentence 

" eomma , it's not funny , just tell me " I whined 

" ok , Ok , fine  . go to the kitchen . " She said and I walked to the kitchen . 

" hold on  " I said aand walked to the kitchen then I  wore a apron and connected my phone to the airpods. 

" Ok now video call me " I switched to video call and set my phone in the kitchen . 

" yes so now take out Chinese cabbage and cut it into 4 big slices . " I ran to the fridge and took the cabbage out . " mommy it's hug " I started to play with it but mom scolded me " yah ! Cut it " 

" sorry " I quickly apologized and started cutting it the way mom instructed me .  

While I was cutting it my hand got in the way which caused a small cut on my finger . I quickly sucked in the blood . " omo , Go wash it and put on a bandage " Mom said worriedly . " yes , yes" After I had treated the cut I went back to my task " done " I spoke after cutting the kimchi in long slices . " Ok now put salt in every layer " she spoke . 

I grabbed salt and started sprinking it in the layer as per the quantity mom told me .

" so now you need some flou......

And so my mom instructed me how to make Kimchi . But as I was frying it I heard a beautiful voice which made me annoyed . 

" Y/n , Do you need help ? " Jungkook called out from upstairs . " No , Oppa , I'm good , go back to sleep " I spoke sweetly even though I was annoyed . " just don't burn up the house " He spoke and went back to his room . " can't you just peacefully sleep " I spoke annoyed but he heard it "I heard it " , " wow !! " I fake reacted 

Mom chuckled at us and continued instructing me . 



" done ! " I spoke cheerefully and clapped. Finally after so much hard work. I had made the food for Jungkook and I. My mom smiled proudly.

"thank you Soo much mom love you" I smiled sheepishly . " good work, baby now go and eat. Hmm? " I nodded as response and served the dishes. Then I declined the call and started going upstairs.

As I entered Jungkook's room. I saw him staring at the ceiling. " you didn't sleep? " I frowned and kept the tray on the side table.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him "finally, you are here now tell me what you've made? " he asked me quickly.

"chill broo , I've made Kimchi and Rice but I don't know how it is " I spoke and handed him the plate of food. " where's your? " he asked "I'll eat mine first you eat" I spoke quickly " now eat " I told him. He took a bite of the Kimchi .

I looked at him because as he was eating it he had made a unreadable expression. "how's it? " I asked him and he looked at me then smiled "I'm proud of you y/n it's tasty. " I smiled happily . " really? " I asked and he nodded then held the spoon in front of my mouth . I Bent forward and ate the Kimchi. My eyes widened.

"it REALLY is good " I spoke astonished. "I know right " he smiled and took another bite. "mom helped me with it " I said and he nodded still engulfed in eating the food.

Then he shifted aside. " sit here " he made space for me to sit. I quickly went and sagged on the bed while I also covered my body with the same blanket. " take this spoon and eat " he gave me one of the spoons and I started eating along with him.


As we were done eating I kept the plate aside and using a tissue we wiped out mouths. " it was very good " he spoke " thank you " I said. Jungkook snaked his arm around my body and hugged me.

" thank you so much, I love you baby " he snuggled in the crock if my neck. "I love you too oppa, get well " I said smiling.



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