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"OMG, Jungkook Oppa, do you know I won this award yesterday?" Aria exclaimed, holding up her trophy proudly to the camera during the video call with Jungkook and Jung-mi from their respective houses. Despite Jungkook's busy schedule, he always managed to make time for both Jung-mi and Aria every one or two weeks.

Jung-mi, sitting at her study table, tried to focus on her work while Jungkook and Aria exchanged excited words. Their closeness was evident, and Jung-mi couldn't help but feel a twinge of exclusion. As they continued talking, she sensed the growing void of being left out on these video calls, making her wonder why her brother seemed to prioritize their cousin over her.

Aria continued gushing about her achievement, "I was so surprised, but hey, hard work pays off, right? Can't wait to show you the trophy in person, Jungkook Oppa!"

Jungkook, genuinely happy for Aria, responded with a warm smile, "Congratulations, Aria! That's amazing. I'm proud of you."

Trying to mask her feelings, Jung-mi joined the conversation, "Yeah, congratulations, Aria. That's really great."

"Yeah, yeah," Aria replied casually to Jung-mi, who fought the urge to roll her eyes at Aria's attitude. Determined to concentrate on her homework, Jung-mi tuned out the ongoing conversation between Jungkook and Aria.

As the call continued, Aria announced her departure, "Alright, I think I have to go now! Mom is calling! Bye Jungkook Oppa! Love you!" After exchanging farewells, Aria left the video call. Jung-mi threw her pen away and sighed in relief. "Thank god," she whispered to herself, glancing at the screen to see Jungkook busy on his phone.

Summoning the courage to initiate a conversation, Jung-mi softly spoke, "Hey, Oppa." Jungkook looked up and greeted her. "How was your day?" she asked, taking a sip of water.

"It was fine," he replied, his attention still on his phone. Unfazed, Jung-mi continued, "You know, Oppa, yesterday we had a basketball match at school! Our team won the first place! I scored 10 points for the team but ended up hurting my knee," she pouted at the end, hoping for a more engaged response from her brother.

Jungkook, seemingly uninterested, didn't acknowledge what she said. Frustrated, Jung-mi scolded him, "Yah! Keep that device down and talk to me!"

Jungkook looked at her and rolled his eyes, reluctantly keeping his phone away. "What?" he asked, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

Undeterred, Jung-mi pressed on, "I was just telling you about the basketball match. I thought you might be interested in my day."

Jungkook sighed, "I'm busy, Jung-mi. You could've also spoken up when Aria and I were catching up."

Jung-mi couldn't hold back her frustration anymore. "It's always Aria, Oppa! Every time we talk, it's like I'm invisible. She does not let me speak! Do you even realize how much time you spend with her compared to me? It's like I don't even matter."

Jungkook, appearing unbothered, retorted, "Don't be dramatic, Jung-mi. I have things to do. It's not like I'm intentionally ignoring you."

The argument escalated, with Jung-mi expressing her feelings of neglect and Jungkook defending his actions. The tension lingered as they grappled with the unspoken issues between them.

Jung-mi's frustration grew, and she couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. "It's not being dramatic, Oppa! Every time it's Aria this, Aria that. Do you even care about how I feel? I'm your sister too!"

Jungkook sighed, growing more annoyed. "Jung-mi, I don't have time for this right now. I have other things on my plate. Aria and I were just talking. Why are you making such a big deal out of it?"

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