Badmouthed | 16

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*A requested chapter by @Trasfrated *

My teeth chattered together and my body was shivering . The cloths I wore were soaked in water and now see through. I hugged my knees even tighter in order to try and protect myself from the cold but it wouldn't help much.

It has been raining from past three hours and also it's been three hours since I ran away from the house. After I had stepped out of the house the rain also started the next minute . I ran and ran until I found a bus stand where I could give myself shelter for at least a few minutes. But to my bad luck it didn't stop for hours and it's still raining now.

I leave in a area where there are less publicity means no shops, hotels ,parks or anything like that for miles . The shed did protect me a bit from the rain but not much. Because of the heavy rain all the transports also had stopped plying .

My eyes were getting heavy. But I didn't wanted to sleep because of the thoughts I was having after reading so many novels and watching k dramas.

The thought of me getting kidnapped.

Child endangerment.

Maybe after that the kidnappers would rap me?! Or sell me?! Make me their slave?!

It all haunted me which prevented me from sleeping. But who am I kidding. How long will I be able to open my eyes even more. Slowly and slowly my eyes closed making me fall asleep .




I slowly opened my eyes and blinked multiple times to adjust to the light. As I opened my eyes and the vision got clearer I was met by a beautiful white and black colored ceiling. My eyes widened as I got up aburtly and found myself in a luxury and big room. I was wearing new and warm cloths and was covered with a blanket on a bed. Means someone changed my cloths...the thought made me cry. The room was in black and white theme just as I loved it. But my biggest concern right now was where am I. Did my thoughts came true.

Am I really kidnapped?

Tears formed in my eyes and I got out of the bed and walked towards the big ads door of the room . I started banging on the door loudly. " help!!! get me out of here!!! Help!! " I cried on top of my lungs. "help!! " I banged even loudly and continued doing it for good 10 minutes. My hands were red from the harsh contact with the door. My eyes were also puffy and red.

" help me please.... " I cried and fell down on my knees with my back in the door. I covered my face with my hands.

I should have never ran away from the house. It was a bad idea. But I can't help it as well. Those people who called themselves my parents would sell me to some sort of a mafia . The moment I got to know the truth that I was not even their real daughter and they were planning on selling me and my body. I ran away for the sake of my life.

Just as I tried to get up the door opened making me fall backwards on my back as the support was gone. My head hit the floor as I looked up " ouch! " I hissed in pain . I looked up to be met by a man in his early 20's with a eye brow and lips piercing. He looked godly handsome even though I was looking upside down at his face. For a good thirty second I stared at his face until I realised that he might be my kidnapper . I quickly got up in action. " stay away from me " I told the man.

" idiot " he pushed his index finger on my forehead and pushed me away. But the pulled me with him to the bed.

" who are you?! Why did you kidnap me?! " I yelled at him "kidnap my own sister? " he spoke and walked towards the big wall sized window that covered the part of the room . As he opened the curtains the view of the outside came . it was really beautiful , The rain had stopped and the sun had come up .  "w-what?" I asked him in confusion.

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