Emotional support(1/2)|14

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Y/n's POV 

It was morning time the sun rays reached my eyes making me wake up , I rubbed my eyes and walked to the washroom , after brushing my teeth and washing my face I walked downstairs only to see mom and dad in the dinning room , Dad was looking outside the window while mom was siting on a chair with both her arms on the table . The autmosphere was gloomy . Mom looked up at me and called out " Y/n " Taking dad's attention . " you're awake , let's call Jungkook as well , we will tell them together " dad said to mom and I looked at them confused " tell what ?" Jungkook walked downstairs with sleep still hovering over him. 

Mom and dad sighed before speaking up " You grandma passed away last night in her sleep " dad said taking away my breath for a second " but-I was with her yesterday , she was well , how can she-" I blabbered out because I was not able to adjust the fact that halmoni is gone . " she was 86 years old " Jungkook spoke beside me " she also had health issues " dad said " so what , she said she will be with me " I said sadly " She also had strokes " Jungkook said " just one ! " I said " We should just be happy that she spent so much time with us , people don't even get that" mom said , I just left the kitchen and sat on the couch in the living room . My eyes were getting teary remembering that last night , the last moment I spend with her 


" just a minute halmoni it's almost done " I said while stroking paints on the canvas with a paint brush " alright " She chuckled still posing for me siting on the stool . " and... done !" I said excitedly and showed her the painting . " wow ! good work " Granny said 

After the stroke that she had last year , she was starting to forget things and forgetting words in a sentences , which I didn't minded at all until she is with me . 

" you tired ? " she asked me and I nodded yawing . " sleep dear " She told me and I nodded taking off my art apron and putting it aside along with the paints and  brushes after washing washing them . I looked at grandma who was smiling looking at me " good night halmoni " I said and making my way to the bed . She looked at me lay on the bed " Goodbye , My Y/n " She smiled and my room after closing the lights . 

End of Flashback

Grandma had offered me herself to paint a potrait of her , because she wanted to spend time with me and the last goodbye really meant the truth . It was the truth . 

I heard mom and dad talk that she had already got hint of her death and had informed a priest about it , she wanted her funeral to happen in a Korean ritual . 



" So what are we gonna do ? let's play some board games ! or maybe let's bake cookies " I told my best friend Mina , She just looked at me feeling sympathy . I had come over at my friends house at night because I didn't wanted to live at my house because it reminded me of Grandma. I didn't wanted to go there until Grandma wasn't going to come but she really wasn't going to come there making me more sad . " let's just talk " she said holding my hand and bringing me to her bed , I knew this was gonna happen , she would talk to me about the loss . 

" Ok , So tell me how is it going between you and Jake ? " I asked goofing . She sighed and smiled slightly understanding how badly I wanted to avoid the topic of my grandma . " So he asked me ou...." and she trailed off .

The night I spend talking with Mina about all kinds of stuff except for grandma . 

The next day was the funeral of granny , I was just standing there not understanding anything , Everyone over there was crying . I also saw Jungkook wiping away his tears . He was standing beside me . I'm sure he didn't wanted to cry because he wanted to give me at least some emotional support . 

After the Funeral we arrived home , there I saw bunch of white chrysanthemums , many were on the table with letters send by people who knew our grandma . The tables in the house also had the same flower . Now mom would have to write letters in return for those people who were close to granny . 

I really didn't wanted to stay here any longer so I looked at mom " Mom can I go to Aera's house?" I asked her , They knew I just wanted to avoid all this " is it because of the flowers " My dad said " You were never infected by pollens , but if you want I could give you Anti-" jungkook tried offering so that I would stay but I just shook my head " No It's fine , Mom can I go please " ; "well that's what you want so ok " mom finally gave up  . 

That night I went to Aera's house , she is a sensitive kind of girl but I just wanted to go there as Mina's parents had a meeting and they took Mina along with them . Aera was very close to my Grandma as well " let's change your room , like in with some primary colors  or maybe dark colors " I started speaking but Aera stopped me " I like the way my room is " she knew I was sad and was trying to distract myself . I started looking around the room speaking and speaking until she threw a pillow at me " wha-" I said shocked looking behind " sorry I just needed your attention and please attention and stop distracting yourself from your grief ! " She said 

" I don't wanna feel my grief , It feels horrible , My grief feels like-" I said as my eyes were staring to get teary . " Like what ?" Aera said " Like my Chest is going to explode ! " I said in tears . " Like I can't breath " I started gasping for air in my cried " and like it's the end and no-nobody understands it !" i sat down and cried  , Aera didn't wanted time and hugged me " It's alright , You can't keep all your grief bottled up in time , You will freeze in time , Talk to someone , talk to your brother , he will understand you " she comforted me . 

 I had to Walk in my house and face my grief , I can't keep myself away from it , I can't keep myself away from my house and my family and so I arrived at home the same night and entered the house only to see Jungkook sitting with Liya , The friend he made a few months  ago . They were looking into some boxes with jewelry " what are you doing ?" I asked taking there attention . Jungkook was kind of reliefed to see me there . " we are looking through Halmoni's jewelry , don't be alarmed .. Mom is amenable " Jungkook said while Liya was still looking through the jewelry . " halmoni has set aside a few things for us , Y/n this was remarked for you " He said handing me a Bracelet . " I came in here to grieve and be alone with my feelings and here you are steeling her stuff !?" I said shocked and mad 

" No body is steeling anything , she was my Grandmother too !  " Jungkook said shocked by my reaction . " Then what is she doing here ? " I asked pointing at Liya . " I guess I should give you guys some time m I'll be upstairs " Liya said and went away . Jungkook looked at her and then at me " you have no right to speak to her like that ! " He shouted at me angrily " and she has no right going through MY grandmother's stuff like it's a garage sale ! " I said , Jungkook quicly got up and glared at me " are you out of your mind ! You have no idea what's been going on , what it's been like with mom and dad . You just took off ! " he spoke and teared up making me more sad " I've been all alone with them . Trying to support them , But it's very difficult !" he started crying and I looked down in guilt

Thinking of the ' Took off line ' He was right , I was a coward , who didn't wanted to face the truth and so i just left my family all alone " Mom is unresponsive , dad is giving all his emotional energy to her . the only one who has been here with me is Liya " He cried " So what ? you're so grateful to her that you are giving her Halmoni's jewelry ? " I spoke " Not just grateful! I'm im Love with her ... S-she is my girlfriend " he said taking me off guard I looked down " I....I didn't know ..." I said 

Jungkook sat down on the couch again and sniffled . I ran and sat beside him " I am sorry oppa " I almost started crying " Grandma had figured it out a few weeks back because she was attentive , I was kind of nervous in telling others... But granny wanted me to give this bracelet to Liya as a gift " he showed me a bracelet "I'm sorry... For not staying with you guys and I miss granny just like you " I cried and Jungkook came to action and quickly hugged me "it's going to be alright, hm? " he consoled me " Everyone has to leave the world at a point , Halmoni's time had come you should be grateful for all the time she gave to us " ; " I know but she is gone and I miss her already " I hugged him tighter and cried " Me too " He cried . 


Part 2 will be out soon , It will be a short chapter but make sure to read it . 

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