Missing parts |18

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Y/n: 13
Jungkook: 18 

Jungkook heaved a sigh and laid back on the car seat. He was very tired today. at such a young he is working as the CEO of a company. The boy took over the company after his uncle died who took over when his parents passed away in a car accident. He was just 5 years old while his little sister was a newborn. Thankfully that day Y/n, his sister was at home with him and his grandma. Earlier because Y/n was a little child she needed her parents by her side all the time. But that day she wasn't really well so Y/n was at home under her grandma and brother's care. 

Because Jungkook was just 5 at the time, his uncle was ready to take the company under him but a few years back he also passed away because of cancer. 

Now that Jungkook is the CEO he has a lot of pressure under him. He is a cold and strict person because he didn't get much care from the family. He understood the meaning of losing his parents which caused him to be quiet, his sister never got care, she got used to it. It was like her grandma adopted the two kids but it didn't change Jungkook's behavior. But the old lady died which broke both the kids. How sad Y/n was at that time. She is half broken but never shows. 

Jungkook lives with Y/n. The two live together peacefully, the house is mostly quite. Both of them don't interact to each other as much because Y/n is scared of Jungkook, whereas Jungkook never takes the first step. he only speaks when he notices something wrong. 

 The car parked at the parking garage. As Jungkook got out with his suit case in the hand. He walked inside the house which was brightly lightning up, he walked towards his room and changed into another pair of cloths. Today he was kind of frustrated and mad because of his office work. He stepped out of his room but just then he noticed a swift of moments in the huge balcony where a bunch of plants and saplings were kept. He frowned and went towards the balcony where he saw Y/n crouching down and trying to hide herself. Her back was facing him so she didn't know that Jungkook was also there. He sighed deeply and pulled her up with his hands. 

Y/n flinched and looked around to see Jungkook holding her. "why are you awake till this late? " He asked madly. "I-I'm Sorry.." She softly said looking down. Jungkook scanned her from top to bottom and saw that she was wearing a short black dress. "The f*ck are you wearing!?" He sounded even more angrier. Y/n looked down and shivered. "speak up" He ordered in a deep voice. "I w-went ou-t" Words finally escaped her mouth. "went where? " He again asked gravely "I-" ; "look at me when talking!" Jungkook held her chin harshly and made her face him. 

She looked scared and also had makeup on which was a very very rare sight. Y/n was naturally beautiful, a goddess , she never wore makeup. But seeing her wear makeup, a short dress and heels angered Jungkook. he hated these types of girls. Girls who are way too young to do all this adult sh*t. He was always relaxed seeing Y/n acting like a normal good girl, the sister he wanted but seeing this side of her dissapointed him. 

Y/n stared at him with scared eyes. Jungkook's temper was always high, he couldn't face any crazy stupid sight. "speak.up" Jungkook glared at her. "m-my friends h-house" She said scared.

Actually today was Y/n's best friend's boyfriend's birthday party and she wanted forced to go there. She was wearing a normal skirt, stockings and top when she left the house but there she was forced to wear the short dress, makeup and pencil heels. Y/n very well knew Jungkook would never allow her to go at a party so she escaped from the house.

The worst of all was that today in exam's also she didn't scored really well, she was ranked the 3rd in the class which really made her sad, she was scared Jungkook would get mad because he has always been strict with her. So her friend suggested her to join her at the party and Y/n also agreed to lift up her mood. 

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