Star Child | 17

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*Jungkook: 23*

"Jung-mi used to be the golden child of this class, what happened now? suddenly the drop in grades? You've always been a wonderful and spontaneous student but this year...? What's wrong??" Mrs. Cho, Jung-mi's class teacher asked in a disappointed tone. "I'm sorry for disappointing you miss, I'll make her work harder... it's my responsibility and I promise I'll not disappoint you again" Mrs. Jeon apologized and looked at her daughter who was staring at her lap. "I hope.." sighed Cho Yanmi.

 "Jung-mi, I don't like this you see, studies are very important, they basically decide your future.. and you want to be successful, right?. so just know one thing that there's nothing more important than studies so please pay attention to studies or you'll fail" she again said looking at Jung-mi who slightly nodded. "Good, that's all for now. Thank you so much Mr. And Mrs.  Jeon for your time" She got up along with the 3. "Thank you Miss Cho" replied Mr. Jeon as they left the office. Jung-mi still did not dare to look up at her parents. Mr. And Mrs. Jeon were called to the school to meet their daughters' teacher who expressed her disappointment regarding Jung-mi's academics. 

Jung-mi grades have been dropping day by day to such an extent that now you're not even in the top 5 students of the grade which by the way is a huge dismay. Especially for someone like her. She's always been an excelling student. Be in in academics, sports or any other co-curricular. People look up to her, especially parents. her parents have always  been proud of her. 

She's their star child, just like Jungkook. 

The amount of regard, acknowledgment Jung-mi has received in her life is now hard to even remember. Little Jung-mi's goal was to make her parents feel proud, same as now. The only difference is-Now she's tired of hearing others praise her, tired of parents comparing their child to you which also has become a reason why so many students at your school don't like you. They dislike Jung-mi because she's perfect because their parents compare them to her and wish that their child was like Jung-mi. 

Little Jung-mi would love the way she was praised by other which encouraged her to push herself even more in order to prove that you're worthy of their praises, attention and admiration. That she can just get better and better. That She- The star child, is the best. She has always tried her best to get better and better everyday to such an extent that she is tired and she just couldn't get any better. 

But now things are very different. Jeon Jung-mi isn't the smart girl, the gifted girl, The Star child anymore.

 She's just Jung-mi. 

Jung-mi looked out of the window, her fists clenched ever so tightly that they're turning white now. The ride was silent until Mrs. Jeon decided to speak up "Jung-mi" Her stern voice pulled Jung-mi out of her trance. 

"y-yeah?" She quickly replied and looked in the front. "This is not what I'm expecting from you. I better see you get back on track by the next examinations, alright?" Mrs. Jeon spoke, her voice held seriousness. Jung-mi gulped and nodded. "yes mom" She replied quietly and sank in her seat. Tears pooling in the corner of her eyes. She bit her lips, harshly to control herself from breaking down in front of her parents. 

"we're leaving for Thailand today. I'll text Jungkook to come and stay with you for the next few days" Mrs. Jeon again spoke up and looked at Jung-mi who just nodded at her. Not daring to utter another word otherwise she might breakdown. 

Mr. and Mrs. Jeon own a huge company, the largest in Asia. They're very successful. The company has around 100 branches spread all around the world. Jungkook being the 23 already works in the Seoul branch. He is in his initial years of working but still is nailing it. Months back he even bought an apartment in one of the biggest societies of Seoul. Jungkook has also, always been a smart child. Everyone in The Jeon Family is successful and smart, so the pressure exists of become like them. 

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