Responsibility| 15| 2/2

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Jungkook reached home with Jung-mi still in his arms. She was in a deep slumber. He had carried her the whole way but it didn't really matter to him. She had lost a bunch of weight these days. He couldn't believe all of this went unnoticed by him. He was feeling terrible. He really was a terrible brother. 

The doctor gave Jung-mi high dose injections, she'll remain asleep for a few hours, which is its side effect. according to the doctor she has to be given the injection once a week and a few tablets. Plus a very important way to cure her depression, anxiety is to bond. Jungkook needs to make her happy, very happy. They need to enjoy themselves. She needs comfort and needs to feel safe. 

Jungkook dumped everything lined up away and decided on taking care of his sister with all his heart. But now he was going to do something really hard. he had to inform his parents as well. It took him a while to prepare himself.  He took a deep sigh and called his parents. 

"Hello, mom?" 




"Please! mom I beg you! I beg you seriously! I c-can-" Jungkook choked on his own words and fell on his knees crying. His parents were now very mad after listening to his explanation. They were now ready to come back to Korea then take Jung-mi to The states. This broke Jungkook. He wanted a chance to be a good brother. But if Mr. and Mrs. jeon take Jung-mi to America, his chance will be ruined. 

"Jungkook! please understand... it's about your sister...." Mrs. Jeon said feeling excrete pain in her heart hearing his daughter's condition and now his son crying. she also didn't liked this but had to do it for their own sake. 

"M-mom.... I promise I'll be the best brother,, I-I can... When you guys will come.. I-I assure you Ju-Jung-mi will be alright..." Jungkook sniffled. 

"I-I know you're also sad but you know your father won't agree.... I hope she gets well" His mom said over the phone. 

" s-she's my sister.... I r-regret all t-this....please g-give me a chance.. I-" 

"Jungkook" Jungkook was interrupted by a soft voice. his eyes widened and he turned around to look at Jung-mi, she had just woken up from her sleep and was rubbing her eyes. "j-Jung-mi.." Jungkook kept the phone away and made his way towards his sister. he lifted her up in his arms and went to sit on the couch with her. 

"had a nice nap?" He asked. Jung-mi was shook by this behavior of Jungkook but didn't mind it at all and loved it so she didn't object. 

"yes" She replied and snuggled in his chest. Jungkook sadly smiled and rested his head on her head. "oppa is sorry" he sighed. Jung-mi looked up at him and gulped. "what will you do to make it up for me??" She asked. "naughty girl! I'll do anything" He chuckled at her greedy answer. "mmm... you will cook for me and then we will go to the amusement park th-then! ice-cream! movie night as well!" She said showing her cute puppy eyes. 

Well this is what Jungkook was planning on doing. Making her happy, if all this makes her happy.. he is always ready for it! "we will!!" He bopped his nose with hers making her giggle. Jung-mi always was a soft person but never got treated in a way where she had to show her soft side.. 

"hey! look at this!" Jungkook pulled his phone out and showed her a meme making her laugh. Jungkook then recreated the meme face making her burst into laughter. 

"hahah! oppa! y-you look! hehehe" she laughed holding her stomach making Jungkook laugh as well. 

Little did they know that the call was still going on.. means Mr. and Mrs. Jeon were listening to everything. They smiled in relief hearing their daughter and son laugh. 

They declined the call and looked at each other. "maybe we should give Kook a chance?" Mrs. Jeon proposed. "yeah.. and because of this pandemic,, there's no flight to Korea in the next few weeks... it's in May.. 2 months from now?" Mr. jeon sighed. 

"fine, we'll give him a chance to prove himself and I believe my son" Mrs. Jeon said hopefully. "yes" 


"Jungkook that's amazing! let's go there!" said Jung-mi tugging onto Jungkook's shirt. "fine fine!" Jungkook chuckled as jung-mi dragged him to the roller coaster. 

"wieeeeeeeeeeee!!" everyone on the ride screamed when the ride took twist and turns, Jung-mi couldn't be happier. this was amazing! she was feeling overwhelmed. "yayyy!!!!!" she happily screamed throwing her hand up in the air. 


"mind chocolate, please" Jungkook ordered. The man handed Jungkook two mint chocolate cones. he headed towards the seating area near the park where Jung-mi was sitting looking at the pictures they had clicked today. "here" he handed Jung-mi the ice-cream. "oh! thank you oppa" She smiled and licked the ice-cream. "woahhh... Mint chocolate is the best" She smiled.

"yes" Jungkook bit his ice-cream as both of them stared at the sky. It was looking beautiful.. "so pretty" Jung-mi said in awe. "yes but you're prettier" Jungkook shrugged looking at his ice-cream. 

"really!?" Jung-mi said with wide eyes. "yep" he replied. without a second thought Jung-mi jumped on Jungkook and hugged him. "thank you oppa~" She kissed his face and hung on him like a koala causing both their ice-creams to fall. "what!? hahaha" Jungkook laughed and caught her before she could fall. He put his hand on her back thighs and at her back. "you know no one ever called me beautiful" she told him.

"really? you're so pretty and no one noticed that?" He said earning a nod from Jung-mi. "Thank you, I love you oppa" She said hugged him. Jungkook smiled happily and pulled her closer to her body. 




2 months later 

"Jeon Jung-mi! you brat! come here!" Jungkook ran behind Jung-mi with the medicine sin his hand and a glass of water. "it tastes disgusting!" Jung-mi said. "it doesn't has any taste you idiot!" Jungkook frowned. 

"exactly!!" She ran faster and hid behind the couch. But just then the door bell rang. Jungkook went and opened the door to be met by Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. "Mom? dad?" he said. "Jungkookie" Mrs. Jeon pulled him in a hug and Mr. Jeon patted his head. 

"mom dad?" Jung-mi's voice was heard. 

Jung-mi's condition has gotten a lot better now, thanks to the amazing care by Jungkook. He healed her. By making her happy and stress-free. He quit hang-outs and going to clubs.. literally everything. He just wanted to take care of Jung-mi.

"Jung-mi-ah!" mrs. Jeon hugged her daughter and kissed her forehead. "I missed you!" Of course Jung-mi was delighted to see her parents. Both the siblings were. 

"appa!" She hugged Mr. Jeon as well. "how are you baby?" Mrs. Jeon asked. "I'm good,, Koo took amazing care of me" she pointed at Jungkook.

"he did?" Mr. Jeon said earning a nod from Jung-mi. "very well done son" Mr. Jeon proudly patted Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook smiled and looked at Jung-mi lovingly. 

"she's my sister and It's my responsibility to take good care of her" 



I don't know what to say about this series. 

It's so bad..





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