best friends|16

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Y/n crouched down and picked up the folders that fell from her hand. With a deep sigh, she collected them all and stood up again. She stared at the girls in front of her.

Won So-young

A stream of Rage and sadness took over. These two feelings were Messing her brain.  She hated this feeling. Not thinking about it anymore she made her way out of the classroom. Leaving So-young behind. Whose eyes were empty.

Once upon a time, they used to be friends not even friend best friends but then y/n discovered that her friend just used her because of her money. Y/n was born in one of the richest South Korean families, which caused her to have many fake friends. She feels lonely now. After being heartbroken by so many friends she lost trust and is broken. 

Y/n has been very strong till now but now she felt like giving up. No more friends. She didn't interact with anyone for her own sake. But inside it hurts her. Seeing so many kids walking hand to hand with their best friends, going shopping reminded her of her old days when she was able to trust some of her friends. Like Hyeri, But unfortunately, she had to shift to another country which caused them to lose their connections. 

The worst was when sometimes she encounters her old friends walking around enjoying after giving her pain. They must have forgotten about it but she remembered. 

Sometimes she thought she wants to disappear but all she wanted was to be found.

To be found by someone with whom she could stay as a friend, She wanted to feel it.

Y/n quietly walked to the main gate where she found her brother waiting for her while talking to his friends. Before he could notice her sad face she quickly replaced it with a smile and went towards Jungkook.

" Hi, Oppa" She spoke and Jungkook looked at her. " hey Y/nie, come on let's go" He bid farewell to his friend and sat inside the car, and drove off. "how was your day? " He asked Y/n who was busy staring outside the window but something very different was going in her mind. 

Receiving no response from the 16-year-old Jungkook frowned and again asked her but a bit louder this time " How was your day??" This time Y/n got out of the trans and looked at Jungkook like a lost puppy. " Huh? " she asked staring at him with doe eyes. Jungkook frowned but then chuckled. " I asked how was your day?" He again asked and focused on the road. " i-It was good" Y/n replied and laid down back on the car seat. 

Jungkook nodded " good" he spoke almost to himself but loud enough for y/n to hear.

These last few days Jungkook has noticed changes in Y/n's lifestyle and living. She has been acting weird. She is always in deep thoughts. The joyful Y/n is not there anymore. 

He sighed thinking it might be her personal problem but somewhere he was impatient and hesitant. 

Once they reached home Y/n got out of the car and went to her room. there she changed into comfortable clothes and sat down to do her homework. Physics has always been her weak point. She always asked for help from her friends or brother. But now she doesn't have good friends. How sad it made her feel.

The next moment her phone chimed, she looked at it and saw a message from So-young. A confused look appeared on her face. Why would she message her? 

It was a video of Y/n sitting in a bar and drinking shots. Her eyes widened and she quickly got up from the chair with the phone in her hand. She recalled the day quickly. So-young and some of her friends who were boys had forced her to go to the bar. They promised they won't let her drink but she ended up drinking 'cause of a dare. 

Brother | J.JK| one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now