Gone | 15

995 32 4

*Jungkook: 24 and is an Idol*

Her heartbeat wasn't stable so wasn't the old lady who was inside the room. Her palms were sweaty and tears stains were on the cheek of the girl outside waiting for the doctor to come out and inform the health of her grandma. The place itself was scaring Y/n. She was in the emergency ward of the hospital. She was nibbling on her lip, in fact so hard that they were bleeding at some places but she couldn't care less. 

Her head shot towards the man in his late 30's.Lee Jong-suk, her bodyguard more like a family member. He used to be the manager of Mr. and Mrs. Jeon but then he chose to stay with their family in Korea.

"s-she will be alright? right?" Y/n asked hesitantly. He nodded. "she will" He tried to console her when he himself knew it's hard to save her grandma. Y/n has lived with her grandma ever since she was a child. In fact, y/n has spent more time with her grandma than her parents or brother. She nodded and suddenly the door of the room flung open as a doctor came out of the room. He was still wearing his mask. 




"Halmoni...passed away" Y/n managed to say on the call only to receive silence from the other side. She couldn't take it anymore and handed the phone to Jong-suk. She went to the other side of the hall and cried hard. 

Jong-suk sighed deeply and spoke on the call. "Jungkook, be here they will show the body for once and then they'll proceed with the packing of it" Jong-suk said biting his lips. "b-bu.., I-I'll be there" Jungkook said bursting into tears and declined the phone. He quickly got ready and left for the hospital. He also loved his grandma a lot. It was hard to believe this. But he was more worried for his sister. 



"you maybe enter" The nurse said as Y/n entered the room scared followed by Jong-suk. He stood near the window on the other side of the bed where the body was kept. Y/n went near her and closed her eyes then hugged her tightly. Silent tears left her eyes. Jungkook saw it all, he had just arrived at the hospital. He saw it from outside. He slowly went inside followed by Yoongi who had thought of tagging along with the younger one. Jungkook covered his mouth with his palms. 

His sister condition was not good. His grandma's lifeless body was on the bed. It will be the last time they will be able to see her. Then she will be gone, forever. 

He slowly stood next to the bed and saw that Y/n was silently crying hugging her grandma. She was not ready to let go off her hand and never will be, but has to someday. 

"H-halmeon-i" a mere whisper left his lips and he touched his grandma's face. Y/n looked up and saw Jungkook. "o-oppa.." she whispered as he saw her face it broke his heart into million pieces. She had tear stains and puffy eyes, chapped lips. 

He hugged his grandma's body, Y/n also hugged her tightly. She sobbed until the door again flung open revealing the nurse. "please you may bid your last goodbye so we can evacuate" She said. "No no no.. I'm not g-goi-ng" Y/n sobbed hugging her body even tighter. Jungkook sniffled and looked over at Yoongi who himself was sad and Jong-suk who looked worse. 

Jungkook slowly went to the other side and lifted up Y/n's body. "no! Oppa! leave mee!" she cried and held Grandma's hand. "oppa! no!! Halmeoni!" Jungkook shed tears as much as he could. it was hard to digest. He finally pulled Y/n away.

Just like that she left her hand, forever. 

Jong-suk sniffled seeing the little girls vulnerable state through the driver's mirror. She just wouldn't stop crying. her arms were wrapped around Jungkook's body. The two siblings were crying in each others embrace. Jungkook was on his vacation already, so he was able to reach directly. Jong-suk was driving and yoongi sat on the passengers. The siblings were in the back. The car went silent just the sobs and sniffles of Y/n and Jungkook was heard until Y/n's phone rung. 

She shifted and looked at the screen. It was her mom's phone. she wiped her tears away and picked up the phone. "hello? Y/nie" she heard her mom's polite voice. "yes m-mum" replied y/n.

"Child, we have left for the airport. thank god there was a flight. we will be there by tomorrow. Could you please give the phone to your brother? is he beside you?" Her mother said. 

"y-yea" with that Y/n handed the phone to Jungkook. he read the name and talked to her. "yes mom?" he said sniffling. 

"How are you Jungkookie?" she asked in a caring voice. "m-mom" His voice broke so did the mothers heart. "baby don't worry, take care of yourself and your sister. We will be there by tomorrow.. hm? " She said trying to console him 

"hm" that's all he could say. "ok bye take care" she said and declined the phone call. Jungkook looked at the phone and saw the wallpaper in which there was y/n hugging her brother and grandma. Jungkook still remembers this day. Jimin clicked this picture. The boys had come over at the house that day and they had a lot of fun. His grandma had cooked delicious food for them that day. It was memorable. 

A tear slipped his eyes as he closed the phone and kept it away. Again pulling Y/n's body closer to his. She laid her head on his chest and snuggled in it. He kissed her forehead and rested his head on hers'. 




The next day was the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon had returned from out of country now. Everyone got ready in black cloths. Jungkook's friends were also here dressed in black. It was a very private funeral so no paparazzi's or reporters would attack. Y/n wore her black dress and stockings. Her hair was tied in a neat ponytail. Her eyes were red and so was her cheeks and nose. Last night she wouldn't sleep only. Jungkook had to rock her to sleep. He himself found it hard to sleep. 

Everyone stood at the graveyard. When Y/n saw her grandma's body she stumbled backwards a bit but then Jungkook was their. He supported her and back hugged her. She held his hands and starred at everything that was happening. Tears brimming down her and Jungkook's eyes. Their parents stood at a corner trying to control their emotions but couldn't. 

This was also the first time when anyone saw Jong-suk crying. he also couldn't afford to see such a situation. It broke him just like it broke others.

Y/n started having hiccups when everything was finally over. she tried to cover her mouth with her hand but it wouldn't help so she ran away from there. her parents, Jong-suk and Jungkook's head shot up to her direction. Jungkook gave a little nod with his head before running behind her. he found her crouching down behind a bush, she was biting her hand trying to control her cries. Jungkook ran to her and picked her up from there. 

He carried her to a bench  near the bush. They both sat down as Jungkook removed Y/n's hand from her mouth. "o-oppa, she left me, s-she l-left my ha-nd" y/n cried and hugged Jungkook's neck. he cupped her cheeks and spoke. "But I'm here right... oppa is here. I love you as well. I'll live with you from now on. One day everybody has to go. She left too but she loves us a lot baby. She loves us" he hugged her tightly and promised himself to never leave her hand.





It's been a few months since Grandma's death. Jungkook has now shifted in with Y/n. He lives with her and her condition is better now. The boy never gets away from her. he loves her a lot. Y/n found her new back bone again but can never forget her grandma. 

"oppa! Can I have that!" Y/n pleaded and pointed towards the big teddy bear. "you are 15 " Jungkook chuckled. "so? I'm not old yet!" Y/n pouted. "haha ok! go take it, I'll pay for it" Jungkook laughed when he saw her jumping in excitement. 

She got the huge teddy bear and ran towards Jungkook. "thank you oppa! I love you!" She jumped and kissed Jungkook's cheeks. He smiled fondly and spoke. 

"I love you too baby" 



Ok this chapter was so shittyyy

I'm so sorry

Thanks for reading

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