Kidnapped| 15

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requested by: AlienChild03
Jungkook: 24

"Oppa! c'mon It's Christmas! Just today! Let's go somewhere" Y/n whines, Jungkook was sitting on the couch reading a book while Y/n was sitting beside him or sometimes on him while whining. "hey! Jeon Jungkook! Listen to me here!!" She yells and stands up in front of him snatching away the magazine from his hand. 

Jungkook lets out a frustrated sigh and stares up at the latter who has been whining for the last 2 hours. She wants to go outside with Jungkook for Christmas. Since Jungkook is a mafia Y/n never gets to go out of the house because it's dangerous for her. He definitely feels pity and guilty but for him, his sister's safety comes first. 

 "What did you call me?" He asks calmly scaring the sh*t out of her. Jungkook's calm state scares her a lot. "Uhm... Sorry Oppa!" she says and clings onto him. Jungkook lets out a ghostly laugh. 

 "But oppa do you even remember the last time we went out?" she says sadly. Jungkook sighs and looks at her. "love you know it's dangerous" he says "I know but I have my oppa who will save me from each and every danger" she says with a smile. 

Jungkook chuckles and sighs through his mouth then rests his head on the back of the couch. "I know my oppa is very strong! so kookie will save me if anything happens, right? so let's go and have fun, please~" She says climbing on him and shows him her puppy eyes. 

He hugs her and lays her head on his chest while both her legs are on each other. "ok" Jungkook finally sighs out. 

Y/n's head shots up when she hears his words. "Oh my god, really!?" she asks astonished. Jungkook nods his head with a small smile. "wow oppa! I love you!!" She cheers happily and hugs him kisses his face. 

"Let's go to the new restraunt here, I heard it serves delicious food and also has a fun center! doesn't that sounds fun?" she says smiling. "yes, it does" Jungkook kisses her cheek and smiles. He was really happy seeing his sister so happy but was also very scared. 

This young Mafia also the most strongest one of Korea is extremely cold but has the softest spot for his sister. He can never let her go away from him. She is the only person that matters the most to him. He can't see her sad, it hurts him. 

But he was taking a huge risk. 

" now go and get ready, hm?" he told her. "okie" She smiles and gets up, going to her room. Jungkook also gets up to get ready.




Minutes later Jungkook comes out of his room

He looked around for Y/n and saw her coming down the stairs ready as well

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He looked around for Y/n and saw her coming down the stairs ready as well.

"oppa, I'm ready!" She jumps almost tripping from the stairs but Jungkook holds onto her. "be careful baby" he said and puts her down. 

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