I wanted a life with you in it|15|3/3

408 22 5

10 months later

"Ugh!" Jung-mi groaned, annoyed as the yogurt, fell on her t-shirt. 

"gosh! Can you stop whining for once? what happened?" Jungkook teased Jung-mi, who was sitting at the dining table. Headphones on, eating yogurt whilst watching Tangled on her iPad. "it fell on my new shirt!" She quickly grabbed a tissue and started rubbing it on her t-shirt. 

"it's alright, I'll buy you a new one" Jungkook smiled and walked over to her. He kept his phone aside and took another tissue before cleaning the table which also had some blueberry yogurt on. "really?" she looked up at him with effervescent eyes earning a firm nod from Jungkook. 

"yay! I love you! hahaha" Jung-mi cheered and threw fists in the air. "now get changed, hurry up!" Jungkook pushed her off the seat as she skipped to her room and soon returned wearing another mint-colored t-shirt which was loosely tucked in her joggers now. 

"do you wanna go and play  basketball?" Jungkook asked her out of blue. "YES!" Jung-mi chirped "I'll bring my basketball and shoes!" She quickly dashed to her room. Wore a fabric hairband to keep her bangs out of the way, applied sunscreen, wore her shoes and grabbed the basketball and phone before running to Jungkook who filled 2 water bottles, one with protein in it for himself. 

"let's go!" Jung-mi hopped out of the house and went to the court which was luckily empty. "let's play!" 


"You're cheating!"
"you're just very tall not my fault!"
"get out of my way!" 
"SO WHAT?!" 
"Jungkook! It's your fault I fell!" 

The game was filled with Jung-mi's constant whining although the match wasn't bad. she lost by 4 points. Its was 8-12. Which definitely did not satisfy Jung-mi. Even if she is shorter than Jungkook and he had an advantage of blocking her easily. Which he did realize, after all Jung-mi kept of reminding him that throughout the match. She was screaming, shouting, mocking him and was getting annoyed because no matter what, she is a Jeon and The Jeon's are known for their competitive spirit. 

"consider yourself lucky, I wasn't in the mood of playing. I'll kill you in the next game! be careful" Jung-mi mocked Jungkook who just nodded laughing at his sister who was clearly annoyed after losing. 

They left the court and walked towards their house when Jungkook spoke up "Oh do you wanna have ice cream?" 

"YES!" She quickly replied. Jungkook nodded at her as both of the walked to the ice-cream stall. Jungkook pulled out his mask and cap, covering his face quickly before any of his fan pounced on him. "One Samanco red bean and one?" Jungkook looked at Jung-mi, who frowned "what should I have?" she wondered to herself and looked at the menu "I'll have this" She pointed at the sweet corn ice-cream. "here" The man handed them their ice cream. They thanked them and looked at each other which a poker face "Yah! You're the older one! earning in millions! You pay!" Jung-mi pointed and looked away, opening the packet. Jungkook chuckled and paid for the ice-creams. 

They both started walking around whilst eating their own ice-creams. 

"oh! do you know? yesterday I got a call from Soo-jin! she is shifting to Seoul!" Jung-mi said. "Soojin?" Jungkook asked, confused. "she was my friend in Busan. best friend in fact! we both would stay together, all the time! it was so fun  back in Busan..." she whispered the last line. 

"I know... But how are you liking Seoul now?" He asked her quickly. "It's fine.. I mean better than how it was a few months back. I did make some friends at school and it's not as bad as I thought it was. Things are getting better now." she replied, taking a bite of her ice-cream. 

"mhmm...I'm glad" Jungkook said, chewing his ice-cream. 

That day after Jung-mi fainted, Jungkook started panicking and rushed her to the near by hospital. Where they treated her. After a few days she was discharged all fit and fine. Since that day. Jungkook promised to himself that he will never ever let Jung-mi think about killing herself or feel sad. He swore to protect her and keep her happy with all his might. He did not lie when he said that. 10 months back he shifted in with Jung-mi, at his family home. He talked to Mr. and Mrs. Jeon about Jung-mi's condition, who also realized their mistake. They tried to fix things by visiting her. Talking about all her problems, giving her some leniency. But that did not let Jung-mi get very lousy with her studies and everything.

Her mind set still remains the same-1st in everything. 

Jungkook spends most of his time with Jung-mi. It definitely took him some efforts and time to get Jung-mi give him a second chance. Jungkook has not disappointed Jung-mi, since that day. people might say that Jungkook is spoiling Jung-mi but he actually isn't. He's just giving her everything she deserves and did not get in the span of 17 years. Although Jung-mi still does not addresses Jungkook as Oppa. She calls him by his name or adds 'ssi' in the end. She is now very happy, she can finally live her life to the fullest. It hurts Jungkook seeing Jung-mi getting happy even at the tiniest thing he does for her. 

She never ever got that. Jung-mi cannot thank him more. He really is bringing light and colors to her dull and dark life. She feels like the black and white pictures has got its colors, making it more beautiful. Things around her are now more clear. She's getting reasons to live again, to give life a chance... all because of Jungkook. 

Only if Jungkook had never her side. She wouldn't have gone through that hell. She still holds that little grudge but it's gradually going away because of everything he is doing for her. Now, Jungkook's first priority if Jung-mi. 

"Can I have a bite?" Jungkook asked Jung-mi, looking at her with his doe eyes. Jung-mi squinted her eyes but nodded "Only a small one though!" She quickly said and offered him her ice-cream, hesitantly. Jungkook bent over to take a bite of the ice cream. 

But instead of a small bite, he took a huge one. Almost finishing her ice-cream. Jung-mi screamed at him "YAH! THAT IS A HUGE BITE!" She cried and started hitting his arm and ran after him. Jungkook was laughing loudly and running for his life. "I'm gonna kill you oppa!" She screamed after him. Jungkook suddenly stopped on his track, causing Jung-mi to bump into him and fall on her butt. "yah! CAUGHT YA!" She smirked and started hitting his arm but he quickly turned around, flabbergasted. 

"Oppa..?" a mere whisper escaped his lips. At this even Jung-mi stopped, she couldn't help but smile softly at him "yes, You're my Oppa. Thank you so much" she hugged him, unknowingly. Jungkook hugged her back and quickly pulled back as well. Jumping on his feet, screaming out of happiness. He quickly ran towards the ice cream stall. 

"AJUSHI! I WILL BUY ALL THESE ICE-CREAMS! I'M VERY HAPPY! HAHAH! WUHUUUUU!!!!" He screamed out of happiness. Whilst Jung-mi was still sitting on the floor, laughing at his behavior. She softly smiled to herself, adoring her Brother. 

"I love you so much Oppa, Thank you." 




I have a few more chapters prepared or i will try at least.






tysm for reading. 

Brother | J.JK| one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now